Nakusp, Canada
My Dearest Reggie:
Well, your daughter-out-of-law is off to Hong-Kong, and you are stuck with me! Don't expect me to take this task up on a regular basis, though. Nor, I think, when I compare the volume of your replies to Grace's letters to mine, will you be disappointed to hear that.
I have your brief reply to my note about my own forthcoming trip, and I cannot imagine why you would be jealous of me! Remember those days around the fire, speculating about the joys and pleasures of the Leland Hotel, were we only allowed to be there, instead of blankets and saddles for pillows, out under the stars --when it was stars and not the rain? And now, just a few short years (give or take a half century) you are basking in its comforts, while I face the prospect of being crammed into a DC-4, on my way to Tokyo. Oh, I understand that you are bored with Nakusp and waiting for your final permission to return to Vancouver. But, believe me, flying across the Pacific is in no way a vacation. Even across continent is long enough that I've been tempted to ask the crew to bring a can opener to get me out of my seat on landing. Had I not been able to get such a good deal on those war-damaged C3s in the San Francisco auctions. . .
And now it is up to me to find an idle Pacific shipyard with the labour to get those horrid war-builds back into service. There is only one country we can turn to, and, of course, we can turn to it, though it shames me. So the admiral and Nanking and the memory of the kamikazes aside. . . You know that I only do this for the good of the family. (I will at least make a detour to Seoul, but I am not hopeful.)
Hopefully, by the next letter, not only will James and Grace be back from their holiday, and free at last to make a home together, but Reggie will be in Santa Clara on furlough, and even some of our other far-flung clan. If you want to take a trip down, you can even stay on and attend Homecoming at the "junior college" as "Miss V.C.'s" escort! Wouldn't that have stuck in old Leland's craw?
Well, your daughter-out-of-law is off to Hong-Kong, and you are stuck with me! Don't expect me to take this task up on a regular basis, though. Nor, I think, when I compare the volume of your replies to Grace's letters to mine, will you be disappointed to hear that.
I have your brief reply to my note about my own forthcoming trip, and I cannot imagine why you would be jealous of me! Remember those days around the fire, speculating about the joys and pleasures of the Leland Hotel, were we only allowed to be there, instead of blankets and saddles for pillows, out under the stars --when it was stars and not the rain? And now, just a few short years (give or take a half century) you are basking in its comforts, while I face the prospect of being crammed into a DC-4, on my way to Tokyo. Oh, I understand that you are bored with Nakusp and waiting for your final permission to return to Vancouver. But, believe me, flying across the Pacific is in no way a vacation. Even across continent is long enough that I've been tempted to ask the crew to bring a can opener to get me out of my seat on landing. Had I not been able to get such a good deal on those war-damaged C3s in the San Francisco auctions. . .
And now it is up to me to find an idle Pacific shipyard with the labour to get those horrid war-builds back into service. There is only one country we can turn to, and, of course, we can turn to it, though it shames me. So the admiral and Nanking and the memory of the kamikazes aside. . . You know that I only do this for the good of the family. (I will at least make a detour to Seoul, but I am not hopeful.)
Hopefully, by the next letter, not only will James and Grace be back from their holiday, and free at last to make a home together, but Reggie will be in Santa Clara on furlough, and even some of our other far-flung clan. If you want to take a trip down, you can even stay on and attend Homecoming at the "junior college" as "Miss V.C.'s" escort! Wouldn't that have stuck in old Leland's craw?
Flight, 1 August 1946
“That ‘Fifth
Freedom’” America is withdrawing from the Chicago agreement version of cabotage
at the end of the next year. Until then, there can be more talking about
talking about civil aviation!
“The Scots
Spanner” The paper doesn’t like the Civil Aviation Bill, but also doesn’t like
the Earl of Selkirk’s [!] pro-Scotland amendment, which sent the bill back to the Commons.
“The Bill in the
Commons” The paper doesn’t like the bill, doesn’t like the more left wing
members of the Labour party, doesn’t like Scotland, but is warming to IvorThomas a bit.
“Speed and
Height” British airplanes reaching new speeds and heights are good.
“World-Beaters at
Home: Grooming and Proving the High-Speed Meteors: Background to the Record”
The paper is quite excited. However, flying at high speeds at low altitudes is
very dangerous, and the cockpit gets extremely hot. The high speed record will
be set below 1200ft, even though the new Meteor IV can hit 53,000ft still
climbing! (Pilots are waiting for fully pressurised cabins and a standardised
pressure suit so that they can exploit this performance.)
“Coupled Twin: an
Interesting French Design: Improved Single-Engined Performance” The Mathis light twin exists more.
Here and There
Supermarine’s new
jet fighter, which has a wing similar to that of the Spiteful, had its first
flight this week. The Americans have decided to celebrate the first as “Army
Air Force Day,” with a mass demonstration of flying planes culminating with a
massive air raid on the Fleet. (But don’t tell anyone. It will
ruin the surprise!) The RAF has decided to get into the act by having a flypass
for the new American ambassador, after which the pilots will try to satisfy his wife’s needs. too.
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Spitfire, Spiteful, Attacker. . . (there's also a Vickers Virago). Uncle George isn't the only misogynist around here. Although, seriously. Pamela Harriman. (Btw.) |
Migration” Qantas is experimenting with delivering live chicks from Australia
to Singapore by air. Qantas is also contributing to an attempt to exterminate
Queensland’s dingo population from the air.
“Indicator,” “In
the Air, XVII: Botha, Beaufort and Whirlwind: Three Widely Differing Twins: Two
Coastal Types and an Advanced Fighter” These are some interesting and obscure
aircraft. The Botha was, “one of the most criticised British aircraft of the
war.” In ‘Indicator’s’ reading, this was because it was designed for the
Bristol Taurus engine, which failed to become available in the requisite
numbers, and this is why the Botha was overweight and could not achieve its
operational range, and why it was turned over for training. In that capacity,
it had further problems because of details of engine installation and the
shroud and flap covers that caused further losses. (And a peculiarity of fuel
supply, and it was hard to move around in the cabin, and the hydraulic system
made bad smells and random bangs.) Given that, it had some virtues as a
trainer, given that, as a torpedo aircraft is supposed to do, it flew very
nicely low and level, and so was easy to land and takeoff in. It also had well
arranged controls. The Beaufort was designed to a different specification than
the Botha, we are told, even though it did the same work, and got Taurus
engines, too –no favouritism there, I’m sure! The Beaufort had the same
reputation as the Beaufighter for swinging at takeoff and for being unpleasant
and unsafe during an engine failure, but this was a bit overstated. The Taurus,
for part of its run, was not supposed to be operated in a certain rpm range,
which apparently is a joke at best in the air. The Whirlwind was a ball of
innovations, best remembered for “the peculiarities of its hydraulic system.”
The Fowler-type lift flaps also operated, in part, as radiator flaps, which
meant that to keep the radiators cool in the climb, the plane had to be flown
with the flaps partly extended, and the cooling system in general would not
have survived on a larger airfield, since, once started, the aircraft had to be
flown off without delay, or the radiators would start to steam. On the other
hand, it was a very nice plane to fly, and “just missed its way and was
superseded before it could be developed further.”
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Blackburn Botha |
Combustion Chamber: Notes on Some B.M.W. Development Work” Currently, jet
turbines have multiple small combustion chambers, although it is thought that
once all the details are worked, out, they will use a single, large, annular
chamber. An experimental BMW 003A tried out those details. In an attempt to
create local eddy regions to prevent blow-out, the Germans inserted baffles,
experimenting with three different designs before deciding that battle plates
were not the way forward, and next experimented with different kinds of
burners, the last of which, a kind of burner ring, may be the next
developmental step, although it, too, had problems.
“Decca Navigator:
Southern England Chain of Transmitters Now Operational” The chain gives
accurate locations within yards for 300 miles around London, and is intended
for Service and Government experiments. In other aviation electronics news, the
Kollsman Instrument Division of American Square D Company has developed a
self-correcting “automatic altimeter,” which works by having regular radio
corrections beamed to it from a ground altimeter, thereby correcting for so
long as the same barometric changes are affecting both plane and ground.
American Newsletter
notices the new CAB regulations on charter airlines, points out a recent survey
which seems to show that the airlines have overestimated future passenger growth
and bought too much space, and notices that American planes are setting many
new records of the “highest altitude for aircraft carrying 1000kg of payload”
type. He also notes that both Douglas and Bell are working on experimental
types to beat the speed of sound.
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Chicago Airport, Summer, 1946 |
H. F. King, “Jet
Fighters: A Consideration of Technical and Operational Requirements” How funny
was Grace’s reaction to Mr. King’s MBE? “At least it’s not a knighthood,” she
sniffed. . .
Interestingly, he quotes Stanley Hooker as saying that the athodyd has no future as a jet fighter engine, notwithstanding the impressive Focke-Wulf design. He comments on a “controversy” as between axial and centrifugal turbines, so I suppose that’s an issue in the British establishment. Actually, Mr. King has quite a bit to say about wing forms, fuselage forms, engine installation, number of engines, power of engines, placement of empennage, and issues like the structural strength needed to fly at 600mph, never mind pull out of a dive at that speed, as well as armour and even the fact that helmets are now recommended for pilots as protection against “bumps. Autopilots may be installed, as they already are in the American twin-jet escort fighters, and work is going on to bring the cockpit covers back to the “bubble” visibility of the old ones that cannot withstand transonic speeds.
Interestingly, he quotes Stanley Hooker as saying that the athodyd has no future as a jet fighter engine, notwithstanding the impressive Focke-Wulf design. He comments on a “controversy” as between axial and centrifugal turbines, so I suppose that’s an issue in the British establishment. Actually, Mr. King has quite a bit to say about wing forms, fuselage forms, engine installation, number of engines, power of engines, placement of empennage, and issues like the structural strength needed to fly at 600mph, never mind pull out of a dive at that speed, as well as armour and even the fact that helmets are now recommended for pilots as protection against “bumps. Autopilots may be installed, as they already are in the American twin-jet escort fighters, and work is going on to bring the cockpit covers back to the “bubble” visibility of the old ones that cannot withstand transonic speeds.
Civil Aviation News
The Civil
Aviation Bill is back in the Lords so that there can be more talk about
Scotland. Scandinavian airlines are expanding. British European Airways has a
nice new head office, and expects to have 50 Vikings in service by 1 August. It
is expected that by the time this number appears on the newsstands, the CAB
will have published the modifications that must be done before the
Constellation returns to service. (Last week’s panic over the CAB’s “Show
cause” order as to whether or not the Constellation should be withdrawn from
service turns out to have been overblown.) Argentina has ordered fifteen
Bristol Freighters. The Lockheed Saturn
exists more. Scottish Airlines is starting a service to the Faeroe Islands
soon, which should be quite the challenge as they have some of the worst
weather in the world, and locally stationed RAF pilots will have fond memories
of clouded cliffs arising sheer out of the sea.
“Assistance from
Rockets: American JATO Units: Application to Civil Aircraft and Sailplanes”
Civil aircraft and sailplanes can also use rocket-assisted takeoff. The article
supplies several drawings of this happening. Pictures of rocket-assisted sailplanes are awaited.
“A Meteor Test
Height” A Meteor IV with pressurised cockpit reached 46,600 ft last week, not
quite the “over 47,000ft” recently achieved by a Bell YP-59A, but important because
the RAF pilots were casual and blasé about it, unlike the paper, which is ready
to go ga-ga.
O.S.C.-1 Air Camera: Heated ‘Bubble Installation: Remote Control of Shutter
Speeds Incorporated” Unlike the disguised catalogue entries that Grace likes to
mock, this one starts out with a mention of the recent Williamson General
Meeting, where this new solution in the field of modern air survey was
Peter J. Crofts
writes that, thanks to the paper publishing his letter, the Ministry of Civil
Avaition has kindly lowered the minimum age of runway controllers from 25 to
23, and he can again do his job. “D.I.C.” thinks that the Constellation flap
will be better served with some unsourced innuendo. A. Baron thinks that
British airlines should have air hostesses, too. The argument about birds
flying in “Vee” formations continues. A correspondent shares tips about how to
get picked up while hitch-hiking.
First hint: Don't hitch-hike. Second hint: Don't watch this movie.
The Economist, 3 August 1946
“Britain, France
and Germany” Britain and the United States have agreed to fuse their occupation
zones. This has both political and economic implications. The direct economic
implications may seem small –perhaps some movement of food from the American
sector, but from a new and larger German economic unit, further consequences must flow. The French zone of occupation would seem to have to
follow suit, but the French have differed greatly from the British on German
policy. Now, one of the reasons for the fusion is that the British believe that
they must curtail exports of coal to get out from under the
no-coal-no-work-no-coal spiral, at least long enough to produce the steel
needed to rebuild mine machinery. But France depends on Ruhr coal exports.
French coal production is now at prewar levels, but to expand its industry in line
with the Monet Plan, it must have coal. The paper therefore visualises an
extension of the proposed Franco-British Customs Union and the
Holland-Belgium-Luxembourg one to include the western zones, thereby
incorporating Ruhr coal into a larger, Europe-wide industrial plan that will
allow the western zones to stand on their own without access to their eastern
“The Health Bill”
British doctors are excitable.
“Final Settlement
for Palestine?” The attack on the King David Hotel has concentrated the world’s
attention, so naturally the Government has put forward a plan that tries to
please “Islam and Jewry and Washington” while keeping Britain’s “clear right”
to imperial security in the form of an Empire base in south Palestine. (Which
it cannot have if it just declares enough of a bad job and withdraws.)
“Civil Aviation
Progress” “Rineanna is becoming the Clapham Junction of the air.” Oh, not this
rubbish again! Anyway, the paper can’t help a waggling finger and an
I-told-you-so over the American notice that they are pulling out of the “Fifth
Freedom” clause they won at Chicago. Meanwhile, in Britain some are upset about
Prestwick and others about Aer Lingus.
“The Fourth Five
Year Plan, III: Soviet Labour Policy” The paper thinks that the Bolsheviks
clearly suffer from a great shortage of labour. It also notes that while the
plan calls for 33.5 million workers in industry in 1950, whereas extending the
1940 targets forward gets you 40 million. This shows just how badly the war has
affected the population. Even this target requires an unusually high proportion
of female and juvenile workers, and imposes a seven-day week with eight hour
days. Much labour force training will lead to rising productivity, and wages
will be structured to provide incentives for training. Both rationing and
compulsory direction of labour will be abandoned under the new plan,
notwithstanding the recently announced deportation of the Ingush and ChechenTatars, which the paper sees as provoked more by the need for labour in other
parts of the country than as punishment for collaboration, as the Bolsheviks
explain it.
Notes of the Week
“Voting Procedure
at Paris” They’re voting on the voting procedure at the foreign minister’s conference
in Paris, or something of the sort.
“The Moslem
League Bolts” Shares in Pakistan/Hindu Raj are up again this week. The paper
makes grand pronouncements about Indian public opinion and Britain’s role in
India. (It cannot quite get its mind around the idea that Britain’s role in
India is to get out, even though this is another article in an endless series
on exactly the process of Britain getting out.)
“German Assets in
Austria” The Russians are upset that they’re not getting what they think is
their proper share. (With an eye to what Grace might say, I have to concede
that the paper seems to take the Austrian position.)
“Housing Debate”
Now, where is that stencil Grace lent me? Ah! The Government is BUNGLING
housing! It does make summarising these political articles so much faster.
“Canadian Wheat
Agreement” Canada has guaranteed to supply between 140 and 160 million bushels
for the next four years at a price $1.55 below the American, amounting to
two-thirds of British imports, which will not have to be paid for out of the
American loan. The paper says that this is only stabilising the market, and
that the FAO and Americans cannot object, even though they are; and, anyway, if
the rest of the world cannot come to a global wheat agreement, then all of the
other buyers and sellers are to blame, and the British bread buyer will be
grateful to have locked in these prices when the inevitable shortages reappear.
Analysis” The Conservatives may or may not come back in 1949.
“Unrra’s Last Council?”
The Unrra needs more money from supporting governments if it is to continue its
meteoric rise to the top of the world talk-shop standings. I’ll say. I haven’t
heard about the atomic bomb blowing us back to the Stone Age in quite weeks!
Though that may be because everyone has gone away to the cottage.
“The Greek Purge
Goes On” The paper scolds Premier Tsaldaris for outlawing the Executive of the
Confederation of Labour. It’s quite undemocratic!
“South Schleswig
and the Danes” Danes are excitable.
“How to Build a
Town” The paper finds this to be a daunting task, fit for “men and women of the
highest calibre.” Around here, it just takes a huckster, a big farmer who wants out of the business, and perhaps a bribable county commissioner, but perhaps the British labour shortage has brought the higher calibres in sight of the lowest denominator.
“Building the
Green Belt” The paper sees this as a daunting task. I would throw in an “etc.,”
here except that the next two bits are “Paid or Unpaid Counsellors” so the
paper is going down that road on its own.
“More Power for
the UGC” The University Grants Committee should have more of a role in giving
out grants, as “The Government is anxious to do as little as possible to
infringe the independence of the universities” However, there should be Plans
and Commitments so that the universities know what is to be expected of them,
or they will duck inside their shells and all the prospective new students will
bounce off their bony carapace, and there will be no (stencil, please!) Full
Technical Efficiency. I sometimes think that Grace’s rather unfeminine
mathematical precocity blinds her to the difficulties that mere mortals
experience in absorbing a proper technical education, but watching the paper
strain at discovering the dark consequences that must surely ensue for
university enrollment if the universities are given more power and money is hilarious.
“The Place of
ILO” International Labour Organisation, that is. That is, within the grand international
bureaucracy that encompasses the Food and Agricultural Organisation and the United
Nations Educational and Scientific Organisation and the Social and Economic
Council and so on and so forth. The paper will not be happy until it can talk
about the administrative implications of the organisational reforms of the
planning process for the reallocation of allowances within the framework
of policy on a global scale.
“South Tirol
Debated” By the Commons, that is. Italy gets South Tirol, and the House is
disgusted, because Vienna (Hitler’s first victim!) deserves it. Italians are
swarthy, you see.
Administration in Germany” “The sub-committee’s impression of the British
administration was not entirely favourable.” That’s the paper’s way of saying
that the Government is BUNGLING Germany. But have no fear, for if “reforms are
introduced at once,” all will be sunny.
Shorter Notes
“A minor but revolutionary change”
(emphasis your humble correspondent) is to be made in British divorce law effective
6 August, having to do with the length of time that must elapse during the
process. I wouldn’t mention it were the paper not being the paper. London City
Council is introducing a kind of hostel for the accommodation of vagrants,
since they do not keep situations if they are found work but not homes. The
paper is interested in seeing what comes of it in terms of steadying the men.
“Statistics of births for the quarter April to June, 1946, show a birth-rate of
19.2 per 1000 of population, the highest recorded for any quarter since 1925.
With the process of resettlement into civilian life these levels are likely to
be maintained for some months longer. But the reaction will be all the
sharper.” This is the kind of quote that Grace would read aloud to me, as
showing how resistant the paper is to the idea that a generous social policy is
a good family policy. No matter how many months the elevated birth rate continues,
the paper persists in seeing it as an incomprehensible departure driven by
transient causes, soon to collapse, rather than a natural outcome when the
couples that deferred their families in the Thirties are able to earn enough to
make them up. I mention this, of course, because I am reluctantly persuaded
(and have told the Earl this.) Grace and James time the “reaction,” which will
be only a reversion to the previous trend, and not depressed below it, to
1950/1. Though their actual dating seems a little like numerology to me! (James
has turned to something called “Bayesian maths” to narrow down his prediction,
which seems like adding astrology to the numerology, but what do I know?)
American Survey
“Some Like It
Cold” (From a Correspondent in Iowa)
The paper’s
correspondent must have been having a slow day, since he is recapitulating a Fortune article from two years ago.
Birds-Eye and Honor Foods dominate the flash-frozen food markets, originally
selling to institutions, but now increasingly to private consumers with
freezing compartments in their refrigerators; meanwhile, the community
frozen-locker idea has expanded from 100
North American plants in 1936 to 8000 today.
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Is the drum thing a 1946 fad with no legs, or was Henry Luce the only guy who liked it? |
American Notes
Balance-Sheet” The 79th Congress is over. It was the last of the War
Congresses. It was very dilatory, and it is all Mr. Truman’s fault.
“New Production
Peaks” In a recent announcement, Mr. Henry Wallace said that American
production has already regained an annual rate of $185 billion, compared with
the 1945 peak rate of $205 billion. Private capital formation is running at an
equivalent annual rate of $25 billion in the last quarter, against $19 billion
in the first quarter and “quite exiguous rates in 1945.” The rate of increae in
consumer spending is declining, however. Nevertheless, total employment has hit
56,740,000, well within range of the “sixty million jobs” “dramatized” by Mr.
Wallace three years ago, and an acute labour shortage is predicted, though so
is deflation, 8 million unemployed in the fall, though not recently. Also more
however, labour strife might follow from labour shortages. That is, worse
strife than we have now.
Stock-Piles” Congress wants to stock-pile some strategic materials such as
rubber, and the President has agreed.
“Merchants of
Death” The Mead Investigating Committee has found that some arms merchants were
corrupt! (I know, the idea!) Of course, it is just reporting on the Garrsons
and Representative May, again.
Volunteers” The Army’s draft holiday is going better than expected, but still
badly, and it is eager to get its slice of college graduates in the spring, in
particular. However, it is also getting far more Coloured volunteers than it
wants. The Army wants no more Coloured troops than the general population, and
right now they represent 1 in 6 volunteers. This is only because of social
prejudice against Coloured veterans. The Army is thinking of the
plight of ex-soldiers. Though “a preponderance of Negroes in the Army would
choke off White volunteers,” of course. Also, they just naturally cannot serve
in the European Theatre of Operations, and they have been barred from enlisting
in all but 48 specialist categories. President Truman is under some pressure to
end this discrimination, with the elections coming up.
“New Credit
Controls” The Senate is considering controls to prevent interest rates from
going up, with consequences for the Federal budget which can only be imagined.
Critics reply that even the most “easy money” side must admit that there is too
much money about, so that interest rates must go up.
The World Overseas
“After Unrra?”
The Unrra has shipped vast amounts of food, shoes and many other things about
the world in the last year. Does that mean that it can be wound up? No, because
the work of agricultural reconstruction has hardly even begun. Also, some
countries still cannot pay for their food imports (Greece, Poland,
Czechoslovakia) and Austria is expected to suffer famine next year. It is
thought that if the Unrra’s full programme is carried through, the food
shortage may be over by the spring of 1947, and at that point it can be wound
up. But who will carry on the permanent work that is still needed?
“Middle East
Currents” If you are not to write a bit about how there might be a “Palestine
settlement,” I suppose that you have to choose a vague title like this, because
what else is happening in the Middle East, really? Well, there is a resurgence
of the “non-communist left,” and, in other stories with other titles, talk of
changes in Egyptian politics, and the warning bugles call out that “British
prestige [is] Waning.” This is because we haven’t sent a gunboat to shoot up
Jerusalem over the King David hotel bombing, I imagine without reading the bit
in any detail.
“The Greek Economy,
III: Greece’s Balance of Payments” Greece has negligible exports, and a huge
government debt to the Bank of Greece. The last such debt was wiped out by war
and inflation, but for a more responsible policy, production levels and
taxation must be restored. In the mean time, the Government (and Greeks) can
just use gold instead of drachmas. It is, above all, a matter of replacing the
German market, which once took so much of Greece’s tobacco, olives and wine.
The Business World
“Recovery in Exports” Trade is running well ahead of what was expected, but the North American
market still disappoints, as does Australia and New Zealand, perhaps because of
shipping limits, although South Africa remains Britain’s largest export market.
Welding” Quite a reasonable and
reasoned discussion in comparison to the “Welding equals America equals
progress” nonsense that I expected.
Business Notes
The paper would
like an easy explanation for the “reaction” in stock prices, but can’t find
one, and settles for dreamy metaphors of boats drifting. It thinks that the
failure of the Birmingham bond conversion is a bad sign, thinks that the
Government is BUNGLING steel and rail rates, discusses the use of the dollar
loan so far –very interesting to us—has thoughts on
the stock offers, admits that the harvest will be up in North America but holds
out hope that it will be down in Europe in spite of dispiriting early signs of
a bumper crop in the northwest and rapid recovery elsewhere outside of Iberia.
The French are fiddling with their regulations on foreign investment, London
Transport fares are set to rise, building workers and seamen want a pay-rise,
and various earnings are up, down and sideways. Also, the Jugoslavs repatriated
some of their gold, now that it is agreed that it is their gold.
Flight, 8 August 1946
“That Little
More” The paper is upset that civil aircraft owners’ gasoline is being
“Back to Skids”
Stowing undercarriages in the thin wings of jets is hard, so perhaps we need to
go back to skids.
Problems” Pressurising is hard. The paper publishes a story about Boscombe
Down’s problems with it when it began to work on pressurised aircraft i n 1940.
![]() |
Vickers Wellington VI. (Source: does not attribute photograph.) |
D. W. Lucke, “A
Blown-Up ‘Wimpey:” Some Impressions of Early Experiments on Cabin Supercharging
and High-altitude Flying” Well if this doesn’t beat it all. It turns out that
you lads were working on a special, high-altitude Wellington bomber way back in
September 1940? Were you keeping this from your cousin, Reg? Or did they give
up on it as a bad job before you came on board? Hydraulics were afflicted with
awful surging due to oil thickening with temperatures that fell as low as -73
on one occasion. Instrument flying had to be practiced above 20,000ft due to
oil misting from the cabin blowers and frosting due to humidity. Various other
ridiculous-sounding problems had emerged by 1942, but the author also refers to
a later plane “very similar” to the Wellington VI.
Flt Lt. A.
Mirsky, “Glider Training for Fighter Pilots: German Wartime Experiments: Initial
Instruction on Towed Aircraft” I thought that we had decided that this didn’t
work? Flt Lt. Mirsky likes sailplanes very much, and thinks that therefore they
should be used for introductory flight training, even if they don’t work.
Perhaps we could launch them from cadet training sailing ships, using army
recruits with weighted boots!
Kenneth J. Key,
AFRAeS, “Landing Gear for Jet Fighters: some Notes on Design Trends” As the
paper says in the leading article, getting rid of the undercarriage would make
jet fighters much lighter, so if it is feasible, it should be done, by all
Weighbridge” American Cox and Stevens company offers a briefcase-like portable
strain-gauge measuring equipment, licensed in Britain by British Aviation
“New York
Terminals: Some Comments on Congestion, Costs, Problems and Politics: Idlewild
and Islip” The paper gives its typically Pollyannish treatment of the same
problems that enrage Fortune (see
below), explaining how the American airlines will solve all the problems even
though the City of New York is BUNGLING airline development.
“Ireland and Air
Transport” The paper must be put out that it was the Economist that managed to get it into print first that Rineanna
is destined to be the Clapham Junction of the air, and so gives the little
Irish town where all transatlantic airliners must stop for breakfast an entire
Civil Aviation News
“Commons Rejects
Lords’ Amendment” The paper covers developments in greater length than The Economist, but is perhaps more at
sea with constitutional news. In shorter news, there is talk of a BOAC Central American
service, while BOAC has carried out its own modifications to the Constellation
fuel supply, which would be of more note had the Pennsylvania crash anything to
do with fuel supply. There is talk of commercial helicopters again, the
internationalisation of civil air, whatever that means, an Irish airline
strategy, and more talk of the Caribbean.
Preparations” Are ongoing.
Clarkson corrects the paper. The Douglas XB-43 is a new design, and not a
piston-engined machine converted to jet engines. The paper corrects Clarkson
back, as he is just making things up. W.M.C.H. writes to say that the Wayfarer
that recently ditched in the South Atlantic did not have a navigator. “Stressman” writes to explain that the original
P-51 was about 7% heavier, part-by-part, than the Spitfire IX due to design for
production instead of performance. F. E. Young (Flight Engineer) writes in
praise of “Joe ‘Erk,” and J. H. R. wants to know what private owners’ operating
costs are.
Aircraft Losses: Maclaren Anti-Strike Coolant Protection System: Automatic
Isolation of Damaged Sections” Each section of the radiator is shielded by a
wire mesh carrying a current. If the mesh is penetrated by a bullet, current is
interrupted, a switch is thrown, and a fusible link is blown, causing irising
valves in the coolant tubes to close, isolating the lost sections from the
coolant circuit. Making the mesh was a challenge, with copper conducting strips
electrolytic ally laid on a stencil, then moulded under pressure between
bakelised linen sheets, and the valves were tricky engineering.
Here and There
The Australians
are bringing back the Flying Doctors Service. Various foreign services are
sending people to tour England. The Air Ministry is updating its list of
missing airmen. U.S. National Airways has reduced the number of seats in its
DC-4s on the Miami run from 58 to 46. A Lille-London service is starting.
Howard Hughes’ accident is reported. Air Vice Marshal Sir Robert Stanley Aitken
is to be director of the RadioTel group. The Hughes Hercules exists more.
The Economist, 10 August 1946
“First Twelve
Months” The Government is BUNGING governing! It is good for a Labour government
(not much to compare it to, though, is there?), but it is hampered by its “lack
of top men.”
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"We have top men working on it!" ["[A] house made of two converted railway carriages. . ."] |
“Japan Under
Control” The paper is quite pleased that a Japanese non-communist left has emerged, and that the Japanese have managed to have a
national election, and seem tediously set on restoring their prosperity rather
than having a dark and gloomy crisis of some kind.
Relations, III: Personnel Management” The paper emits a word cloud, allowing it
to end with some ruminations on whether or not it might be possible to have
some demonstration companies where the unions get everything they ask for, just
to see if the workers stop being lazy, as Grace would paraphrase.
“Union in the Low
Countries” I gather that there are a score or so of old counties in the flat
lands around the river mouths, that they have been more-or-less unified many
times before, that now they are to try for something on the “more” side while
still being three countries of a score or so counties. “The empire, long
divided, must unite. . ..” It will be good for trade and iron and steel and
Notes of the Week
“Voting Quibbles”
Did you know that there is a “Committee on Procedure of the Paris Conference”?
There is! And it is quibbling!
“Palestine Plan
Without the Americans?” Kick out the British, Jews and Arabs, too, and a
settlement will be reached in no time! (Which might work if the actual Jews, Arabs, British and
Americans are kicked out, too. Perhaps some Bugandans or Tais could be
persuaded to settle there?)
“Law and Order in
Persia” “The British Government put out a statement,” the paper begins, because
the way forward to public order, well-proven in China, is for foreigners to
stick their noses in. “Affronts to Persian pride are to be regretted,” the
paper goes on. But, oh well, you can’t hit a native in the face with a
truncheon without breaking some noses, as the saying goes. As far as
substance goes, we’re on about the Persian communist party’s place in the
The anthem of the Hezb-e Tudeh-ye Iran
Allowances” Britain is introducing Family Allowances, apparently a social advance sought on the distaff side all the way back to 1795, with William Pitt contemplating it whe not dispatching secret agents all the way to Nootka Cove to start wars. The paper points out that a family allowance ample to the needs of poor children
does not come close to public school fees, so in the interests of simple fairness,
the income tax deduction for children should also be increased.
“Higher Pensions
for the Old” The paper seems to be arguing that since the idea that the old
need more money is agreed by all, we can naturally move on to the quite
separate question of providing for all of their other needs, as “cash benefits
are not enough.”
“The Regular
Army” Is too large, and also too small. Also, it is not pleasant to be in. If
they fixed that, perhaps it would get more recruits, and be large enough, and
also too large.
“New Wage Scale
in France” Up 20%, with some provision for women, too. This should end the
ongoing labour strife ahead of the elections, it is hoped.
“Butter, Bacon
and Eggs” An agreement with the Danes gets Britain breakfast at prices so low
that the Danes must subsidise their producers, in return for getting
desperately-needed foreign exchange.
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Source |
“European Food
Situation” The paper cites various reports, including that of the Unrra, to
refute travellers’ tales to the effect that Europeans are getting more than
enough food. On the contrary, they are living hand-to-mouth, except for farm
dwellers and black marketeers, Stockpiles are inadequate, and the prospects are
“gloomy indeed.”
“Food Control,
1939—1945” The paper tells the tale of those long-ago days when food control
was effective, and it was shipping, and not foreign exchange, which limited it.
In related news, there are changes in the way that milk is marketed and
supplied. In not at all related news, but in no way deserving of a paragraph
break, the end of the war has allowed the London police to make up their
Dutch, French,
and the Southern Lands are excitable. [Vietnam, Dalat conference.] The paper
even takes the time to explain the ethnic makeup of the whole Bach Viet. Its
brush spreads the ink with grand strokes, speaking of Chams and Annamese,
Mekong and Red River valleys.
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A building in the hill station of Da Lat, Vietnam, in 1925, 26 years before the Da Lat conference. |
Letters to the Editor
R. R. Hobson, of
28 Princes Square has written some kind of
parody in support of Grace's anti-anti-communism. Apparently the only way of preventing the “Russian
masses” from launching WWIII is to threaten to launch WWIII. Frederick Smith,
of the M. Inst. T., writes about road rates and carrying licenses. The paper
sharply disagrees with him in an ed. Note.
American Survey
“Vacation, 1946”
A Correspondent in Connecticut notices that Americans are all on vacation this
month. Gas is plentiful and cheap, twenty-five million passenger cars still run
(compared with 29 million before the war), and with a “don’t tread on me” opinion,
the American bundles his family into his “old bus” and heads for the empty
spaces –only to discover that all the inns were booked months ago. It’s a $10
billion holiday season, as, after ten months of waiting from the Japanese
generals giving up their swords, Americans finally get their break. There is
money, there are vacation weeks to take at increasingly-unionised work places,
and the temperature in New York and Washington is at least ten degrees north of
human (believe me!) The paper waves a scolding finger, pointing out that this
means that there will be no-one to do the work. Summer vacation will doom America. I rubbed my eyes and read it again, but that's still what it said.
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I'm cheating a little, in that Fortune runs the "Sunburn, poison ivy and seasickness will ruin America" article from which I take this next year, in August 1947. Still. |
American Notes
Budget” The federal budget has quite a large deficit, and Congress thinks that
the President’s plan to finance it by higher taxes is “quite unrealistic.”
“Veterans in
Politics” Veterans can demand Congress give them stuff, such as a recent
“terminal leave pay” bonus for leaves owed but not taken. The paper looks
sourly ahead to decades of handouts to those ungrateful veterans, oblivious to
how much they owe their country for the privilege of a four-uyear, all-expense
paid vacation shooting Japanese, Germans, and less sensible Italians.
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Something something Trump voter |
“Tidelands Oil”
The fight over oil lying between shoreline and three miles out, on since before
the Teapot Dome, continues. The states want it, and the oil industry is
lobbying for them in Washington. Also, housing has had various setbacks. After
a creditable 475,000 starts in June, housing starts in July were at December
1945 levels. This is largely because of rollbacks in the prefabricated housing
share. Also, the Wyatt Bill failed to pass, cutting subsidies for public and
private housing, as well as for housing research and slum clearance. Mr. Wyatt
blames the real estate lobby, but the paper thinks that this is dubious, since
it would be short-sighted. Because who ever heard of a short-sighted property
The World Overseas
“’Power Politics’
in Paris” Argle bargle Paris Conference. Which is actually the paper’s
“The Argentine
Economy” Argentina, having gone in ten years from being a debtor country almost
too a creditor nation, looks forward to continuing domestic prosperity, in
spite of not being run in a particularly businesslike way, with excessive
deficits, over-low taxation and an increasingly inflationary situation.
“The Greek
Economy, IV: The Way to Recovery” “The picturesque squalor and primitive
condition of the Greek peasants and islanders” struck the visitor of the thirities,
and would strike the traveller of today as even worse, if there were any. The
paper councils sound government, internal economy, a solid currency, and
industry for all. Instead, the Greeks are getting a settlement from the World
Bank to head off inflation.
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Maybe he's smoking Greek tobacco. |
The Business World
Inflation” Depending on how you measure inflation, inflation is higher or
lower. By the paper’s preferred measure, the British have made more regular
wage gains than Americans, who have made most of their war income from
overtime. If this continues, inflation will surely break out in an
uncontrollable way, as it has not yet.
“Shortage of
Silver” The silver bloc’s machinations have created a shortage of industrial
silver. At least it has alleviated hoarding in India and Saudi Arabia by
special lend-lease shipments of bullion. Although once the lend-lease reaches
its term and needs to be repaid the rest of the world will need to find three
times the annual world production to repay the United States. A nickel coinage
in India and other places might help, but it looks as though the silver
shortage will be prolonged.
At least we can look forward to Senator McCarren's heartful apology for destabilising the world's silver standard nations.
Business Notes
The Coal Board
has authorised a £164 million total coal compensation award. The Economic Journal has published the
last work of Lord Keynes, which predicts that there will not be, contrary to
widespread opinion, a dollar shortage. The oil duty is to go, trade recovered
in the second quarter, British steel prices are still higher than American, the
rubber market probably won’t support a large American synthetic rubber industry
there has been progress in clearing the wool surplus, shellac is coming off
control, while soap is still being rationed, with substitutes now being
considered. The Germans used hydrogenation to make ersatz soap of solid fats so
that vegetable products could be used, and petroleum based substitutes have
some usefulness. Finally, the paper has a brief on the recent government ship
sales. It thinks that British Government surplus merchant ship sales have been
unexpectedly strong. Liberties are going for £150,000, and prewar C2s for £250,000.
The United States, it says here, is to scrap 700 ships, and lay up the unsold
surplus of 3500 in 1947. I have my own views (I don’t disagree, but I have
caveats), and far more to say about developments.
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SS Donald McKay: half the size of a Liberty by DWT, nearly as efficient by cargo lift, and much faster. |
Flight, 15 August 1946
Record Attempt” The speed record attempt will be made very soon.
“Cause and
‘Effect’” Mr. Coanda, the well-known aerial inventor, is on about something
called the “Coanda Effect.” It may or may not be worth fussing about, the paper
First” London Airport, the Minister said in April, would be able to deal with
120 aircraft an hour in bad weather conditions, as the completed airport will
have three runways in each direction. The fact that it has only one in use
right now, will have at best three (total) next winter is BUNGLING. That Heathrow (the
place’s name in the second paragraph) only currently deals with only 30
aircraft a day is no excuse, because the number is steadily increasing, and,
before you say, ah-ha, Northolt, don’t forget that bad weather happens at
Northolt, too, and its traffic might have to be diverted to Heathrow! Therefore,
the paper has some suggestions about the approach system to be used at London
Airport (the name used in the third and fourth paragraphs). It should have
radio and radar, and it is imperative that several systems, completely
independent, be made available. For example, some old hands do not like Ground Control Approach. Others like Lorenz and SBA. Let a hundred blossoms bloom! (At
least then the Ministry cannot be accused of BUNGLING by virtue of neglecting
one system or another.)
for Aircraft: Their Characteristics and Some Possible Applications” Dr. Hooker
thinks that the athodyd (or “ramjet”) has no future as an aircraft engine. Mr.
Relf thinks the aero-thermo-dynamic duct is a most interesting and fruitful
field of research. Ben Lockspeiser confirms that research is ongoing in this
country. This article explains what an athodyd is: a through-tube into which
fuel is injected. Air, taken at supersonic speeds through the front inlet of
the aircraft, is combusted in the fuel, and expelled as reaction mass through
the rear. It is a rocket which uses air as oxidiser, in other words. Unfortunately,
this means that it will lose power with altitude. The United States Navy is
working on an athodyd missile called the Cobra, and the Germans, as they were
wont to do, drew up a “paper aeroplane” ramjet fighter or two. The V-1, which
had a “pulsing athodyd,” serves as being as close to a proof of concept as yet
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Nuclear-powered, yet! |
The Fl.
282 used to almost exist more.
Here and There
The B-36
made a 38-minute maiden flight last week. It is “claimed to be,” the paper
says, the world’s largest bomber. If the RAF is working on something bigger, they'll need a very large drop-cloth. A BSAA
Lancaster recently completed the last thousand miles of its flight from Chile
to London with an engine feathered, but has an excuse: it was carrying a
medical case. The Swedes have recently confirmed that
radio-controlled rockets of unknown origin are crossing their territory.
Perhaps as many as 200 flights have been made, although no rocket parts have
been found. The Danes were very impressed with the Wayfarer recently. The paper
makes fun of a young German pilot for applying to work for BOAC. Two crewless
B-17s recently made a 2400-mile flight from Muroc, California, with a practice
bombing run at sea. They were controlled from a mother aircraft flying in
formation with them. We'll hear more about this below, but for now I want to point out that there are elements within the USAAF --and, more importantly for your boy, the Navy-- promoting pilotless aircraft.
Test Pilots, No. 13: Eric Greenwood, OBE: Chief Test Pilot Gloster Aircraft
Co., Ltd” Greenwood was an RAF SSC in the early 30s, leaving the service to be
a barnstormer with Lord Douglas Hamilton’s flying circus, but perhaps finding that
he was adding too much tone, left this exciting career for the Penang Flying Club, and from there to
various adventures before getting on with Hawker Siddeley, where he enjoyed the
attentions of the Tiger (“a test pilot’s nightmare”) in various airframes, and
was finally liberated from that to the AST, where he test flew Allisons until
finally being put in a Meteor.
L. F.
Thompson, “Swordfish Across the States: From Nova Scotia to san Francisco in
Four ‘Stringbags’: Some Samples of American Weather” Mr. Thompson had an
adventure last summer.
Aircraft: Some Australian Types and Their Plans and Capabilities” They makeaircraft in Australia, now.
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Another Australian original, and far too conceptually ambitious. |
Technicalities: Airframes and Power Units: Course and Timing Arrangements” More
coverage of the upcoming speed record attempt.
Civil Aviation News
BOAC and
subsidiary airlines have appointed more directors. The Ministry is being reorganised.
The first of six Vickers Vikings have been delivered to the Indian National
Airways. There has been progress at Heathrow, otherwise known in the next
sentence as London Airport. (QBH arrangements have been finalised, so at least
one blind landing system is in place. Also, its weather office has some new gadgets.
) Denmark is buying the Decca system.
David Brice, “Over the Andes: Planning the BSAA Buenos Aires-Santiago Extension”
With its new Lancastrian, BSAA will be able to fly right over the mountains instead
of weaving its way through them. Previously, a local service in DC-3s (ceiling:
10,500ft) flew through a gorge extending between Mendoza and Santiago, at one
point flying under Cerro Aconcagua, 22,855ft high, a spectacular view, but hard
to enjoy due to all the turbulence and 60 knot winds.
Model Contest”
Flow: An Interesting Method of Fluid-Flow Augmentation with Attractive Possibilities”
This is an extended article on the so-called Coanda effect. The question is
whether it is a legitimate aerodynamic phenomenon, or more Roumanian
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Of course the best-known application of the Coanda effect is a flying saucer. |
J. Dubbury
writes that laminar flow wings of thicker section ought to tolerate much
greater deviations from perfect flatness than thin ones. (That is, might actually work.) EFTS politely suggests
that “Indicator” is confabulating his wartime reminiscences, and “Ex-Whirlwind
pilot” puts the point more plainly: the Whirlwind only needed to keep its flaps
open to improve engine cooling on “operational” climbs, not regular ones. Also,
"Indicator" forgot to mention that the Whirlwind was used for dive bombing. V. L.
Dickinson thinks that all of the country’s countless thousands of pilots should
be kept in training by leasing surplus service airfields to them and reviving the
Civil Air Guard subsidy. Then they could even enjoy weekend flights to Ostend
or Brugges to pick up bread and milk! Also, there are too many buildings in
London these days. Why not tear down a few and put up some airfields in
convenient tram distance of Piccadilly Circus?
Aviation, August 1946
Down the Years in AVIATION’s Log
Twenty five years
ago, Admiral Moffett became the first “air admiral." In America, as old Reggie Phillimore would remind us. Army launched sham air
raids on New York and other cities, the Chicago-Minneapolis air mail service
was suspended for lack of funds, and Canada inaugurated aerial fire patrols in
BC using HS-2L flying boats. Fifteen years ago, a Lockheed Altair with
retractable landing gear flew 1300 miles from Vancouver to Mexico in 7hr, 48
min, breaking the old record by 1hr 26 min. Post and Gatty fly around the
world in 8 days, 15 hours and 51 minutes. Akron
took to the air, and Amelia Earheart flew an autogiro 11,000 miles in 150
hrs. Ten years ago, Delta Airlines reported less than 1% lost time, the
Lockheed 12 went on sale, the French government offered a 10-million-franc
award for the development of an aerial diesel engine capable of flying across
the Atlantic, while Imperial and PAA announced New York-Bermuda services and a
French line bought Sikorsky S-43s for a west African service. The Navy ordered
50 Consolidated flying boat patrol bombers, 191 dive bombers form Curtiss,
Vought and Northrop, and 60 Consolidated XP3Y flying boats.
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Between the Altair, Sirius, Vega and Electra, Lockheed managed to kill Charles Kingford Smith, Amelia Earheart, Wiley Post and Will Rogers. That's pretty impressive for a single company. |
No line
Aviation Editorial: “Bikini Lesson,” by
Leslie Neville
Atomic bomb
warfare will boil down to striking first and hardest with nuclear weapons
carried by guided missiles and bombers with will be bigger, longer ranged, and
which may or may not have pilots. Also, fighters will be bigger, longer ranged,
and may or may not have pilots. We will also need prompt aerial and weather
reconnaissance, and lots of money for planes and training.
Scholar Bangs,
Aviation Corespondent Attached to Kwajalein air base, “Evaluating Operation Crossroads”
The lessons include: the “complete obsolescence of the conventional airplane
as a defense-attack weapon within 10 yr.” (I think I captured the near-complete
illiteracy of this sentence in my translation. It’s a special art.)
continuing, Mr. Bangs(!), who evidently was not allowed closer to Bikini than the Kwajalein's officer's club, sees the interim replacement of all current bombers
with radio-controlled very long range bombers within five years, and their
replacement by very-long ranged manned bombers equipped to fire atomic bombs
from a safe distane with guided missiles within 10. He sees limited production
of existing piston engine fighters and jet fighters, mainly to keep production
line sopen. There will be increased emphasis on instant readiness through
maintenance, which I for one applaud. senior AAF technicians tasked with keeping drone B-36s and mother-ship B-36s, will work hard and need nice, quiet, relaxing homes for themselves and their families, on green, bucolic acres near the air base, but not too near, and certainly far from the madding crowds of
downtown Spokane.
Again, there will, of course, be a “complete re-evaluation of U.S, air forces and drastic
revision of now-obsolete concepts of air defence and attack.” If you are
wondering what all this means, Mr. Bangs stood drinks for General Lemay and Harv Alness, of whom you will have heard from your sons. Colonel Alness has been promoted from command of the robot-drone B-17s at Bikini to the Army’s “portentous
1st Guided Missiles Group,” and is keen on the ideda that Bikini showed that
“heavy bombers and fighters generally can be precision-flown through heavy
turbulence by remote control as accurately as if operated by crews aboard the
plane.” In the future, the radio, autopilot and television installation required to fly a B-17 might be as low as 500lbs, although right now it is closer to a ton. On the other hand, he is dismissive of the Navy’s Hellcat
drones, which is a bit of a puzzler given the last sentence. The point is unexceptional: drone fighters cannot dogfight! Drone aircraft cannot be recovered from more than a 50 degree bank by current autopilots. On the other hand, a future winged, guided missile with a speed ranging up to 2000
or 3000mph would not have to dogfight. The loss of a single Navy drone might have
been caused by the failure of any one of 150 vacuum tubes, which seems to show that such drones would
actually have a high loss rate, given all the vacuum tubes, but actually proves the opposite, since this vulnerability
will naturally lead to heavily armoured and robust installations. Another
person that Bangs talked to wished that there had been P-80s at Bikini to fly
through the atomic cloud at high speed taking pictures. Bangs supposes that
they were omitted because of maintenance considerati ons.
Philp Swan,
Editor, Power, and McGraw-Hill Correspondent
of Operation Crossroads, “A-bomb vs. Surface Ships “Atomic bombs are not magic,
and are subject to the inverse-square law reducing their effect with distance.
Navies are not obsolete due to atomic bombs, but atomic bombs are a real threat
to ships. Radiation from atomic bombs might be even more dangerous than blast
pressure and the radiation heating of the fireball; but we won’t know that
until the animals that were aboard the affected ships die, if they die.
It would be
unfair to what the paper is trying to do not to point out that its Sales and Service section has several
articles today, but you do not want to hear about them.
“An Evaluation of
Hyperbolic Radio Avigation” Several competing systems of master-slave beacon
radio navigation methods exist. You readers don’t have to worry your silly
heads about how they work, because Loran is best.
Raymond Hoadley,
“Profits Balanced by Reconversion Costs, Part II” A parody of a Hoadley article
would read, “this fragile industry which is in far too much trouble for higher
taxes or defence appropriation cuts is a great investment because of all of the
money it makes.” This article would be worth some attention for someone
interested in current contracts –it has numbers—and also for the paragraph in
which Donald Douglas toys with the idea that the civil airliner market might be
oversold. He is also concerned, as is Boeing, with the rising cost of developing
new airliners.
John K. Northrop,
“The Northrop XB-35 Flying Wing Bomber” My flying wing bomber is the best
airplane ever, and, contrary to the nay-sayers, it is super, super stable. It
also has 100% hydraulic boost and a 220v electrical system, pusher-mounted
contrarotating screws, and is also completely original, since the Germans imitated
us, and not the other way around.
“Radical Vought
XF5U-1 Opens New Flying Wing Vistas” That Vought plane that looks like a pie
plate still exists.
“British Flying
Wings Prepare Way for J-P Airliners” The Armstrong-Whitworth flying plane
glider and proposed follow-on test plane will prove that planes don’t need
tailplanes and rudders just as soon as it actually flies. The DH Swallow will
prove that the tailless DH106 will be the best airliner ever. All planes will
be flying wing, presumably with radio-control, by next week sometime.
Development of Horten Flying Wings” Nazi scientists are super-smart.
Flight Poses Many Design Hurdles” “Engineer Heinemann” of Douglas points out
that aircraft speeds have increased at an average rate if 14mph/yr, and there
has never been a level flight by a stripped-down aircraft that exceeded this
frontier of advance. Vast engineering and development teams are now needed to
continue this progress, and it will be really, really hard to design a wing
that gives good performance at Mach 0.8, 1.1, 2 and 2+. The experimental data
for designing these wings simply does not exist at the present time.
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Douglas X-3 Stiletto. |
Ralph Upson’s
article on “Simplifying Personal Plane Design” reaches its second part, where
he discusses power plant choices. Choosing the plant, and airscrew that will
give the best performance for a given weight requires a lot of math. Also,
there are articles about the new Beech Bonanza four-seater and the Lockheed
Saturn feederliner, which isn’t a private plane, strictly speaking, but doesn’t
really justify another article.
Paul H. Stanley,
Chief Engineer, Autogiro Company of America “Practical Engineering of Rotary
Wing Aircraft, Part II,” Stanley discusses how the autogiro, especially with
jet drive to the blades, will see off the challenge from these new-fangled
K. R. Jackman,
“Aircraft Acoustical Problems and Practical Solutions, Part II,” A case in
point is the redesign of a PB4Y-2 plane, which actually showed fuselage
buckling when a propeller swung past it on closest approach(!) Basically, it
needed a wall redesign to accommodate all the insulation required. The prospect
for the future is better quality insulation, which he goes on to discuss in the
bulk of the article.
“Last-Ditch Jap
Warplanes Undergo U.S. Scrutiny” Desperation is the mother of invention, it
seems. Most of the Japanese late designs are pretty boring compared with the German
On the other hand, worthwhile invention is often boring. (That’s my segue to this nice detail of the Lancaster main spar structure from the “For Better Design” feature.)
On the other hand, worthwhile invention is often boring. (That’s my segue to this nice detail of the Lancaster main spar structure from the “For Better Design” feature.)
Some hilarity
about heat-seeking missiles that would not be out of place in some parts of San
Francisco, and a report from Blaine Stubblefield on the rusticating charms of
the rusticated far Northwest.
Aviation News
The Bikini tests
met everyone’s expectations and also were disappointing. It is supposed that
the existence of the (no A)AF will continue to be fought by the battleship
admirals, because that’s the way that battleship admirals are. The XF-11
doesn’t exist any more. Fairchild has received a contract to develop nuclear
aircraft engines.
Kellett’s latest passenger helicopter may not exist yet, but that doesn’t stop someone from drawing it.
Kellett’s latest passenger helicopter may not exist yet, but that doesn’t stop someone from drawing it.
Washington Windsock The Navy is
terrible on unification and V-2 tests. Those supersonic wind tunnels might turn
out to be big boondoggles, given that we can just fly jet planes real fast and
watch them fall out of the sky for science. Industry wants more money for
research, and the existing foundation grant is likely to lapse. Very high
angles of sweepback are likely in the future, and conventional rudder and
tailplanes will likely disappear in favour of flying wing designs. Greyhound is
looking into combined helicopter-bus services. The Gyrodyne, Dove, Brabazon III
are announced again.
Worlddata by “Vista” repeats the basic
brief on British charter (“non-scheduled”) airlines.
Fortune, August 1946
The paper has
long doubted that there is a relationship between gross national product and
gross national manners. Now it wonders if things are going the other way, as
the paper is getting more back talk from the help. Then the paper lays out the
Baruch plan for the new atomic world, about which you will have heard, and with
which the Russians will have nothing to do. Next it says “farewell to price
control,” because this paper had to go to press between the veto and the compromise
bill. “The idea that any nation can finance a great war through a vast
expansion of its money supply without paying for doing so through some
inflation was always an illusion.” The paper suggests higher taxes, no bond
retirement, and higher reserve requirements to “control the price level”
through a nice, healthy depression. (That last part not spelled out.)
Finally, it talks about a new Latin American policy, the “Good Neighbour policy,” as laid out in an article by that young Harvard man who wrote the book about President Jackson that allowed Grace to pretend that she knows nothing about American history a while back. Mr. Jackson’s idea of a good neighbour policy was fairly on the expansive and back-slapping (if not front-stabbing) side, but I am sure that our good neighbourliness of today will be more discrete and more effective in checking communism and Peronismo. Finally, the paper is quite upset that this month’s survey reveals that most Americans prefer job security over efficiency. Without efficiency, America cannot have its standard of living and productive power, after all. Immediately after is a sentence about “Communist Russia” that does not actually say that then the Bolsheviks will win WWIII, but a more responsible writer might have put a few more sentences in there if he did not want to be construed as saying so. (Even Communist Russia will lay off the less efficient older man and keep the younger, more efficient one.)
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Bill Nation: GM job, $59/week, five children, that house. Sure:let's have a recession and purge the rot! |
Finally, it talks about a new Latin American policy, the “Good Neighbour policy,” as laid out in an article by that young Harvard man who wrote the book about President Jackson that allowed Grace to pretend that she knows nothing about American history a while back. Mr. Jackson’s idea of a good neighbour policy was fairly on the expansive and back-slapping (if not front-stabbing) side, but I am sure that our good neighbourliness of today will be more discrete and more effective in checking communism and Peronismo. Finally, the paper is quite upset that this month’s survey reveals that most Americans prefer job security over efficiency. Without efficiency, America cannot have its standard of living and productive power, after all. Immediately after is a sentence about “Communist Russia” that does not actually say that then the Bolsheviks will win WWIII, but a more responsible writer might have put a few more sentences in there if he did not want to be construed as saying so. (Even Communist Russia will lay off the less efficient older man and keep the younger, more efficient one.)
Fortune Survey
The questions
that lead into this are about the “woman question,” and specifically the matter
of employment. (Efficient women with husbands who can support them should be
laid off before less efficient men who are sole breadwinners is the question, and so on we go to find out about what Americans think about "efficiency" at work.)
“What’s Wrong
with the Airlines” Now that there have been airlines for a month overall, and
about five minutes since the end of the war, it is time to ask why they stink. Mr. Luce seems to have flown to Chicago recently, and his organ is quite straightforward about what a terrible experience it was. There was sleep deprivation, discomfort, lost luggage and a delay when
planes are “stacked” due to weather. The answer would seem to be that the airlines are expanding at a rate normally
reserved for plague germs, and that nothing can be done. But that
doesn’t make for much of an article, and, anyway, the paper does have
investigative journalists it can call on.
Some interesting
points include: i) the shortage of telephone lines leads to an estimated 3000
busy signals a day, making it impossible of passengers to call in cancellations;
this makes reservations and tickets a bit of a joke, so the airlines oversell
their planes, complicated by bookkeeping errors that can lead to a passenger
presenting at the gate with no record reaching the crew. At the ground, it can
be hard to get to town from the airport –and it can be forty minutes each way,
leading to limousine service, which can be bad, and for which the travelling public
blames the airlines. Baggage disappears, and tipping can get excessive. (I am getting a mysterious feeling that I might know part of Mr. Luce's problem with airline service.) Boarding a new 50 seater can be a laborious process compared with the old
DC-3s. Airports are terrible. Chicago’s handles 1.3 million people a year, and
“it is a slum.” “To rest the thousands, there are exactly twenty-eight leather
And that’s at the
up-to-standards airports. Airports such as Detroit and Phoenix lack long
runways, and cannot get DC-4 service. So, while the airlines hope that the big
50-seaters will alleviate crowding, the paper points out that they will just
mean more passengers, and put more pressure on the airports, even as passengers
pile up at the smaller airports, which may be relegated to “feeder” status. New,
larger airports are needed, but it will be at least two years before they are
available. Congestion on the ground is not dangerous, however. The same cannot
be said in the air, where it seems that mid-air collisions are inevitable. The
CAA is installing instrument landing systems at 31 airports, with installations
already working at 50. Nevertheless, there is controversy over which systems
work best, with the CAA-approved version, a “glide-path” system, not liked by
the ATA due to its lack of interim locator stations. On the west coast, the Navy
is experimenting with the RAF’s FIDO system, which works, but is expensive. The
CAA is also experimenting with radar at the Indianapolis airport, and there
have also been experiments with radar on planes. The advantages of the latter
are so great that eventually all airliners will have to carry radar, at a cost
to the airlines of “millions of dollars.” Speaking of money, the airlines are
all in the red even as they struggle with growth and re-equipment.
The company that struggled through the Depression trying to interest American
in an economy car, entered 1940 with a mere 27,000 cars sold. Its head offices
in Detroit had only two floors occupied, its only selling point the tough,
four-cylinder motor it made for that car. Then the Army decided to put that
engine in its G.P. light artillery tractor, and the rest was what history
looked like if history kept flipping over when it went around a corner at
anything above 20. Now, it is developing utility line based on the Jeep at its
Toledo plant, including an all-steel, all-purpose station wagon, a sedan
delivery truck, and a low-weight, medium-duty truck with combined two-wheel and
four-wheel drive, all powered by an improved version of the Jeep engine and
featuring the Jeep look of snubbed nose and squared fenders. The future of
exports is bright, and economists foresee a future when high gasoline prices
will finally make the economy car attractive. The article closes by dancing
around the gossip about Sorensen’s brief tenure at the company.
“Taylor Instrument: Eleven Miles of Instrument Panels at Oak Ridge Attest to the Virilityof a Corporate Oldster: Less Than Twenty Operators to the Mile Attest to anAmerican Contribution to Mass Production as Great as the Assembly Line: ItsName: Continuous Flow” Continuous flow is when a chemical product flows from a
beginning vessel to a final one and is continuously chemically treated along
the way.
One-way diaphragm motors and a set of instruments which can measure the amount, pressure, and flow of fluid. Taylor, Foxboro and Brown, a division of Minneapolis-Honeywell, competed to develop this technology, and it produces everything from enriched uranium to Seagram’s whiskey. Taylor, the biggest and oldest of the big instrument firms, is third in continuous-flow, and is investing heavily in catching up in this growing industrial market. I am sure that this is not unrelated to the decision to call in the paper. The paper goes on to describe a run-of-the-mill industrial accident in Knoxville in 1943, when a miss-set gauge led to good alcohol spilling into the sewers for thirty minutes due to a chain reaction of automatic valve controls in the system.
Much of this technology matured in the 1920s, but was only really mastered and used during the war. The Germans, who tried to import it in the late 30s, were unable to bring over a working system. Even the British, we are told, discouraged the Americans from using gaseous diffusion because of their failure to grasp this technology. It was the demand of the refineries for equipment for catalytic cracking of gasoline, which made the difference and enable the instrument companies to refine their technology –especially after aviation gasoline production rose from 30,000 a day before Pearl Harbor to 580,000 per day before Nagasaki; although by that time the problem of making large amounts of butadiene for synthetic rubber production had taxed the engineers, since there is only a 1.9 degree difference between the vapour temperature of butadiene and the useless waste product butadiene-L. Taylor also had quite a nice contract to make the bomb sights for the A-26 that I was briefly allowed to think had nothing to do with what I had just been talking about until James pulled out his mechanical pencil and started drawing sine curves for me.
One-way diaphragm motors and a set of instruments which can measure the amount, pressure, and flow of fluid. Taylor, Foxboro and Brown, a division of Minneapolis-Honeywell, competed to develop this technology, and it produces everything from enriched uranium to Seagram’s whiskey. Taylor, the biggest and oldest of the big instrument firms, is third in continuous-flow, and is investing heavily in catching up in this growing industrial market. I am sure that this is not unrelated to the decision to call in the paper. The paper goes on to describe a run-of-the-mill industrial accident in Knoxville in 1943, when a miss-set gauge led to good alcohol spilling into the sewers for thirty minutes due to a chain reaction of automatic valve controls in the system.
Much of this technology matured in the 1920s, but was only really mastered and used during the war. The Germans, who tried to import it in the late 30s, were unable to bring over a working system. Even the British, we are told, discouraged the Americans from using gaseous diffusion because of their failure to grasp this technology. It was the demand of the refineries for equipment for catalytic cracking of gasoline, which made the difference and enable the instrument companies to refine their technology –especially after aviation gasoline production rose from 30,000 a day before Pearl Harbor to 580,000 per day before Nagasaki; although by that time the problem of making large amounts of butadiene for synthetic rubber production had taxed the engineers, since there is only a 1.9 degree difference between the vapour temperature of butadiene and the useless waste product butadiene-L. Taylor also had quite a nice contract to make the bomb sights for the A-26 that I was briefly allowed to think had nothing to do with what I had just been talking about until James pulled out his mechanical pencil and started drawing sine curves for me.
That, says the
paper, would have been that had the war ended at this point; but it did not,
and the Manhattan Project was set on enriching uranium by diffusing uranium
hexafluoride gas, and that called for process control. There won’t be any more
contracts like that, one assumes, but Brown and Foxboro have developed
electronic instrument-based systems and
Taylor will probably follow suit. After all, once there are electronic systems
to use temperatures generated by bimetallic thermometers, they can be used in
all the “fabulous electronic and servo gun-laying mechanisms of the war, too
expensive for moving control valves today but too attractive a method to be ignored
forever.” And beyond that, all control from a single compact box or two. . .
DiGiorgio: A Bounding Fruit Man’s Whirlwind Courtship of Free Enterprise: How
He Lost Her to Banana Rustlers and Found Her Again Years Later in the Desert”
DiGiorgio is the largest citrus producer in Florida. He is 72, so he has a
colourful life story stretching back to his father’s little lemon farm in
Sicily. (It’s always “little,” isn’t it? The story would be a lot more
plausible if it were “large. . . “) Also, he is investing in California, where
he has built the DiGiorgio farms at the head of the San Joaquin Valley. Also,
he “probably wasn’t” the big fruit man for whom Yes, We Have No Bananas was written. That comes in the middle,
where the colourful story of the “banana rustlers” of the 1920s is told. I
don’t particularly find it colourful, but you might, if you care to buy a copy
of your own and read it.
“Frozen Foods: An
Interim Report”
I suppose that
reading a precis of this article in The
Economist is in way of warning that this is what the American business
press is thinking about this August. In 1945, frozen fruit and
vegetables for all purposes totalled 400,000 tons in the United States,
compared with 15,750,000 fresh and 6,570,000 canned, and sales were $100
million, less than 1% of the grocery food category. This means that it is
either a very small industry, or poised for “vertical” growth. There are
skeptics, but the paper continues to believe that quick-frozen foods are
“inevitably hell-bent for bigness,” even if it cannot see a market for frozen
zucchini or cocktail appetisers. The paper goes on to describe various firms
that might have a bright future in the industry.
“Prior Beer” The
paper describes the approaches, techniques and business success of one of the
country’s premium gourmet beers, Prior, made by Adam Scheidt Brewing Co., of
Morristown, Pennsylvania, which emerged to take over the lost business of
Pilsener Urquell beginning on 3 November 1939.
The paper follows
with what Grace would call a “high brow” feature, this on an architect named
Frank Wright, who makes impractical houses that look quite nice when situated
in impractical places.
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At least it's not another article about Falling Water. By I, Gobeirne, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3680534 |
“Detroit Auto
Worker: Fifty-Nine Dollars a Week From G.M. Supports the Nation Family of
You will recall
last month’s feature, on the family of a middle-management man in Cincinnati. I
suppose that it is to be the first in a series, and this week’s is on a man
with more children and less money. Born of Serbian immigrant parents in
Steelton, Pennsylvania, he has been working at GM since 1932, when he was
twenty-four years old, having run away from home at the age of 10, “because his
mother beat him.” Settling at GM Detroit, he worked at first ten to twelve
hours a day, seven days a week, with pay including overtime bonus topping out
at less than $20 a week. During the fourteen years since, he has had two long
sick leaves and six short layoffs. In 1944, he made $3062, sometimes making as
much as $90 a week with overtime, while in 1945 he only earned $1,765, between
a long sick leave and a strike. The family cannot save money and cannot get out
of its (small) debt, though, on the other hand, it is steadily paying off its
FHA mortgage. Bill worries about the future. He has Social Security to look forward
to, but not much else, and his sick spells continue, with no explanation from
the doctors. He hopes to send his children to college.
I am too much the
cynic not to suspect how a young Mr. Nation might have supported himself. There, but for being born into .
. But do never mind me, Reggie.
“Good Fences Make
Good Neighbours” The young Mr. Schlesinger (29 this October!) has Deep Thoughts
about our foreign policy in Latin America. “Bradenism” is dead, “Good Neighbourism”
is in. (More.) For example, we tried to overthrow the governments in Bolivia and
Argentina, but in a good neighbourly fashion. There was some disagreement,
however, in just how good neighborly you could be in overthrowing foreign
governments –nonrecognition, or seizure of assets and economic embargoes? It
was eventually agreed that neither this nor ineffectual bluster worked (because
they hadn’t worked), and in came Spruille Braden, who actually managed to
negotiate something with Argentina. But then it fell apart, and Bradenism is
out, because it could not stop “pseudo-radical fascism,” which might lead to
(or be opposed to?) communism.
I honestly
haven’t read anything so cocksure and incoherent since Mr. Janeway left the
paper. This is perhaps because I haven’t followed the sentences through into
paragraphs into pages of pivoting paradoxes –but I know when my time is being
wasted. I'm sure that he is a very good historian, though.
Shorts and Faces
The paper notes
that recent high dividends have less to do with corporate earnings than might
be expected, and more to do with the
Treasury’s dusting-off of Section 103, which is intended to discourage
companies from holding back unreasonable amounts of earnings as savings, on the
theory that they belong to shareholders, and, anyway, deserve to be taxed more
at the high current dividend tax rate. “Not only can’t you take it with you,
you can’t leave it there.” In a short bit entitled, “No Ceiling, No Floor,” the
paper longs for the good old days of price wars for tires, dime cigarettes,
refrigerators and gasoline, and hopes for their return with the end of the OPA.
The paper says nice things about Mr. Garfinkel, of Brooks Brothers, John
Bergen, of Gar Wood, Harwood Manufacturing, of Virginia (which makes pyjamas) is trying new “psychological” techniques of management. Bell is going
to put radiotelephones into moving vehicles, subject to some FCC regulation.
Soundscriber’s dictation equipment gets a brief blurb.
Business Abroad
The paper reports
on the working paper prepared for Sir Stafford Cripps on the British cotton
industry. The industry’s books are full, orders are unlimited, but the future
is dark and cloudy in ways which no-one can agree on.
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