RAAF Richmond,
Dear Father:
As a first order of business, congratulations on your new "digs!" James' packet included the Kodaks that he took on his visit, and I detect a distinct "clubbiness." (At least, for Australia.)
Hopefully you will have time to enjoy it when not overseeing your ongoing organising for actual, productive work at some point. (Let us hope that the Americans have not bombed all the Japanese radars, laboratories, atomics and whatnot into flinders by the time that you are in a position to try to detect them!)
As a second order, a packet containing the March number of Aircraft Engineering should be reaching you soon. It is an interlibrary loan from the University of Sydney, which a very nice young librarian at Santa Clara arranged for me by telegraph. Your son has been waiting for this for a very long time, and now things have gotten all sticky with his forward deployment to Port Seeadler. Please do extract it and forward your commentary to James at your earliest convenience, and return the pas current periodicals are not supposed to circulate, and I do not want to get anyone in trouble! The young lady is a Stanford graduate and Dr. Fisher has offered her a position assisting the curator of his proposed Chinese collection. Since I do not want to end this little brush portrait by sounding too mercenary about the advantages that might flow from this relationship with respect to keeping an eye on the Engineer's oh-so-intimate partnership with the Soongs, I should add that she is also a very polished Peking girl, too sweet to raise an eyebrow at my southern accent.
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I know that you will probably kid me about taking yet another waif under my wing, but it really does seem unlikely that "Miss Ch." will be able to return home to her parents any time soon.
Your youngest's orders for Michigan are cut for 1 May, just so that you know. I shall include pictures of your grandchildren in their birthday presents in the next surface packet. At your advice, I have taken Jimmy Ho on as a driver. He is not a big boy, certainly not as big as Wong Lee, whom I miss daily. Unfortunately, what with one thing and another, Wong Lee must be in the south. I worry that he will not have enough time to plan his "black bag" job for the bureau, but he assures me that it is no great matter. This is not the invincible Cheka that pulp fiction has prepared me for! (In fact, they are quite a different Cheka, as being associated with the Navy, and not either the army or the secret police.)
Jimmy is solid, he quite reliable, and I should probably have him along if I am to plunge into county politics in a serious way. I am not sure how serious it has to be insofar as the nomination is concerned. The Governor needs to worry about some places in 1948, but certainly not Santa Clara County. Matters of land use, as you point out, are more likely to get nasty. He will also be handy for house security, as we do not want our guests disturbing Great Uncle and his nurses.
On a more pleasant note, the contractors get steadily more optimistic about what can be accomplished at Arcadia. In a blazing rush, we have finished the floor in the ballroom, and lifted the canvas in the dining room. The Whale Man is intact, and the parquet almost so -a few strategic carpets will cover the damage. We shall have to bar the central staircase, as there are rotten spots in the floors in the upper stories, but it looks as though we can also take the covers off the balustrades. Were it not that we are going to need its kitchen for the entertaining, I would be beginning to think that James and I should not have bothered to renovate the coach house at all! Perhaps we shall be able to secure a rental tenant? Great Uncle is still holding fair, as best as one might expect of a man his age, and my doctors say that my condition is developing normally.
The anthropologist, by the way, will be staying with us, as the Bureau has called upon Professor K., either clumsily or threateningly, depending on much credit you grant Hoover's boys. I should be able to scrounge him up a driver, and, if not, he can always suffer the inter-urban for the few weeks that his business with the Conference is like to last.
Flight, 5 April 1945
“Over the Rhine”
Twenty-First Army Group crossed the Rhine last week. Paratroopers wereinvolved.
“Exports” Let’s
talk about talking about exports! And about the paper. That is, since the Brits are forming a new talk shop devoted to increasing exports, they are paying attention to Flight, and should pay more, because it is an excellent advertisement for British aviation exports, says Flight.
War in the Air
The Rhine has
been crossed. Aircraft and the Navy
were involved, and paratroopers, and Americans, and German jet planes (were not
there). 4000lb bombs are “small but good.” The loss of “machines” in the
parachute assault was “less than 3%.” The German retreat is “beginning to
resemble a rout.” Also in danger of rout, the German forces on the eastern
front under attack from the “huge” Russian air fleets. “The carrier-borne
squadrons of the Russian Baltic Fleet have frequently shown themselves to be
full of energy and initiative, though their numbers cannot be large.” I am
going to grant the writer some credit
and imagine a translation error from a Russian press release. I am not sure
what the editor’s excuse is, unless the Russians have slipped some aircraft carriers into service, and have chosen
to use them in the Baltic Sea, which seems like a bad idea to me (don’t the
Germans have submarines now?), but what do I know?
“Air Power and
the Rhine Crossing”
John Yoxall was
there! So were all of the Allied bombers. Behind the front, no-one bothered
with helmets, and there were football matches in the street. On the banks of
the Rhine, people were more respectful of German mortars, and tinfoil strips
rained from the sky as the bombers foxed the German Radar. More than a thousand
guns attempted to suppress the German AA. I am guessing here that Yoxall is quoting an Army Group release which counts only
heavier guns and this is why the number of guns seems so disappointingly low compared with Russian attacks. Pathfinders marked a night attack on Wesel to support the
Commandos making a night attack. That is, everyone really was involved. It is like when Palo Alto High is runing up the score against poor old San Jose, and everyone gets to carry the ball in the last quarter. Yoxall spent the night in a former German
bomber base, with empty concrete bomb stores and the remains of “Tiffy rockets”
everywhere. When the paratroopers were seen, they were dropping into a haze
marked by the flash of light flak, which does not sound encouraging,
considering that only light flak can really engage paratrooper carriers coming in at low altitude. “Six
or seven fell in flames” before Yoxall’s eyes. This is not what the mothers of the world want to hear! He thinks that most of the crew
managed to parachute safely, so that the paratrooper casualties must have been
much lighter than the number of aircraft lost
would suggest.
“Must,” he says. The Marine Corps is probably raising a parachute
division as I write.
Here and There
Fl. Lt. W. R.D.
Perkins is the new Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation,
replacing the last one, who was illedkay inay ay airplaneay ashcray. The
Wellington has been “retired” in the Mediterranean Theatre, after an honourable career going back to 1940. (Five years is not a
long time, except to children and aircraft.) Production of Sunderlands and Stirlings(!)
is to be wound down at Short and Harland. Commando is again reported missing. Wreckage has been spotted, but no survivors have
been found. Lost along with Commander Brabner were Air Marshal Drummond, Air Member for Training, Sir John Abraham, Deputy Under-Secretary at the Air
Ministry and Mr. H. A. Jones, the publicist, official historian, and head of
the Air Historical Branch at the Ministry. Sir Napier Shaw, the former director
of the Meteorological Office, died last week at 91. The closing of the
Commonwealth Air Training Plan occasioned a last “Wings” parade, attended by
the Prime Minister of Canada and the Governor General. This is the event that
Brabner awas flying to attend. I hope that he had other business, because otherwise this is just tragic.
William Cowen is retiring from
Rolls-Royce, and W. O. Manning’s son is now engaged to Howard Flanders’
daughter. Together, they will launch many proposed children in numerous homes,
who will then be abandoned as bad business. Excuse me, I meant to be flippant, and ended in tragedy. Perhaps one too many lives cut off by flying in
late winter weather? Thank Heavens that my husband is doing his flying in the
Pacific. Francis Joseph Fogarty and Harold Thomas Lydford have been advanced to
Acting-Vice Air Marshal ranks. Fogarty, 47, enlisted in the RFC as an air
mechanic in 1917 and received his commission the next year. Lydford, who joined
the RFC in 1916, came out of Technical Training Command.
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This is a completely spurious Google Image hit for "William Oke Manning," but it is from a fun blog. |
Boeing has
developed a pneumatic bomb bay door opener that throws them open in 7/10 second
and closes them in 3, replacing the former electric system which took 15
seconds to open the doors fully, and even longer to close them. “Pick-up”
gliders are being used as ambulances on the far bank of the Rhine. B-24s are
being converted into C-109 “flying tankers” at Glenn L. Martin in Baltimore. American
air casualties are falling now that the Germans aren’t shooting planes down.
The RAAF has announced the sale of 87 surplus aircraft. News! Sir PatrickHennessy has joined the board of Ford Motors, Dagenham, and E. Player,
technical director of Birmid, has been appointed joint managing director of
Birmid and of Birmingham Aluminum Casting Company along with Cyril C. Maudsley.
H. W. Perry, “A
Curtiss Ascender” The Curtiss XP-55 pursuit fighter prototype is worth another article. At least this month, when there’s no news to speak of, apart from the
end of World War II in Europe, air crashes, jet fighters and the firebombing of
Japan. Various other American experimental planes show a determination to keep
abreast of German experimental development. Though military occupation of the rubble that
used to be their factories might work, too.
“Badra," “Relatively Safe Fuel: Fire Risks Not So Great as Thought: Flash Point the
Limiting Temperature” “The subject of so-called safety fuel. . . “ the
flashpoint is the temperature at which sufficient volatile distillate has
formed a gaseous layer above a pool of fuel that will support ignition. It
occurs at -30 Celsius in conventional 100 octane fuels, and at +45 for a safety
fuel of decent antiknock performance, with boiling and spontaneous ignition
temperatures in the same range (150 degrees, 450—500.) since all are below the
temperature of a spark, safety fuels are no safer than regular! Also, flying is
safe as houses, so we don’t need to bother.
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Source: Travel for Aircraft |
“Privateer BB4Y-2” The new Liberator variant for the United States Navy is featured. “The
Navy required an aircraft with greater search efficiency, more fuselage space
to stow the added equipment necessary, and a different type of armament.” Two
of the eleven crew are needed to man the special equipment. All-up weight is
given as between 62,000 and 65,000lbs, maximum speed as “more than 250mph,”
maximum range as over 3000 miles, bomb load as up to 6000lbs. The fuselage is
extended by 7 feet, and the necessary empennage achieved by reverting to a
single fin and rudder, with fabric covering
retained. All of Consolidated-Vultee’s experience in mass aircraft
production is put to use in the shop, so that the Privateer will be the most
efficiently produced aircraft in history. The
armament will consist of twelve .50 machine guns, six in power turrets.
Gun blisters are retained, which the paper describes as “rather unusual.” If
they had bothered to ask your son, they would have lerarned that these are good
air search stations. More importantly to your son, squadrons and, hopefully, wings of
Privateers will provide a stepping stone to flag rank which does not lead
through shipboard billets that he's unlikely to be able to wrest from Annapolis brats --even ones like Lieutenant A_., who only spent five minutes there. The Fleet Air Arm, so far denied a
taste of Coastal Command, will not be so lucky. (If you feel like teasing James, just ask him about why Coastal “must”be turned over to the Navy.)
Speaking of
postwar employment prospects, Lord Swinton warns that only a few service pilots
will find positions in commercial aviation after the war.
An Australian
fighter wing has been formed in Europe to give Wing Commander George Andrews something to do. Or blow up V-weapon launch
sites, or to give the Australians a sense that they are participating, or … I’m
slightly at a loss. The Australians want a fighter wing, because they have three squadrons? That seems fair. Air Vice-Marshal D. C. T. Bennett, who
has recently written a book on how world government can lead to world peace, is
to stand for the West Middlesbrough constituency for the Liberals.
“An Aileron Servo
Unit: New System of Hydraulic Servo Assistance Which Does Not Eliminate ‘Feel’”
Lockheed wants us to know that it has developed a hydraulic servo with feedback
“feel.” It is used in the C-69 Constellation, the P-38L, and now the P-80
(which, the paper is sure to remind us, is powered by a GE turbine developed
from a de Havilland design). The servos basically give a sixfold step-up in
power, rather than increasing the amplification with angle, which would be more
useful in countering the increased forces experienced at extreme deflections, the
problem that has James tearing his hair out with his antiaircraft gun director. So it is neither as complex nor as useful as that equipment, although likely to
be a great deal more practical. It also
means that the apparatus can be basically a lever, even if operating
through a hydraulic transmission. But hydraulic transmission means that your
youngest cannot be called out all the time to tighten cables on “Miss V.C.’s”
flivver! I shall miss his awkward attempts to flirt, wafting up the eavescots of a Sunday morning as he adjusted the cables on her ready-for-the-grass Cadillac, a new feature in our mechanical menagerie since Christmas which I may not have not mentioned.
Though I would miss them anyway come two weeks, when he is off to Michigan. I do mean "awkard," by the way. It is hard to imagine him your son, or a pilot, but he makes a perfect engineer!
The Kawasaki
Lilly is a plane the Japanese have. Hawker’s Design Staff had a supper on
Monday, the 26th. Mr. Sydney Camm presided, Group Captain George Bulman was toastmaster.
Group Captain Horniman replied for
the guests.
Braking” The Escher Wyss Engineering Works, Ltd. Of Zurich, the Swiss firm of
turbine specialists, has developed a type of controllable-pitch airscrew “which
may serve as an aeroydynamic brake on landing.” Remember those earnest salesmen
from Brown-Boveri, before the war, pressing their novel gas turbines on the
British and German air industries? How embarrassing. This is like that. Everyone knows that
reversible pitch airscrews will allow heavier planes to land faster. The
difference is that while American and British companies are only making them,
Escher-Wyss has gone to the trouble of writing an article-length advertisement
for its design, complete with charts and tables, and since the paper is short
of staff, why not print it?
V. L. Gruberg,
“BOAC Wartime Services” BOAC flew ever more ton-millions of miles every year.
How much did this cost the taxpayers? That is a very unpatriotic question to
ask, but it was less per ton-mile than the Americans, so there. (We know, and
invite the “postwar researcher” to ferret the numbers out after everyone has
ceased to care. So, in other words, it cost taxpayers a lot. We shall run into the President of TWA below. I decided not to mention his new 22,000 acre ranch, but this month's Aviation retrospective has financials from 1935 to give you an idea of just how much he was likely to be able to have saved against his cowboy-related hobbies before the war.)
“The Capetown
Conference” Capetown is a very nice
place to talk about talking about civil aviation when it is cold and dismal in
England. Also talking about talking about civil aviation is Senator Brewster,
in the Senate. Senator McCarran suggests that a Pan-American overseas monopoly
would fix things up nicely.
Douglas Deans
thinks that it is very important to have more regulations governing pilot’s
licenses. Perhaps there could be a rule about those hideous pictures? Or are
they only on drivers’ licenses? I can’t even look at mine.
“George” thinks
that the rule requiring two pilots on small transport aircraft will have to be
relaxed to make them properly economical. S. H. W. Prince supposes that the
reason that many engineers at the recent R.Ae.S. debate refused to take strong
positions on speed versus comfort was that engineers have a special equanimity,
having been trained to see both sides of the position, which is why designers
and technicians have so little strong political feeling. (I hereby extend an
invitation to S. H. W. Prince to discuss “The New Deal” before the Santa Cruz
County Republican Party Committee.)
B. H. Swinhope supposes that post war
private aircraft will either have retractile undercarriages, or not, depending.
“Personally, I am not particularly fussy. . .I should, however, like to read
any other readers’ views on the subject. . .” Someone does not know how to write a letter to the editor.
The Economist, 7 April 1945
“War and Peace”
The paper lets itself believe that the war is drawing to a close. What is there
to worry about now? Russia! Specifically, Russia is not pro-Dumbarton Oaks
enough. But also because “Russian and American ideas of how to secure peace in
the world are fundamentally different. . .”The paper intimates that the
Conference should be postponed! “No,” cry out the hostesses of the West as one!
Also, the paper is insulted that Gromyko rather than Molotov will head the
Russian delegation. Is he the nice one?
“The Reid Report”
“At last, there is a real report on coal.” Which is to say, here is a report which agrees with the paper. Output per manshift was higher in
Britain than anywhere else in the world except the United States before the
last war, but since, it has risen by
only 14% in Britain, compared with 118% in Holland, 81% in the Ruhr, 54% in
Poland. This is due in part to lack of amalgamation, in part poor capital
inflows due to political uncertainty, and not enough mining engineers, say this
report by mining engineers. This is why for every haulage worker, 50 tons of
coal procured in the United States, 20—5 are procured in Holland, and 5 in
Britain. So mechanisation is also needed, mainly of haulage from the pits.
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Well, actually, the facts are the facts; the recommendations are also just what they say they are. A capital cost of investment of 10s
6d/ton is mentioned, leading to a calculated required investment of £120
million to bring the industry up to a state of “satisfactory” technical
efficiency. But will it pay? Miners, it is admitted, are due fair compensation –but cannot get
it until their productivity rises, and so must mend their backward ways and
come to work. Only they claim that they are not backward, that their method of working reflects conditions in British coal pits.
Mechanisation means that the mine work force must decline,from around 780,000 to 400,000 to 500,000. No-one wants more lifes spent in the pits, and labour is short, anyway. But what about the mining villages? Since more investment Is required than is likely to be provided by private
capital, there must be public intervention. There are too many miners, and the Government should do something! But not “nationalisation” as
it is normally understood, for then people like the Earl would be most wroth.
Initiative” The Viceroy has come to London. It has been put about that this is
to discuss the “post-Germany” phase of the war, but it is clearly about
independence. Should Britain take the lead in sorting out “Hindustan” and
“Pakistan” and “All-India,” or follow the lead of some other parties whose
leadership is not evident? This is the kind of situation the paper loves, where
one wanders about in an un-signposted housing estate, unsure of where you are,
or where you are going, and –oh, look let’s have a conference about that nice
garden over there! At this rate the English will be in India forever.
“Budget Hopes”
The last financial year saw the greatest numbers ever attained, and, hopefully, says the paper, the largest in a long time to come, because of the paramount importance of financial responsibility. Expenditure was over £6 billion, revenues
over £3. With revenue up 200 millions more than expected, and expenditures up
264, the deficit over projections is £64, even if the proportion of the budget
covered by revenue is up from 52 ½ to 53 ½%. The next budget, if the war could
be counted upon to last out the year, would be a mere formality. But it cannot,
and the Lord Chancellor must work with two unknowns: the date the war actually
ends, and the amount of expenditure relief to be gained from the peace. If the
war ends by next March, the paper supposes that an expenditure of 5 ½ billion
might be required, while if it ends in September, it might be as low as 4 ½.
Along with relief on the expenditure side will come changes in revenue.
Servicemen in peacetime employment will have higher incomes, hence higher
income tax receipts, but, on the other hand, there will be less work done, as the
labour force falls, even at full employment, and overtime is reduced. A release
of consumer goods will raise excise taxes, and there will be a rush to license laid-up cars. But what of
tax relief? Last March the paper says, it thought it unlikely. Now, with an
election looming, a possibility arises. The paper goes on to salivate a bit.
Cheaper cigarettes, beer, and a lower Excess Profits Tax! Financial responsibility? Never heard of it.
Notes of the Week
“When?” Will the
war end?
“Arab Union” The
seven Arab states have formed a union. It’s very Dumbarton Oaks-like. What will
it achieve? Possibly not unrelated, in advance of the conference, talk of
“Territorial Trusteeship.” The Austrian Resistance wants South Tyrol back from
Italy. Lord Swinton’s powers as Minister of Civil Aviation have been defined.
Spain is not Fascist in any way whatsoever. The pretender to the Spanish throne
has graciously volunteered to return and make it even less Fascist. The
Independent Labour Party has agreed to rejoin the Labour Party, with
conditions, and a minority dissenting. Czechslovaks, Greeks and Argentinians
are excitable. The Lords debate on homeless and neglected children was not very
productive. Lord Hudson has asked for volunteer labour to bring in this year’s
harvest. He wants 300,000 adults and older children to report to harvest camps,
as “quite a lot” of last year’s potatoes and beets have rotted in the fields.
The charge for food and accommodation in the camps is to be reduced from 28s to
21s, while payment to volunteers is to be increased to 1s an hour. VE Day will
be celebrated with three days of paid holidays. Road deaths are declining
thanks to the end of the blackout, with 113 deaths this February compared with
232 last.
American Survey
“Before San
Francisco” By Our Correspondent in Ohio
OCO was selected
on the basis that the Mid-West does not like the rest of the world, and is
suspicious of it. It also dislikes San
Francisco, of course, and, really everywhere the food is strange and people are
a little too social for their own good. The Mid-West is
an odd person, set in his ways, with very distinct tastes and strong opinions about
things. These, fortunately, are divined, easily enough by standing somewhere in Ohio and keeping your
ear to the ground. OHO keeps his position with the paper by being a very good contortionist, apparently. If you were wondering, the Mid-West is pro-Yalta, anti-border revisions, pro-Poland, anti-German, etc.
American Notes
“The President’s
Assistant Goes” James F. Byrnes has unexpectedly resigned as Director of War
Mobilisation and Reconstruction. His exacerbating role in the new food debate
is thought to be the cause. Or perhaps his stand against too-early
“The Battle of
the Tariff” Congress is having a gay old time arguing over the Doughton Bill,
but not so much the Bretton Woods bill, which is complicated, while scheduled
bilateral tariff reductions are not. Talk of a Missouri Valley Authority
continues, remarkably enough, since none of the Missouri vally states want one.
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The World Overseas
Settlement in Palestine” From Our Jerusalem Correspondent
OJC tells us of
the qibbutzim, communistic Jewish
agricultural cooperatives which own and farm 100,000 acres in Palestine. They
are quite successful, apparently.
“The Ethiopian
Budget” is published for the first time in an official gazette. Revenue is
estimated at 38 million Maria Theresa dollars, raised from two land taxes for a
total of 11 ½ million, the 2.5 million tithe, 2.1 million market revenue, 7.5
million in Customs, 2.5 million income tax, 1.7 million salt and tax
monopolies, 5 million from mining, mostly gold, bound for America. Expenditures
are army 10 million, police 5 ½ million public works 3 ¼, provincial
administration 2 ½, education 1.7 million, Ministry of Finance, 2 ½ million,
Ministry of Justice, 1 ½ million. I copy it out at length in the thought that
if you wanted to know what, say, the ancient Roman or Persian or even Han
imperial budgets looked like, it would probably be much like this.
Business notes
are overtaken in this number by the summary account of last year’s business.
The Earl might want to pick up his own copy, as there’s rather a lot to
summarise, and the only “new” news is that stocks are up with expectations of
final victory.
Flight, 12 April 1945
“The Price Paid”
It seems as though all those aircraft shot down in flames actually caused some
casualties. It should remind us that the peacetime RAF budget will have to be
very large forever.
“Empire Air
Training” The ongoing demobilisation of the Scheme has not led to the eathday
of any more air dignitaries in air-ay accidents-ay.
“Air Transport
Training” Let’s talk about talking about. .
War in the Air
The entire Ruhr
has been surrounded by American armies. Wiener Neustadt and Hamm, both familiar
“targets for tonight,” have fallen. The Canadians are racing across northern
Holland, incidentally clearing the V-weapon launch sites and relieving the starvation. Now only the air-launched V1s are a threat. The Dutch must be
relieved, as about half the weapons launched fell within a few miles of the
launching sites. Kiel is now being bombed again to keep down German submarine
production. Losses on the return journey of the latest Russian convoy underline
that the submarines are still out there. The Eder dam has been captured, and
found to have been fully repaired. General Eisenhower supposes that the German
armies will not formally surrender, but just melt away in mopping-up
operations. The Japanese cabinet has fallen, with a general swing away from the
Army towards the Navy. The Soviet government has denounced the Nonaggression
Pact, as legally required, and as indicated by their refusal to renew it early last
year. The Japanese Navy’s war has been a disaster of one defeat after another
due to the weakness of their naval airpower, which could only manage to sink
two of our battleships by actually bombing them. That is why the recent air
attacks on American fleets lying off the islands around Japan have led to the
loss of hundreds of machines “without doing any damage of consequence.”
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having lost all their planes, they sent out their last modern battleship, two light cruisers and six destroyers to attack Vice-Admiral Mitscher’s fast
carrier force “60 miles south of the home island of Kyushu," They were al sunk. In other “Japanese naval disaster” news, the Japanese 15th
Army has been “decisively defeated,” says Lord Mountbatten. The BBC announcer
mispronounced “Shan,” and air transport support was credited with the victory.
Berlin is now being bombed by Mosquitoes flying from bases on the continent.
Neither of these last stories has anything to do with the header, but at least
they involve British air power.
Here and There
The RAeS debate
scheduled for Monday next has been postponed, but the ATC national boxing
championships will go ahead as scheduled. There has been another Spanish glider
soaring record. The first duties of the new French Air Force will be to be an
air force, says minister Charles Terron, who went on to fire his translator. In
regards to the new London Airport design, it is necessary to talk about talking
about it. At the Vickers annual general meeting, it is allowed that they built
28,000 aircraft, repaired 9000, and built Illustrious,
Victorious, and Indomitable. Mr.
Blackburn says that the company may establish a Canadian branch. “Ten Thousand
Good Japs” is the heartwarming title of a short bit reporting
General Kenney’s claim that the Far Eastern Air Forces have destroyed 10,000
Japanese aircraft in the last period. The paper is probably not needed to tell
you that Air Commodore D. J. Waghorn has died in a flying accident, but remarks, as you have, that he was the younger brother of the
Schneider Cup-winning Flt. Lt. H. R. D. Waghorn, who was also killed in an air
accident a few years after his win. The boy would be sixteen, now?
Western Flying reports that a C-97
recently made a record trip from Seattle to Washington of 6 hr 3 min 50 sec
(383mph) at 300,000ft with a payload of 20,000lbs. Recent pictures of the
Grummans Avenger and Hellcat show a large bulge in the wing which “possibly
houses some form of Radar.” Some Lockheed P-38s and Curtiss Warhawks are known
to have ben fitted with “retracting skis.” Some of 8th Air Force
P-38s have been fitted with a nose extension to carry a bombardier. Major C. M.
Carrington, formerly of KLG, has joined Smith and Sons. Mr. R. Stammers, of
Rotol, has relinquished his position.
The Bell XP-77 is announced.
John Yoxall, “Air
and the Rhine Crossing” Our War
Correspondent can now report that the plan was for, first, all of our frontline
troops to be withdrawn from the river bank under the cover of a continuous
smokescreen which was held for days in the mild March weather, to be replaced
by that enormous concentration of 1000 guns. At 5:30, Bomber Command “blot[ted]
out life” (charming!) in the vicinity of Wesel. Immediately after this raid ended, the
barrage began, with a heavy proportion of air-burst shells to suppress German
AA and kill boys horribly. At 9:30PM, the Commandoes crossed the Rhine and took up positions within
1200 yards of Wesel. At 10:30, Bomber Command returned with 400 Lancasters for
another go. Directly on the heels of this raid, the Commandoes attacked and
occupied Wesel. Other troops crossed at other points during the night, but they weren't dashing commandoes, so they don't count. At
10:30AM, the barrage ended along a corridor to allow the 6th British
Airborne Division and 17th US Airborne Division to land on the high
ground northeast of Wesel, with resupply flights immediately following before
the German AA could rally. The two parachute assault streams came from
airfields in France and the United Kingdom, and were merged in the air at
Wavre, which sounds as though it were an impressive thing that people couldn't do in 1939, and which we now take for granted. “The capture of Wesel cost the army 90 casualties. Without air support
it might easily have cost 3000 lives alone,” and this is due to all aspects of
the British air arm, including Bomber Command, which destroyed German
war production by severing its transportation and curtailing coal and ore
deliveries. Hawker Tempests were used in
the ground support role for the first time. One air observer described the area
of the parachute assault as “like a fantastic set-piece at a a Hendon display.”
I only ever saw one Hendon display, but I’m impressed with the realism, especially with the flak and the “aircraft . . . going
down on fire.”
G. Geoffrey
Smith, “On Jets and Turbines” Uncle George’s sweetie is back to tell us about
the Lockheed P-80 and Bell Airacomet. He also wants to argue with one Thomas N.
Dalton, who thinks that jet turbines are much oversold due to their poor
(actually, Dalton says, “horrid”) fuel efficiency. G. Geoffrey Smith thinks
that this criticism is oversold. He also suggests that, in the future, there
might be private jet planes, presumably for those with the need for speeds and
ranges that will justify flying in the stratosphere. (I should like one.
Breakfast in Hong Kong, lunch in London, dinner in San Francisco! I think my
husband would consider that a bit of an extravagance, though.) Also, H. Hall
Hibbard takes the time to fight the general misapprehension that jets work by
“pressing against the outside air.” Sir Richard Fairey has asked to be allowed
to resign from the British Air Commission in Washington, where he has been
since 1941, on grounds of health. Mr. Petter, late of Westland, has joined
English Electric, and has exciting aviation plans.
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Mum's the word, chums! |
“The Miles M. 48
and M. 61” The first is a proposed postwar small private aircraft. The latter
is a “military and civil freighter” with a possible all up weight of 24,000lbs
and an American engine.
“The De HavillandDove: Modern Successor to the Dragon Rapid: 8 to 11 Passengers: Official
Designation D.H. 104” This is more-or-less the announcement that the proposed
DH104, whose details are still secret, will be called the “Dove.”
Project: Flying Boat of More than 300,000lb Gross Weight: Six Engines and
Pressure Cabin for Operation at 15,000ft” The paper points out that since inAmerica they are already developing a gigantic flying boat, Britain should,
too, and Blackburn is somewhat interested in doing the same provided that the
Government pays for it. The paper points
out that we would also need harbour icebreakers, but, really, why not? In
summary, the paper really likes flying boats, and is at a loss why everyone
else doesn’t. This reminds me of a ten year old interrupting the Roy Rogers fan
club with a case for Gene Autry. That is in case you were wondering what kind of conversations you overhear at the doctor’s
office nowadays, and sort of a preparatory for your peacetime grandfatherly duties.
P. A. Hearne is confused about Newtonian
physics. “Sentek” thinks that part-time “B” rates of the Royal Observer Corps
has been slighted on gratuities compared with “A” members. Leonard Bridgman
points out that the Curtiss “Ascender” was nicknamed for “Rabelaisian” reasons.
He further points out that some of the “X” fighters were just variants of existing
planes. “Napper” thinks that “Realist’s” plea for a public relations campaign
to “sell” air safety would be expensive, and that the money would be better
used to reduce air fares.
The Economist, 14 April 1945
“Odour of
Dissolution” Is not coming from the German army, but from Parliament, where
the Coalition is coming to an end. The paper can hardly wait to agonise
endlessly over which party to support.
“Russia and
Japan” Russia has denounced the treaty, meaning that it comes to an end next
year; but it has also accused Japan of rendering assistance to Germany,
rendering the treaty null and void. Will Russia invade and recover the
territories and concessions lost in the Treaty of Portsmouth. Will Russia take
sides in China, supporting the Communists? Or will she simply bring diplomatic
pressure to bear against Japan to gain its ends? Will the conditions of
“unconditional surrender” be clarified? Will the new Japanese cabinet be able
to make peace, and will it be moved to do so by anything less than a Russian
declaration of war? So many things to talk about.
“French Economic
Policy” M. Pleven is triumphant over Mendes-France, who resigns. The paper
seems to prefer Mendes-France’s policies, which are more like the Belgian,
which the paper likes, as they are more strongly anti-inflationary. I, on the
other hand, like M. Pleven’s policies, which aim to crack down on tax evasion.
Less internal tax evasion means more
external! Perhaps I should only think that, not say it?
Notes of the Week
The Nazis have
now lost half of Germany, although more than three times the area that is left
remains under occupation in Scandinavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy and
Jugoslavia. The remaining strip in Germany is only 120 miles wide! “Displaced
Persons” are becoming an increasing concern. There are some 7 million now, but
this excludes prisoners of war and civilian internees. Some eight million foreign workers were in
Germany, and even settling them down as they wander is proving hard, never mind
repatriating the Poles and Russians. This will be a great test of the Allies
and the UNRRA.
Local government
bills, doings and acts are endlessly fascinating to all. Although at least the
French municipal elections at the end of June will be a first poll of French
“House Repairs”
The debate in the House focussed on Government exaggerations of the extent to
which they have been done. Any suggestion that they are complete will bring a
flood of evacuees flooding back to London. (Which evacuees, you ask? The ones
who weren’t scared away by the ineffectual German rockets and guided bombs which had no useful effect.) Mr. Sandys states that although 800,000 homes are now
“tolerably comfortable,” another 250,000 to 300,000 remain to be done, and
40,000 are so heavily damaged as to require more extensive repairs. By
contrast, in the entire rest of the country, only 10,000 are in this category.
The current repair force of 141,000 is considered the peak, and the police ae
called upon to keep them working on high priority repairs instead of private
internal decoration work.
The situation in
Holland is difficult. Many new and repaired schools are needed to implement the
Butler Act provisions raising the school leaving age to 15, etc, and only
50,000 workers are available to do it, which is unlikely to be enough. In other
school news, the school meal charge will probably be 4d per dinner in primary
and secondary schools and 3d for nursery schools. Two-thirds of a pint of milk
will be provided daily, and regulations to avoid watery cabbage soup and stodgy puddings will be welcomed.
Argentines, Poles
and Greeks are still excitable. But in a novel departure, so are Swedes!
Roy Lowenstein
and G. L. Bruce write on “the problem of Germany.” J. E. Allen writes on tax
relief and the financial minutiae of the budget documents published last week.
Joan Robinson is doubtful of the paper’s plan for amalgamating the coal mining
industry. Hermann Levy thinks that the reason that there are too many
inefficient retailers is the prevalence of national brands, so that
manufacturers have no-one to blame but themselves. C. H. Nathan of the National
Society of Children’s Nurseries writes that postwar, the nation will need
nurseries for all children under school age, and not just for those under 2, as
the paper supposes, and adds that nursery school teachers should be better
trained, better paid and more numerous, and mothers should not be criticised
for availing themselves of nursery services.
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Source |
American Survey
“Preview at
Mexico City” The Mexico City Inter-American Conference happened.
American Notes
“Another Lewis
Victory” Soft coal operators have granted another increase of $1.50 a day. This makes $5000, as in, the cost of a $5000 house, in 12 years, as Uncle George would
point out. Debt service would push this out into a lifetime, to be sure, but we are talking about the cost of a house in terms of a pay raise! Little
Steel is thus broken, and more strikes may be expected. It is not clear how
much leeway the new Director of Economic Stabilisation will give the operators
to raise coal prices. It is clear that someone will be able to sell more houses.
Votes” The San Francisco Conference will not be postponed. The President
supports Russia’s request for votes in the assembly for the Ukraine and White
Russia. Senator Vandenberg wants a fight over Poland. Russia’s
denunciation of the neutrality pact is very exciting. Mr. Byrne’s final report promises new
refrigerators, pots and pans very soon after VE Day, but warns of a continuation of
price and wage controls, high tax rates, and mild
unemployment. The manpower registration act fails some more.
(It sits down in the powder room with the “Pan-American monopoly” bill and has
a good cry.) Admiral King wants to keep a large navy, and many Pacific islands, in case the Pacific War happens again.
The Business World
“Art and
Industry” The editor of Art and Industry says that industrial things should be artistic. Something to do with “designer fees?”
“A Pottery Plan”
The National Society of Pottery Workers have a plan for the national
reconstruction of the pottery industr. A page and a half !
Business Notes
Stocks are up. American surplus
aircraft are being disposed of, and there might be as many as 8000 transports
surplus to requirements, when only some 600 were in civilian use around the
world before the war, but they won't last very long, even if they are not flown into German machine guns. Mining taxes are being discussed in the wake of Lord
Geddes’ report on the industry. Wool production is already too high, and postwar
meat shortages may push it up higher if people start voluntarily eating more mutton, so that more sheep are raised. . . Therefore more uses for wool are needed, and so we
must have “Wool Research.”
“Comparative Food Consumption” A
study of consumption in Canada, the United States and Great Britain shows that
America has all the food. (Well, actually, Canada does, per capita, but there are hardly
any Canadians.) America had a supply of 155.4lbs of meat per
head in 1944! This is compared with 208lbs of grain, so that with dairy and
eggs included, Americans have more protective foods (fruit and vegetables
excluded) than grain per
head of population. The winter milk yield is up, as are stocks. The long saga
of the Texas Land and Mortgage Company may be unwound at the London Stock
Exchange this week. Equities are up again. The coal miners, it is hoped, will
embrace full technical efficiency. In an ad, Ryvita promises to do its best to
revitalise British world trade by exporting to places such as the Falkland
Islands, Fiji, Luxembourg, the Argentine and Canada. (A partial list.)
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Ryvita --All British since 1930! I did not know that. |
Aviation, April 1945
The Privateer
makes the cover in an ad for its “reliable” Pratt & Whitney engines.
Down the Years in AVIATION’s Log
Twenty-five years
ago, Cabot of Boston (where else?) “commences experiments in pick-up.” Air Service Engineering Division built its universal test engine, the Navy was
making flotation bags for planes, and Monel metal was approved by the British
for engine valves. Fifiteen years ago, Packard brought out its diesel aircraft engine, Douglas had $3,283,236 in assets, U.S. air exports totalled $600,000 in
January, a Martin torpedo plane dived 5000ft with the first 1000lb bomb, Boeing delivered 37 P-12s to the Army, and United challenged the constitutionality of Wyoming and Montana's gas taxes. Ten years ago, Hitler announced the
existence of the German air force, Consolidated reported a 1934 profit of
$6,650, and the NAA called on the states to exempt airlines from gas taxes.
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Wiki |
Line Editorial
James McGraw,
Jr., believes that “America Wants Prosperity.” I don’t know. Sounds unlikely to
me. Perhaps Mr. Gallup could do a poll? His point is that he just read Prosperity: We Can Have it if We Want It,
by Messrs. Shields and Woodward. The book will attract both acclaim and
dissent, McGraw thinks, by rejecting, as means of promoting prosperity,
whatever their other merits, “programs for public works, slum clearances,
subsidizing of small business, foreign loans, social insurance, deficit
government spending, redistribution of income, the numerous formulae for
monetary management, repeal of the anti-trust laws, or any of the
loosely-phrased admonitions that government should do nothing and allow
everything to take its course untrammeled by controls of any kind.”
Rather, under
free enterprise, prosperity depends on a system for promoting capital
investment, continuing improvement in productivity per man-hour of work, and
enlarging markets by producing the goods that consumers want at lower prices,
thereby increasing effective incomes. McGraw is upset that although everyone
agrees that government action is a last resort, all the substantive discussion
turns on when and how that action will be needed to prevent deflation. There is
no talk of the kind of policies needed to promote prosperity at other times.
So: above all, we
need full employment. This allows for “frictional unemployment,” which is to
say, people between jobs, and not like Mrs. Murphy’s brother, either! But
however defined, that residual cannot mean the 15 to 20 million unemployed in
1939. This is the end to which Senator Murray proposed his “Full Employment Bill." To reach, at last, something resembling a point, Junior doesn’t like
the book, which dislikes the bill, or the bill, either. Junior does not like sweeping assertions and grand plans.
“Surplus –The
Industry’s Sword of Damocles” Leslie E. Neville tells his story about the
fellow who sold new planes in 1919, had his delivery pilots stop in a field, and substituted old war surplus engines for the new ones. Again. The
point is that we have to scrap all the war surplus.
James G. Ray,
Vice-President, Southwest Airlines, “Measuring the Feederline Market: Part I of
a Series” I do not know if you have any plans of going into the feederline
business, sir. Let me know if you do, and I send you a copy; also, Howard W. Hartley, Aviation Editor, St. Petersburg
Evening Independent, “Florida Coordinates Action on Aviation Legislation.”
“Tips and
Techniques for Alaska-Bound Flyers” Flying the northern route between Montana
and Alaska is quite dangerous, and safety depends on proper interpretation of
poor meteorological information, good navigation and Boy Scout preparedness.
Also, lots of black humour
to remind you that most of the boys doing this are Tommy Wong’s age.
John D. Waugh,
Propeller Division, Curtiss-Wright Corp., “Design Progress on Junkers Hydraulic
Propellers” Junkers has its own line of propellers, which are installed mainly
on the Jumo 211 engines used by only four German types (Ju 87, 88, -188, and Do
217). So Junkers has
been playing around in this little garden to see what works, and what doesn’t. Mr.
Waugh is generally not impressed by the work, which is heavy and lacks detailed
finish and often incorporates clearly undesireable features, but thinks that the experiments are interesting.
Charles H. Hurcamp, Head of Design Department, St. Louis Plant, Aircraft Division,
Curtiss-Wright, “Why More than Two Engines?” Everyone else is building their
big airliners with four engines. Everyone else is wrong. Buy the CW-20.
Harold E. Lemont,
Jr. “Rotor-Craft Speeds are Due for a Doubling” Now that the experimental phase
is over, high-speed helicogyros will rapidly follow. Some people think that
rotary wing aircraft will get up to 600mph. They are wrong. Others think that
the speed will be limited to 200mph. They are wrong, too. (The main argument
here is about compressibility limits on rotor tip speeds.) Future helicogyros,
which will have multiple engines geared to individual propellers, will have
propellers in tractor as well as vertical positions (and engine cooling fans,
because that wasn't enough gearing already), and thus achieve speeds comparable to “frozen-wing”
aircraft. They will also require rolling takeoffs, which I thought was the
thing that “rotor-craft” didn’t need?
D. R. Abrams,
Chairman, Change Control, Georgia Div., Bell Aircraft Corp, “Modifying
Superbombers on the Production Lines” The B-29 is ready for service right now
because Bell was allowed to fiddle with the planes as they were made. This
required a huge amount of organisation so as for planes to not just fall out of
the skies, as that is Wright's job.
K. R. Jackman,
Chief Test Engineer, Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., San Diego, “Aviation
Laboratory Organisations Prewar andn Postwar, Part IV” All firms should have
testing laboratories. some should have “practical” laboratories, fewer should have "theoretical” laboratories. Firms might look to independent laboratories, such as Arthur D. Little in
Boston, or fund university fellowships, but “research monopolies” are bad. J. D. Bernal tells us that in
Britain in 1939, four-fifths of independent research was going on at only 10
firms. Ten is too few. Diagrams
of existing laboratory organisations at Lockheed and pictures of Chrysler labs show white coats and mysterious apparatus.
R. J. Considine,
Engineering Development, Douglas Aircraft Corp, “See Promise in Papreg for
Aircraft Structures” See editors not.
George H. Tweney,
Consulting Aeronautical Engineer, “Is Airplane Stability Such a Mystery?” It’s
easy to understand aircraft stability if they’re not going very fast, and
you’re a whiz at solving differential equations.
“Five Shop-Method
Improvements by Navy Mechanics” But do they have an ideal laboratory organisation?
E. F. Lindsley,
“Trouble Shooting ‘The Elimination Way’” Lindsley walks us through the “trouble
shooting” method of solving a ‘rough engine squawk” before it turns into a
Edward E. Thorp,
Assistant Editor, Aviation, “New Air
Position Indicator Checks Course Constantly” The internal workings of the new
Eclipse-Pioneer air position indicator are a closely guarded secret (editor!),
but here is how to read the dials. Actually, this is more interesting than it sounds. It is all very well to have a device that provides a navigator with an automatic track, but asking him to convert from spherical to plane geometry out on the lonely Pacific is just giving him an opportunity to make a tragic mistake. Eclipse (or someone, see below) tries to make this as simple as possible.
James B. Rea,
Engineering Test Pilot and Design Specialist, Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
Corp., “How Engineering Can Simplify Cruise Control” Fuel consumption per hour
is determined by altitude, throttle setting, engine rpm. These in turn affect
utilisation of aircraft by month, most obviously by payload carried, but also
by maintenance, I suppose.
Raymond L.
Hoadley, “’Level Off Looms for Airline Profits” Also under civil operations are
articles about turning handy barns into hangars, and making more money off
airport busses. And “Stabinol,” last heard of in connection with roads in
“Johnson Company
tests New Rocket 185” Because what American needs is another cabin two-seater.
(Skylark announces four designs, and Hughes wants to make a feederliner.)
“Douglas A-26
Invader Proves ‘Hottest’ Attack Bomber” A brief discussion of the Army’s latest
bomber indicates progress in “laminar flow” wings, new flaps, and new rolling
processes at the aluminum mill. The main
spars are “built up of unspliced spar caps with integral end fittings,”
requiring that the rolled billet be
split diagonally. The skin, like that of the B-29, is unusually thick,
thus do not wrinkle in wing deflection, preserving the laminar air flow.
John L. Kent,
Staff Sergeant, ASF, “AAF Battlefront Engineers FIGHT to BUILD."
Aviation News
Debate continues
on the McCarran Bill to make Pan-American the American overseas "air instrument" and allow railway companies to “integrate”
airlines into their operations. Because monopolies are good, after all.
America at War: Aviation’s Communique No.
Considering that
we are now attacking Germany with 8000 planes, some observers are disappointed
that we had to have a land war, too. Ohers suggest that with all the planes
that we’ll be bombing Japan with, this time
we’ll win the war with bombing. General Arnold says that air power has replaced
sea power as America’s first line of defence, which is why we must maintain
research, production and training capabilities. Others wonder whether anyone is even trying with this feature, and not style similarities to.. . .
The Washington Windsock
“Gas turbine and
propeller power plants will probably be tried in heavy military aircraft before
the war is over.” Reciprocating engines might be used as jet engines. There is
talk of a Secretary of Air in the postwar cabinet, instead of a Secretary of
Transportation. Washington is hot, humid and crowded. My termination is effective on V-J Day. I think I'm going to skim the headlines of the Times and have another drink.
Aviation Manufacturing
February aircraft
output was 6,286, another 3% decline. The main reasons for this “fourth
straight month of decline” (remember that the increase in June broke a seven month streak of declines) are design changes and labour shortages. The lag is
entirely in “critical models,” which makes it more worrying. On the bright side, the Lockheed Shooting
Star contract reveals a large jet-power programme, and the Sikorksy R-6
helicopter programme is large, too. The paper at last admits that the Meteor
was the first Allied jet plane in combat against the enemy, and notes that DeHavilland has a jet fighter in development, too. Consolidated-Vultee’s San
Diego plant contract for Privateers is noted again. Willow Run, meanwhile, is
still making B-24s. An electronic control device for automatic riveters is
speeding production of Convair’s Dominators, about which no-one cares anymore.
(Notice that they even have to use a different name for their company!)
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Free association |
Transport Aviation
Pan Am! Airlines need new
transports. Martin is making 20 newer, bigger Mars JRM for the Naval Air
Transport Service, as mentioned in Flight.
Questions are raised about civil air in Alaska, such as whether Alaskan
carriers will be allowed to “extend” into the United States, and about the
Chinese and Russians, who will obviously want to make their point of entry into
the hemisphere.
Aviation Abroad
The paper notices
the kerfuffle about the “new” British spark plug, more than a year after the
President mentioned it in his State of the Union speech. France’s giant Loire et Olivier SE-200 flying boat is reported to have been shot down in a test flight
over the Mediterranean. The Germans are attacking Britain with anew, longer range model of robobomb. “Australia National Airways has bought 60
acres adjoining Parafield railway station in South Australia for postwar
development. It is planned to convert a building figuring in deal for use as a
modern air travel center.” This is a direct translation from the Australian, by
the way. A new record in the Blue Riband of the Air has been set at 6 hr, 8
min, by a Canadian made Mosquito eastward bound. The Hermes, Tudor, Brabazon
and Vickers VC-1 are all reported.
Side slips
Hilarity for thismonth leads off with “25,000 Japanese coming in at 8 feet,” baseball games on airfields, and the shortage of meat and
cigarettes. Also, some A-26 pilots in
training make “Side Slipper” very upset at Americans who like griping,
slacking and strikes.
Fortune, April 1945
The special talking about talking about civil aviation
issue! It will be like the one about “the west,” only with not as many nice
The Job Before Us
“Westward Look”
The goddess of history will look down on San Francisco on 25 April. It will
not, precisely, be a peace conference, but it will be something, because it
will create a new and improved League of Nations, and we all remember how
important that was.
“The Murray Bill:
Employment for What?” The paper gives a clearer account of the bill than James
McGraw can bring himself to produce, but is even more skeptical, disagreeing with Life,
and promises a further explanation in its upcoming review of Dr. Alvin Hanson’s
new book.
Enterprise but no Fat Cats” Profits have been high, dividends low, and American
business is sitting on healthy bank accounts. Should well-heeled companies
invest to create new jobs, as the Engineer urged much less solvent companies to
do a dozen years ago? Or will they just let the money sit, unable to see the
way to effective investments?
“U.S. Meets
U.S.S.R. in Manchuria” The Cairo Declaration announced that Manchuria would be
returned to China and that Korea would become a free and independent nation
after the war. But clearly Russia has its nationalistically-communistic eye on this rich and beautiful land, which is not at all a sub-Arctic wasteland, but rather a hundred million acres
of rolling land yielding bounteous harvests of soybean, kaoliang and millet, 8 million tons of iron and 27 million tons of coal per
year, with twice as much railway mileage and eight times as much road mileage as it had before the time when it didn't. “Manchuria became one of the biggest industrial areas
in Asia.” Obviously Russian wants to keep it. Who doesn’t want to go to war with America, China and Japan at the same
Who will help Russia get Manchuria? The “anti-China party” of friends of the Communists,
officers of the United States Army, Old China Hands, transient journalists,
America-loving isolationists and Russia-approving internationalists. Pretty much everyone who believes the“Wild
tales [that] circulate in Washington and Chungking,” and various people just do not understand Chinese ways, such
as our ancient tradition of taking 5 percent off the top and reinvesting it in
American real estate. What could possibly unite
such a disparate group and motivate them to maliciously allege the incompetence
of Chungking? Oh! I know the answer to that question. It was explained to me in painful detail by an invalided Marine colonel when I made the mistake of talking to him about the Governor's candidacy after the county party meeting last week. (Not to give away the ending, but it's the Jews. Says the colonel, not the paper. At least, not yet, thank Heavens.)
“War, Cash and
Corporations” Total private business holdings in cash and government securities
have reached 32 billions, equal to the whole US national income in 1932. Gross
receipts of US corporations in 1929 were $159 billion, in 1941, $190, and in
the last three years they have ranged upwards of $250 billion. Lower operating
costs with increased volume have led net income to rise from $9 billion in 1929
to $22 billion before taxes in 1944. “Profits before taxes also represent
profits after renegotiation,” and it is likely that renegotiations have missed
many wartime profit increases. Still, renegotiations have taken back $8 billion
in excess profits, of which only $6 billion would likely have gone as taxes.
These are also profits after depreciation. A good example of how depreciation
has worked out well for entrepeneurs is Fontana, where Uncle Henry, had the war
ended last year, “could have done no worse than to let RFC foreclose,” and by
the end of 1946 will have been able to charge off 80% of the cost of building
(with money borrowed from the RFC), or to claim a tax refund “big enough to
take care of most of the rest –provided he has enough income to rate a high
There are many
other Economist-style
this-but-on-the-other-hand-that’s on the way to the conclusion that American
business has huge cash reserves equal to two years of maximum capital investment at
a $170 billion gross national product without looking to the banks for external
financing. You would think that this would mean that business is sitting pretty, but if you said that, you couldn't argue for tax reductions.
“General Mills of
Minneapolis” General Mills is the company of Betty Crocker, and is America’s
largest miller. It also sponsors the Lone Ranger, Jack Armstrong, All-American
Boy and Valiant Lady. Of twenty-three General Mills flour mills across the country employing
a total of 5000 people, Buffalo’s is the largest, though unless it is much the
largest, processing the output of 5000 acres each day into enough flour for
6 million loaves of bread. Fourteen sets of rollers, in some processes, polish
and nibble the water-tempered wheat berry before they are roasted and fired from guns(!) to make Wheaties, Kix and Cheerioats. Brands, advertising and breakfast cereal all combine to fight the
trend to declining flour sales, which have dropped some 10% per capita in the
last fifty years.
My point here, such as it is, is that in the last seventy years, somehow grain milling became a smaller business than newspapers, at least in terms of employment.
“The Pentagon:
U.S. Army Headquarters Become the Powerhouse of the Nation” The first colour
picture of the new home of the Army shows it to be an enormous, and truly
strange building. The parking lot is pretty big, too. You’ve probably heard all
the statistics, the 42 acres of ground space, 200 telephone operators, eight
cafeterias serving 55,000 meals, the 32,500 men who work there.
I just want to call your attention to all the parking!
Let’s Talk about Talking About Civil
I take it back.
There are some pictures, and a profile of TWA which isn’t
repeating old details, but, basically. . .
“Crusade for
Truth” Kent Cooper of the Associated Press leads a worldwide campaign for
freedom of the press. The paper balances between being skeptical and cynical, and hopeful. It is also very upset at the way that certain people on the left are criticising Cooper. Those leftists are far too pro-Russian.
“Cancer: Notes of
Hope” I would not read this dreadful thing were I not promised hope. The hopes
are: i) Science might eventually discover what causes cancer; ii) x-ray
diagnosis and early treatment; iii) public awareness of common cancer signs,
leading to early treatment; iv) improvements on existing treatments, which rely
on the physical destruction of cancerous tissue, by means of better radiation
therapy; v) more aggressive anti-cancer surgery thanks to plasma, sulfa drugs
and penicillin; vi) identification of cancerigenic agents such as certain tars,
organic dyes and arsenic, short-stemmed clay pipes, betel nut-chewing, yellow
butter dye and radiation; vii) hormone treatment and castration; viii) enzyme
treatment, or, more generally, with various chemical “bombs” which attack
cancer cells via their fuel-transport mechanism; ix) “chemotherapy” with
various chemicals which attack cancer cells.
More money for
research into cancer treatments is crucial to further progress, and so
fund-raising and foundation support is very important.
The Farm Column
A lean beef year
is developing. Which is odd, because the live cattle population has hit 80
million. Eventually, Ladd gets aroundn to partially eplaining why: half of current consumption is of uninspected beef, which cannot cross state lines, it is consumed in producing states like Texas, Nebraska and Colorado. Since the government takes half of beef slaughtered in Federally-inspected facilities, regions which depend on these are short of beef right now. These include New York and New Jersey, where the black market is flourishing, and buyers are flouting the price ceilings. Add in the shortage of transport, and this is pretty much the explanation.
Ladd goes on to explain that butchers are sure that OPA regulations are enriching ranchers; feedlot
owners think that there is a conspiracy to push us to grass-fed beef; and
ranchers think that the price ceilings are an attempt to push the herd
population down. In short, in typical Ladd Haystead fashion, some horrid malaise of cycles of diminishing returns are spreading across the industry and will comprehensively dismantle it, leading to a critical shortage of beef in no time. then, Ladd being Ladd, he also needs to show just how much he knows about American beef, and get onto the subject of small grains, in the bargain. So he xplains that another problem is that the beef feeding industry has been in
trouble during the war. The government, looking to maximise production, and in
particular edible fats, encouraged a shift of feed grains to hogs, which
produce more meat per pound of feed than do feedlot cattle.
Ladd is then again Ladd, as he dismantles his own point by observing that an oversupply
of hogs led to a call for a cull, which is why all that bacon ended up going to Britain last year. This year’s hog cro will be 29% below
1943’s, leading to more feed for cattle, and with supplies of corn and oats up 8%
year over year on January 1, 5% more beef were on feed at that time than the
year before. Besides, a huge proportion of the corn left in the fields was by
this time too wet to be shelled and binned. A hundred million bushels are out
there ready to be consumed by feeder cattle. As this does not sound like a crisis at all, Ladd adds that since feeders no not see a chance at a
profit, they not expand their herds, except to the extent that they have already done so. At no point in the column is the shortage of rail cars mentioned, because this would be an explanation for what is going on that did not imply that everyone in the industry is feeling the pinch of declining profits and about to abandon food production.
I suppose that it would be cavalier of me to blithely predict a beef surplus to to with last year's bacon surplus and the trains of bad eggs derailing on their way to open-pit mines, but it really does seem to me that the experts are trying to turn a coordination problem into another famine scare.
Books and Ideas
So Dr. Alvin
Hanson, so well beloved of The
Economist’s New York Correspondent, has a book out. No-one has been talking
about it in the way that they have about Hayek and Beveridge, and no wonder, with a title like America’s Role in the World Economy.
You’ll see why
I’m reminded when I turn to the review. If McGraw and the paper agree on
anything this month, it is that they dislike the Murray Bill. So why not take that a little further and
intimate a problem with “full employment” itself? Having opened the case against full employment, the paper discovers this to be
a problem with Hanson’s book. The “risks” of a full-employment policy are
scarcely considered. Indeed, Hanson believes that with full employment at home,
and the beneficient oversight of international institutions, the problem of
world trade will settle itself. With full employment in mind, Hanson is
criticised for not taking a strong enough stand against tariffs. He does not
deem the Smoot-Hawley Tariff as a cause of the Depression.
I recognise this
argument from one too many teas with the Engineer, who, by the way, cannot be gentled into considering the
possibility that, as President, it was rather his job to veto the tariff if it
were so pernicious. Now, even though I think that the Engineer's problem is that he is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, at the same time, I will grant that he is not a stupid man. It seems to me that the reason that he did not veto the Smoot-Hawley Tariff when he could does not imply that he was indifferent to the Crash. It implies that in his heart of hearts, he knows that it was not the tariff that caused it. He just accepted the idea that only "socialism" could stop the Depression, and he didn't want socialism.
So, too, people who share the Engineer's way of thinking do not like socialism when it is bruited now. The paper is also appalled by the way that Dr. Hanson
advocates exchange controls to limit the imports of consumer goods into
backwards producer countries, as these controls will be like the first sip for a dipsomaniac, and must lead to “economic authoritarianism.” Dr. Hanson believes that the business cycle must
be controlled domestically and internationally by budget measures. The paper
agrees, but so long as it does not involve “spending,” and “he does not put primary
emphasis on a competitive private market.” In short, most of what we can do to stabilise the business cycle will lead to socialism, and so cannot be done.
Also reviewed: China Among the Powers, by David Nelson,
believes that China will continue to be weak for a generation yet, that its
industrialisation prospects are distant, and that population growth is likely
to outpace economic. Manya Gordon, How to Tell Progress from Reaction is actually a book by Mrs. Simeon Strunky, who relates the views of the fictitious Mr. Hopewell, Confused yet? The point is that Mr. Hopewell/Miss Gordon/Mrs. Strunky concludes that Communist Russia is an awful place,
but this commonplace is immunised from the charge that it comes from a capitalist flunky by being put in the mouth of one fictional character, as related by a possibly semi-fictional persona. I hope no-one is regretting the dollar they dropped on this number.
Business at War
More talking about talking about
civil aviation! In this case, Transportes Aereos Centro Americanos. Also,
Cornell’s school of labour relations has many interesting suggestions about the
future of business-labour relations in America.
Aircraft Engineering
Since you have a (library, so please be careful!) number in your hand, I thought I
might catch you up with J. Lockwood Marsh’s Aircraft
It's not that I am not interested, it is that I do not have a subscription, although I did arrange forthe university to take one. Between submarines and paper shortages, it has not always been available, or rewarding, and the 1945 numbers will just
about fit into a letter envelope. Lieutenant-Colonel Marsh is much my favourite editor. He has strong but well thought out, and certainly not obnoxious opinions. Unfortunately, it is a technical paper, and those opinions are not always terribly salient.
One that matters a very great deal, however, is the one expressed in the March number, that “British supremacy” is proven by
the RAE automatic pilot and bombsight, the electric gun sight, the distant
reading compass, air mileage unit and air position indicator, of which more
Looking back over the year's run, it is hard to stress just how exceptional this is. Failure of struts, an antiquarian inquiry into the tailless planes of the
distant old days of the 1930s, a bit about electrical supplies and about flutter, “Negative Rake milling,” “geometry of geared tabs,” the stalling
of airscrew blades, and magnetic detection of flaws. All these things get articles of fairly limited appeal.
Getting back to the March number, we finally have the “gen” on the
Air Position Indicator. Just as James said, it is a British
invention. I do not know how James' four year siege of RAE for pre-print details might have unfolded in the last few weeks, but here is what is fit to print, and it is a very great deal indeed. F. H.Scrimshaw and J. A. Wells provide, first, a historical account. The dead reckoning compass
was under development at the beginning of the war, and first appeared in
service in March of 1941, after earlier efforts failed, the API, developed
alongside the AMU, appeared in a Pathfinder squadron in February 1943, and is
credited with having a hand in the success of the dam raids and the Ploesti
attack. Second, they provide as much as possible of an account of this device's key feature, automatically adjusting damping of excursions from stability. It's not much, but it might be more than James has been able to extract through official sources.
Someone has built a really nice website about RN carriers. Here's the first part of their discussion of how armoured carriers came about:
one on logistics:
another on HMS Unicorn:
I note that as the airgroups got bigger, the aircraft got bigger, and the third generation armoured carriers like Indomitable and beyond added the second hangar back, a lot of the extra hangar space ended up being used as accommodation. In a real sense, the limiting factor wasn't the size of the ship - it was the size of the crew.
Higher-performing (and heavier - say higher wing-loading), more complex aircraft needed both more hands to range them and a wider diversity of skills to keep them going. after a while, there was no point filling the hangar further because they needed the space for the extra technicians to eat and sleep.
Now that's the sort of thing I expect you could make something of!
Also, there's a crazy interesting substory in there about radar - airgroups started to grow fast once radar went to sea, but unlike the RAF the RN didn't have a fighter controller specialisation or an equivalent of the BoB-era sector control model. So one had to grow out of out-of-work actors who'd joined the RNVR in peacetime for the beer money (yes! really!). By 1943 Victorious was picked to be the US 5th Fleet's AAW coordinator because her fighter direction setup was better than anyone else's.
By 1945, though, and I didn't know this, the RN had leapfrogged the USN CIC concept and started integrating the other ships in the task force into the Action Information Organisation air plot, giving the radar heads their own voice radio network. They didn't just pass tracks into Flag, either - the carrier AIO would delegate tasks and pass information back to other AIO-equipped ships, so Howe off Sakishima was responsible for blue force tracking, Uganda for AA fire control, and Indomitable for fighter interception and AIO system coordination. A mesh network of decentralised processing nodes.
It's amazing that the radio nets could be that robust without the ships tipping over for all the antenna, cables and accommodation....
ReplyDeleteAnd then you get things like lack of condensor capacity leading to a critical shortage of fresh water, not just for hotelling, but for cleaning the planes. (No problemo, just tip the planes over the side every couple months, because plenty more are coming from stateside!)
And then's there accommodation. You'd think that pilot ratings would be a good idea in some abstract sense, but sometimes it came down to not having enough bunk space to put up all the pilot officers. If they don't have room to spread out their charts, they're not going to pass their exams!