R_. C_.,
__ Roxborough Crescent,
Vancouver, Canada
Dear Dad:
I posted you from Waikiki as soon as I got in, so it's a race between the package and the US Mail. We'll see whether the Hawaiian side of things is as fast as Newhitty! Sounds more exciting than squadron work. While some of my fellow flyboys get to do nothing but see how much power our new ship has, I've been stuck trying to get results out of this wackadoodle magnet-thingie that's supposed to detect submarines! Maybe I'll even break super top-secret when we get the electronics working, but as of right now we haven't even got the trace recorder working in the air! I'd ask them to bring you over, but that'd just get me the old eye roll from the Old Man, so I've requested Tommy, instead. We may not be able to pry him loose of Alaska Command for good, but he should have this thing sitting up and begging for treats in a week or two.
I don't know if you'd had anything from Newhitty lately? About how Mr. Brookstein is doing, say, or whether V. went back to Chicago with her folks? I hear that A. went down to Vancouver with W.B, who is supposed to be spending time with the future father-in-law. Now that I can't picture, a man's man like him putting up with W.B.'s act for very long! But I hear Mrs. likes him, which is good. I especially need to get in touch with A. Or, anyway, Tommy does, as we have an angle that might help him out in the Service, if you know what I mean. Not Mr. Brookstein (I wouldn't want to put the RCMP) on him, but an angle based on some stories he told me about his LA days. Did you know he did some work with the SAG? I'm thinking I can call in my favour, get A. a "source." Can't hurt if he's got something he can work with HUAC.
Well, that's it from me for now, Dad. My electronics are ready ---I can smell the smoke at the other end of the ship!
Yr Loving Son,
The Economist, 2 August 1947
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It's funny because socialism is bad. |
“Battle for Western Germany” Britain, France and America are agreed
that the present stagnation in coal production, etc., foretells a winter
collapse, so that by the time the wolves cross the frozen Elbe, all the Germans
will have already eaten each other. The British find this very exasperating,
since they spent £118 million on the Occupation last year and £100 million on
the Army of Occupation; and will spend £100 million in total this year. They
cannot spend more, yet Germany probably needs imported coal and steel, as well
as more grain; even as all are agreed that the miners need more incentives
before they will produce more, which will take the form of imported consumer
goods such as tobacco, paid for out of coal exports in lieu of meeting other
commitments, such as reducing the costs of the occupation. A good part of the
food import and investment costs of the occupation are in dollars, although it
is not clear how much. Now English people are talking about just withdrawing
from the occupation, while, in a helpfulness competition, some Americans are blaming
it all on administrative muddle. The
Economist says there should be a unified civilian administration of the western German zones, and that this
would probably go a long way to fixing the problems that were just sprayed in
so much ink that I’m not sure what they are, besides not enough coal, steel,
food and rebuilding. Way down at the bottom of Notes, this might or
might not be clarified by a description of the confusion caused by the fact
that there are Christian Democrats and Social
Democrats in the new “bizonal German authority.” They are fighting like socialists and conservatives, which naturally means that the Germans can’t
govern themselves. (Can’t we just jump ahead through the marches, attacks on
temples and mosques riots and communal slaughters directly to the partition of
Germany into “The Super-Socialist Republic of Germany,” and “Bismarckistan”?)
“The Ownership of the Press” There is a Royal Commission on press
ownership having hearings in England right now. The Economist doesn’t think that it is as necessary as all that,
since many of the problems it has been set up to resolve are just bad
journalists doing bad journalism. I wouldn’t lead with that, except that I had
to read three paragraphs before I got to that point, and would really, really,
like to make a joke about it. The reason that I wouldn’t lead with
it is that, after explaining what the problem is, The Economist goes on to explain what people think the problem is (too many rich proprietors buying all the
papers and imposing a usually conservative and anti-Labour editorial viewpoint
on them), and why those people are stupid and wrong. This is where I would put the observation about bad
journalism, if I were writing the article, and I, like I said, I’m dying to
make a joke about it, but no-one would understand it until I was done
explaining, and that wouldn’t be a very good joke. Unlike this article. (Drum
In conclusion, conservative media magnates monopolising newspapers is a good thing, because they're, well, not right, but rightish. In conclusion, vote Liberal because, I don't know, it's what we've always said you should do. Oh, wait, I know! Free trade. That's what we can cling to --precious, precious free trade. Within the sterling bloc.
“The Indian Princes” India (and Pakistan) are going to be independent
soon, and will have to deal with the Indian princely states, which are, I
gather pseudo-independent countries that were surrounded by British India. The
Brits never really sorted out how they were going to deal with the princes, and
now it is up to India and Pakistan. The thought is that they will probably deal
with the princes by getting rid of them, which sounds like a good idea to me.
But if you spray enough words at it, you can make anything seem like a bad idea
–even getting rid of a bunch of feudal tyrants misruling some suffering
Notes of the Week
“Coalition Rumours” People are
talking about a Conservative-Labour coalition government to fix the current
crisis. The Economist thinks that’s a
terrible idea. Not so much terrible as ridiculous was the House of Lords
sending the Transport Bill back to the House of Commons.
“Coal to Swansea” Europe received 25 million tons of American coal
last year, the equivalent of seven weeks of British production. “In other
words, one extra hour in a five-day week would make American imports unnecessary and save Europe over $560 million
a year.” (Some coal was even landed at Swansea.) In other, other words, The Economist just will not give up on
the idea that the problem in the coal mines is that the coal miners are lazy.
(From the pdf linked above. Interesting stuff. Note the importance of Polish (Silesian) coal) |
“Breakdown in Moscow” The breakdown of the Anglo-Russia trade talks
has disappointed many people. “The idea of getting wheat from Russia without
paying dollars was getting quite a grip on the British newspaper reader,” but
it turns out that the Russians want dollars, too, mainly because the English
couldn’t send enough capital equipment to nearly cover the 6 million tons of
wheat wanted [pdf], and, in dollars, the price was higher than Canada was offering.
“Testing the Sellers Market” The Russian explanation for the breakdown
is that while the Russians were willing to enter into definite delivery
guarantees, the British weren’t. The
Economist concedes that that was probably true, and blames the free market,
before going on to admit that the Russian needs in steel and engineering goods
exceeded probably English production, anyway. So the English promised as much
as could be delivered now, and convertible sterling to buy more later, to which
the Russians said that, for what they were going to be paid in money, they
would need American dollars, thanks very much. The Economist reads that as arm-twisting, and says that the real conclusion is that the English can
still sell as much as they make. In other words, that it is still a seller’s
market, and that the dollar demand is the Russian way of getting leverage.
“Housing at Eatanswill” Eatanswill is a reference to Dickens?
I’m told? Applying all the interpretive diligence I learned writing
Five-Legged essays, I’m going to guess that the point is that English housing
policy is political. Astonishing! Also, in keeping with the house style, in
the last paragraph I arrive at the news building trades have agreed to new
rules on incentives bonusses that will make housing costs higher but hopefully
lead to higher productivity and release some labour. In defence of the ludicrous
“put the news in the last paragraph” writing decision, it’s good news, and who wants to hear that? Not good news is the Amalgamated Engineering
Union refusing to allow Poles in engineering employment, the latest in a series
of “great difficulties about the absorption of Poles in civil employment.” (The
AEU, however, says that engineering is not like, say, coal mining. It is not
short of labour, and Polish entry would put British workers out.) While I’m
tacking my discussion of other Notes onto the bottom of this one, I will also
point out that Eatanswill is not a real place, like Stevenage (New Town).
“Tinplate and Patronage” “Mr. D. Grenfell, M.P.” thinks that the
decision to put the tinplate and sheet steel plant in Swansea was political
patronage, and The Economist agrees
and thinks that this is a terrible way of going about things, compared with
free enterprise freely competing to put everything in London.
Not patronage is the recent difficulty the Nuffield Foundation has had with its charitable efforts to care for old people, which the Rowntree Committee thought was incompatible with the new British social security. This will now be fixed by the formation of a Corporation for the Care of Old People, which will make sure that all old people get the same benefits of Nuffield private charity.
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From the Beeb. |
Not patronage is the recent difficulty the Nuffield Foundation has had with its charitable efforts to care for old people, which the Rowntree Committee thought was incompatible with the new British social security. This will now be fixed by the formation of a Corporation for the Care of Old People, which will make sure that all old people get the same benefits of Nuffield private charity.
“Mr. Rank and the Dollar” Mr. Rank thinks that England spends too much
importing Hollywood movies when it could just watch movies that he makes, and
that there should be a tax like the one the Government proposes. The Economist is torn, because, on the
one hand, the idea saves dollars and ruins fun, which it supports; while, on
the other, it increases taxes, which it hates. It all depends on Mr. Rank.
“France Between East and West” France blah socialism blah communism
blah unions blah M. Bidault blah.
“Scorched Earth in Indonesia” The Dutch are attacking, the Republicans
are carrying out a “scorched earth” defeat. The Dutch may profit in the short
run by quickly getting exports going and improving their situation in world
markets, but people are already getting upset, Australia, India and Pakistan
are going to bring it up in the United Nations, and the “’inherent rights of Asiatics’ [1:30] will be very loudly and forcibly proclaimed as never before in a
world forum.”
“Shadowplay in Italy” See “France between, etc.,” only substitute “Italian
Peace Treaty” for “M. Bidault.” Although the Russians are obligated
to withdraw some troops from Europe when the treaty is ratified, so that’s
nice. Except they may not, if the “Anglo-Saxon garrisons” in Italy aren’t also
drawn down.
“Gall from Paris” The whole awful thing with the Exodus, which The Economist
insists on calling the President Warfield,
is the fault of the French for letting the refugees embark in the first place.
“A Fresh Start in Malaya” The
Economist applauds the Colonial Office’s decision not to go ahead with its
Malayan Union scheme, because Malays don’t like it. Yes, it admits, that does
mean that Indian and Chinese won’t get citizenship, but, after all, they
naturally prefer “good order and economic well-being” and rule by the sultans to
the horrors of citizenship. Any new union agreement will “safeguard the
special position” of Malays (especially Malays who happen to be sultans), the
Colonial Office promises. Is this like Auntie Grace’s idea that civic rights in
South Africa means the right to smash coloured people in the face?
Shorter notes covers the Minister of Food’s decision to stop
restricting entry into the grocery business, so that Cooperatives could see if
they really can bring prices down; the continuing debate over restricting
newsprint imports, which The Economist thinks
should be exempt from austerity; and a statistical report that in the first six
months of the year, applications for foreign currency for holidays abroad have
come to £11.5 million from 250,000 people.
Derek E. Hill-Smith, of British European Airways, points out that what
higher American prices versus constant British exports means is that the terms of trade have become adverse to Britain.
The Americans have found a way to get more British goods for less; and that the
old solution to that would have been to devalue the pound. Bretton Woods is
supposed to prevent that, because it led to trouble in the Thirties, but maybe
this would be a good time to make an exception. Clara Falcone, of the Italian
newspaper Corriere della Sera, writes
to complain that she was prevented from travelling to Tripoli by British
authorities, and where is your vaunted “British liberty” now. N. Devon sends in
a table of statistics that shows that Palestine’s balance of trade balanced out
at 67 million pounds last year, which he thinks will interest readers. Geoffrey
Brackett thinks that since the Government isn’t allowed to direct manpower to
industry, it should at least be allowed to direct the young men who fail the
conscription physical for a year.
The Economist really liked VictorKravchenko’s Soviet Freedom, because
it is about how terrible the Reds are. It didn’t like Joseph Dorfman’s The Economic Mind in American Civilisation,
because it thought that it was long and dumb. J. M. Mogey’s Rural Life in Northern Ireland
is a “disturbing picture of economic backwardness and social decay.” However,
The Economist points out, it only
deals with smallholders and labourers, not “the rural middle class,” and the
rule that “the poor are survey material while the rich are entitled to their
privacy” gets in the way of proper sociological surveys once again. Sounds like
excuses to me! R. E. Dickinson’s City,Region and Regionalism sounds like fascinating reading for any college senior interested in the Middlesborough Survey
and the West Midland Group reports and the Ministry of Town and Country
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Confusing the Ministry with the magazine will never get old! |
From The Economist of 1847
The Economist of 1847 and Sir Robert Peel, sitting in a tree/ First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes SirRobert Peel in a baby carriage!
American Survey

But good news for those who like bad news! First, the continuing
inflation is hitting those who don’t get compensatory wage increase. This, it
seems, is behind the recent decline in savings rates (or not, people may be
saving less because the war is over and there is more to buy), the recent
drawdown in savings, and the dramatic fall in life insurance purchases. Also,
exports can’t possibly continue at current rates, because there is just not
that much to import, and the Marshall Plan can’t possibly make up the rapid depletion
of means to pay. Also, inventories can’t keep on building up the way they are
doing. Besides, construction continues to be disappointing due to high costs. Also
some more, productivity might be improving, but is still too low. In short, the
recession is still just around the corner, and the longer it holds off, the
worse it will be.
“Holiday Patterns” Last summer, America “devoted itself to sprawling
in the sun and letting the bread and soda pop bought by ‘separation pay’ drop
into its collective mouth.” This summer, 60 million are working, including all
the teenagers who couldn’t, during the school year. One crisis after another is
roiling the country, and the only people who are really enjoying the summer are
in “the entertainment industry,” which is seeing booming spending on baseball
bats, bathing suits, tennis racquets, bicycles, fees for dance hall and bowling
alleys, money spent on pet dogs, cinema tickets, and vacation travel. Seven billion
dollars! Speaking of vacation travel, how about those highways? And what about
all those tourist traps along the way? Some hotels are nice! Some motels (which
are an American thing that needs explaining) aren’t! And how about those auto
courts? Very Californian! Even presidential candidates are on the road, being
photographer by people who are also photographing grizzly bears and geysers. All
of this sounds vaguely healthy, which would be good news; so there is bad news,
which is good news, etc.; in 1941, compared with 1931, more money was spent on
spectator sports, gambling and other unhealthy indoor pursuits, and maybe
things have gotten worse since! What with the five-day week, the two-day
weekend, the five weeks annual vacation, pretty soon the only thing Americans
will do is “unhealthy indoor entertainments!” Such as betting on the track,
which is sort of indoors.
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What kind of summer fun picture would The Economist run? I idly wondered as I thumbed through the 11 August Time. |
American Notes
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Mustn't make contemporary political comment, mustn't --Sorry, couldn't hold it in any longer. |
“Presidential Programme” But! The title might seem to suggest that it
wasn’t just the GOP doing rude things to a dog, as Chief would say. Sort of. If you’re
wondering, the other side was Congress didn’t support many of Senator Taft’s
ideas on the one side, and the President’s on the other. However, the President
did get a lot done, so he and his Cabinet “emerged from the session in
decidedly better place than seemed possible a year ago.” The Economist concludes that the President is going to be able to
see off the challenge from Wallace, to which I say, boo!
“Black Weeks for Reds” Congress hates communists, and people who might
be communists, and people who might be like communists. 800 Federal employees
have been discharged for excessive pinkness, a number that will probably rise
to 3000, which seems like a lot, until the 2 million-strong payroll is taken
into account. Plus, there are all the people HUAC has clapped in irons.
“Steel is the Key” The steel industry is producing at 90% of rated
capacity, and a steel shortage is still holding construction back. Is Senator
Murray right in thinking that capacity needs to be expanded to 100 or even 120
million tons, or is the steel industry right that once the backlogs are
cleared, demand will fall below capacity, which was too high for years before
the war? The Economist thinks that
the industry isn’t taking exports into consideration, and looks forward to a
special survey by the Council of Economic Advisors that will sort it all out.
Under shorter notes, it is pointed out that the farm bloc is worried
about talk in Geneva of cracking down on export subsidies, and that “Mr.
Wallace’s appeal to labour and small farmers to wipe out the ‘reactionary
feudal leadership of the Democratic part in the South” . . . . suggests that he
is “seeing political flying saucers.” The Democrats rely on the solid south,
aiming to get enough votes outside to swing the election, and that means that “Mr.
Wallace is seeing the red corpuscles in his own weary eyes.” Get it? Red!
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Imagine the Democrats losing the Solid South! |
The World Overseas
“A Question of Confidence” France is running out of dollars, and once
imports stop coming in, its inflation will accelerate. The problem is the
budget. Expenditures can’t be cut, or the unions will come out. That leaves
taxes, which are high, and tax returns, which are not. That is because the
French are evading taxes on the black market. “The position might have been
different had the government on the morrow of liberation introduced a drastic
currency purge but it is useless to cry over this lost opportunity now.” What
is needed is some unspecified political action to restore faith in the stability
of the country and currency, unleashing French hard work and thrift.
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I think there might be a case for putting benzedrine on prescription. |
There follows a page-and-a-half article about “Trade Policy for
Scandinavia” and then one about “Another Purge in Romania” Scandinavians are
nice, polite and cooperative; Romanians are terrible and communistic.
The Business World
“Portents for Investors” The stock and bond markets have gone up for
quite a while now, for perfectly good reasons that investors might expect to
continue. Recently, however they have been down. Since there’s a crisis on, it
might be related to that, but by skillful use of such powerful tools of
analysis as colourful turns of phrases, wild speculation, and metaphors piled
on metaphors, it can be shown that this might or might not be true; and that in
the future some stocks will go up, but others might not. Yes, I hate The Economist. Why do you ask?
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Don't think I'm exaggerating here, either. This paper is terrible right now, and the extracts from 1847 are even worse. |
“Is Copper Too Dear” Copper is necessary for the engineering industry,
for auto radiators, and in construction. It has to be imported. Its price is
going up. The Ministry of Supply recently reduced the price. The Minister, Mr.
Wilmott, also said that the Ministry would like to get rid of its role as bulk
buyer of ferrous metals, but can’t, because the world supply is too short. The Economist is very pleased to hear
that, as it is a step backwards from planning and socialism and all of that.
Supply fell in the last years of the war, largely due to various
labour and coal supply issues in Chile, Northern Rhodesia and America. This was
balanced by a declining demand from munitions, but in the postwar era demand
grew rapidly, despite the threat of aluminum and of a possible replacement for
the copper radiator. The industry is naturally worried about oversupply, but as
long as demand keeps going up, is perfectly happy with arrangements that
subsidise high cost producers like the older American mines. In the long term,
demand for copper will be maintained by electrical engineering, and as long as
that industry looks robust, investment will continue, especially in low cost production
areas in Africa. One way or another, production looks to be up to 2.16 million
tons next year, but might be held back by the slow industrial recovery in
Europe and lack of dollars. Copper might be the first metal to reach postwar “equilibrium,”
in which case the price can be expected to fall. I’m not sure I follow that,
especially since it seems predicated on the European industrial recovery being “slow,”
which is what everyone is trying to fix!
Business Notes
“Business” this week starts off with a the business of bonds, IMF securities and the ban on gold dealing. It then moves on to the Companies and Transport Bill, the Argentine Rail Scheme, and the recent decline in small savings before getting on to what I would call “business” for the purposes of this newsletter. First, Anglo-Iranian has entered into an agreement with the Distillers Company to make chemicals from oil at the existing Manchester Oil Refineries plant. (It used to use molasses, but the supply is dwindling.) Shell is also building a plant to expand oil refining in the United Kingdom. There is also a new scheme to encourage cotton exports, and the Board of Trade is in trouble for being sticky with raw material allocations to a company part-owned by a Mr. Kendall, MP, called Grantham Productions.
Flight, 7 August 1947
“Rumour-Mongering” Rumours are bad.
“Curing the Evil” One way to fix rumours is to be full and frank about
whatever it is people are talking about. For example, De Havilland has just
issued a bulletin about the problems the Dove and its Gipsy Queen 70 engine have had.
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Designed by the same team that did the Comet, and using the same construction methods. Hmm. By Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28875798 |
“The Right Perspective” Everything is fine in British aviation. Except
that the current system is too complicated.
“The Saro A1” Flight thinks
that the Saro flying boat jet fighter is the best! Or, if they aren’t, they should be! “A figure
for weight may not at present be quoted.” Flight
does admit that there’s no way that this clunker could, you know, fight
enemy fighters, but there’s lots of other things it could do, “obviously.”
Spot whales?
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It may not be a flying pig, but the article does say that it has a "beam of 6.83 feet." I'm pretty sure that other fighters don't have "beams." |
“Advanced Trainer: Boulton Paul P. 108 completes initial tests with
Mercury engine. The way that the cockpit is faired into the forward radial
engine makes me think of the old Skua and Roc. I’m honestly not sure what else
to say about it.
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Higher performance than the Skua, too. (At least, the later, Merlin version.) |
Here and There
Transocean’s first flight carrying those 7000 British emigrants to
Canada, has left. Hordern-Richmond, makers of hydulignum, are under new
management. Edmund Hordern and the Duke of Richmond are out, and new management
is keen to use hydulignum [pdf] to make airscrews, helicopter rotors, and “various
tools and fixtures for the aircraft industry.” “Experiments are now being made
at Laguardia” in the highly scientific field of announcing aircraft trivia over
the loudspeakers for the amusement of passengers who want to year about “tyres,
capacities, speeds and other relevant facts.” Vickers Armstrong announced that
the Viceroy will now be called the Viscount. It will have an air range of 1700
miles, like the Viking, and cruise at 325mph, and be in service in 1950.
Helicopters have been spraying Gerasol powder, a DDT preparation, over fruit
orchards in Sweden for three days, recently. The “Reynolds Bombshell” will take
off on the next leg of its round-the-world flight very soon now. Unlike all the
other American light plane makers, Piper is doing well, and its export sales
are up.
He's selling ballpoint pens, which are a big (new) thing right now.

What kind of airscrews might they be attached to what kind of turbine? Today’s installment is mainly devoted to provisions for extremely fine pitch, needed when the airscrew is directly driven from the main compressor, and for windmilling (to brake a diving aircraft, as, for example, the Wyvern, while dive bombing), and reverse pitch, for short deck landings. Because control system failures might lead to the airscrew entering fine pitch at the wrong time and either overspeeding or overloading the engine, there have to be all sorts of “safety stops” in the system.
“617’s Atlantic Crossing” This was, we’re told, the first east-to-west
Atlantic crossing by a bomber squadron. So then this wet-behind the ears flyboy happens to say same to Chief, and
gets a lecture about “Balbos,” and a cross-examination about what he’s done to
those precious engines, anyway, as if I were the one beating Waikiki at twenty
pounds boost. . . . The Lincolns flew a 2000 nautical mile course at 165 knots
IAS at 8000 to 10,000ft. The squadron hoped for a mid-course navigational fix
from the weather ship on station, but it wasn’t on station due to appendicitis.
Fortunately, while a 400 to 500-mile navigational gap was expected mid-flight,
it proved to be only 250 miles due to good LORAN coverage, which, in fact, two
aircraft did not lose for the entire flight. The radio wave, she are a
tricksome beast. Two aircraft had problems with their radios, and were
navigated across by sextant from the astrodome, and made landfall within four
miles of the flight plan. It doesn’t look as though I’m going to get a chance
to meet up with “the Dambusters,” but now I am mad keen on it!
“Aircrew Selection: Sorting Wheat from Chaff in Candidate Aptitude
Tests” Between you, me and the wall, I am the wheat, I work with the wheat, and
if that’s wheat, I’m never eating bread again. Anyway, this is about how science has come to
the rescue with aptitude tests, including one with a science-box for testing
hand/eye coordination.
“Cocooning” An American method for protecting equipment by spraying it
with plastic resin to seal it up, airtight.
“Prelude to Glory” Flight is
exclusively publishing the first instalment of Group Captain Maurice Newnham’s
new book, Prelude to Glory, which is
about the formation and training of British airborne forces.
“Short Sealand Amphibian” The first prototype of Short’s new, small,
twin-engined amphibian is almost ready for test flying. In relatedly nautical
news, a Percival Proctor is being tried out on floats.
“Elstree Display and Air Show” Flight
gets out and about to another air show, this one sponsored by the United
Services Institution Flying Club.
“Weather Observer: First British ‘Met’ Ship” Thirteen weather ships
are planned, and the first British ship, O.W.S.
Weather Observer, a converted Flower-class corvette, is ready to go. The
article very briefly describes the meteorological instruments being carried,
and the arrangements for inflating and launching radiosondes. I can’t get much
of a sense of what’s so interesting about the instruments, except for a
reference to a “handheld anemometer.” The Flowers
are notorious rollers, and now I’m imagining trying to take weather
measurements in the middle of an Atlantic storm, and why a handheld instrument
is better for that. Air New Zealand carried 200,000 passengers last year.
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I suppose there's a perfectly good reason they didn't use a "Castle," but this seems a bit cruel. |
Civil Aviation News
BSAA’s first Tudor IV, which left London on 27 July, returned on the
29th after flying to the West Indies and back, 11,714 miles in 37 ½
hours, although it was unable to make a direct flight home from Bermuda, and
had to refuel in the Azores. BSAA hopes to operate three Tudor IVs, beginning in
British European Airways has acquired, under a 28-year lease, the ground floor and basement of Stafford Court in Kensington to serve as its new arrival and departure point for all passengers and freight flying in and out of London, replacing the Airways Terminal. The special bus service from London to Northolt will continue to be operated by the London Passenger Transport Board. Details about new pilots’ license exams, the helicopter license issued by CAB for passenger service, to Los Angeles Airways are shared.
“In the opinion of the New York banking world,” American airlines are not being run very efficiently, and government subsidies would just make that worse. Three paragraphs explain Swedish airline policy. Pan American Airways Clippers carried 4478 passengers from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Hawaii in June. Pilots are politely requested to stop jamming each other with weather requests, and just listen to the regular weather reports for the London area that are being specifically broadcast for them.
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So, fifty percent total hull losses? By RuthAS - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6024502 |
British European Airways has acquired, under a 28-year lease, the ground floor and basement of Stafford Court in Kensington to serve as its new arrival and departure point for all passengers and freight flying in and out of London, replacing the Airways Terminal. The special bus service from London to Northolt will continue to be operated by the London Passenger Transport Board. Details about new pilots’ license exams, the helicopter license issued by CAB for passenger service, to Los Angeles Airways are shared.
“In the opinion of the New York banking world,” American airlines are not being run very efficiently, and government subsidies would just make that worse. Three paragraphs explain Swedish airline policy. Pan American Airways Clippers carried 4478 passengers from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Hawaii in June. Pilots are politely requested to stop jamming each other with weather requests, and just listen to the regular weather reports for the London area that are being specifically broadcast for them.
R. J. Woodhams, of Air Service Training, says that foreigners are so
coming to England to take the Ministry of Civil Aviation examinations because
they’re so good. J. A. McD writes to point out that distance reading indicators
are also useful in automatic approaches. T. Neville Stack writes to point out
that if you want better control officers, you should hire ex-pilots, like him,
and pay them well. D. Follows, of BALPA, writes to clarify BALPA’s position on
flight refuelling. Flight still
thinks that they’re being wet hens.
“Articles Seven to Ten” Most of this is what the Earl said, eight
months ago, and The Economist, too.
But The Economist is also upset about
the non-discrimination clauses, which, in its mind, restrict the British from
extending sterling zone deals. Since there is no way that exports to America
can rise far enough to balance demand for American exports, third-party
international trade must increase; and preferential sterling credits are one
way to do that. So long as convertibility and non-discrimination means that,
for example, Brazil can take those credits, convert them into dollars, and buy
American instead, such arrangements are impossible, and the British economy
will collapse, taking world trade with it, and that would be bad. So the point
of all of this is that it is not enough for upcoming negotiations to relax convertibility;
the non-discrimination articles must go, too.
“Lancashire Looks Up” I have to warn you that
the average reader of The Economist will
probably need a resuscitating machine at the end of this article, which reads
as though it wandered out of Fortune.
“New Targets for Coal and Steel” The government’s new target is an
average weekly rate of 4 million tons, giving 210 million tons a year of coal,
a comfortable margin over the 200 million in the Economic Survey of February. The
Economist is skeptical that the production levels necessary to guarantee that
rate through the winter are going to be achieved. The miners’ concession of an
8 ½ day is not going to do it.
The Economist, 9 August 1947
“The Lash of Adversity” The new austerity measures introduced by the Government fall well short of what was expected. The petrol ration is cut by
one-third, not eliminated. Travel allowances are only cut, as are film
remittances; and instead of cutting the meat and bacon ration in half, some
items will be “up-pointed.” What happened? Well, the Government is frightened
by the prospect before the country, and wants to frighten the population, but
can’t bring itself to do anything too drastic, so it settles for minor cuts and
a new plan to increase agricultural production by 20%, mainly by increasing pay
and other incentives. The Economist thinks
that what is needed is a “disinflationary process” and “modest unemployment in
the next few months” to “restore flexibility to industry.” This sounds
“unprogressive,” and “reactionary” and “socially irresponsible,” but the
alternative would be mass unemployment due to the complete collapse of imports.
“Back to Partition” The British are fed up with Palestine in the wake
of the latest terrorist outrages. Should they just set a deadline and go, as in
India? No, because, unlike in India, there is no hope of avoiding war. Instead,
Mandate Palestine should be partitioned before
the English withdraw, with part becoming the new Jewish homeland, and the
rest folded into Syria or Transjordan, probably with some exchange of
population. Arab opinion might not like the idea, but Britain could guarantee
the frontiers of the expanded states, and, after all, they would gain new territory,
including possible on the Mediterranean coast. It’s not the best solution for
Jews, Palestinian Arabs, or the world, but it is the best solution for the
British taxpayer.

“A Question of Freedom” Communism is bad because freedom. I know you
think that I am a young man in a hurry and that I will see the flaws in
socialism as I get older, and that I am far too harsh on the old fogeys, and
all of that. But that is literally all this three page article is! Socialism is
like communism, and communism is what they have in Russia, which isn’t free,
which is a troubling thing about socialism. Gah! You would think that the
article would at least find space for the increasing economic coordination in eastern Europe under Soviet rule on the one hand, and falling agricultural exports, on the
other. But, no, those are left for a Note.
Notes of the Week
“Paris Begins Planning” The sixteen nation (Europeans and Americans)
economics summit in Paris is next month. Marshall will tell them what his Plan
is, and they will tell him what his Plan should be, and hopefully everything
will be sorted out. The Dutch and Belgians (and Luxembourg) have a “Benelux”
plan to make the European currencies stable and interconvertible with each
other and the dollar, although this would require the French and Italians to
deflate, which they think is impractical until after American aid begins to
flow. There is also talk of developing hydroelectric power and a common
European grid, for increasing vegetable oil production in the colonies, for
making the most of steel capacity, for increasing tractor production and for
the joint use of oil refineries.
“Party Politics and German Needs” The House of Commons debated Germany
last week. The Conservatives’ official position is that it is in bad shape
because of too much control and Planning and whatnot, which is so obviously
silly that Mr. Bevin had no problem “bowling down all of the Aunt Sallies.” The
problem is that the Yalta and Potsdam agreements partitioned Germany and cut
its steel production below the point where it could pay for its imports,
dooming it to either starvation or American aid, in lieu of further British
dollar expenditures that are not forthcoming.
“Shaef, Civilian or Military” If a new Supreme Headquarters, Allied
Expeditionary Force, is going to run the unified western zones of Germany, it
should probably have a civilian head, and Mr. Bevin’s proposal that General
Eisenhower should be brought over, and “gradually transition to civilian,” is
just muddle-headed. In a somewhat related bit, the British recently assured
Berliners that they were there to stay, even though Berlin is not going to be
the German capital again. This was a bit
of a mystery to me until I looked at a map and discovered that Berlin is
surrounded by the Russian occupation zone on all sides. So it is a bit strange
that the British, and also French and American garrisons are going to stay, but obviously reassuring
to Berliners!
The Economist then moves on to
some politics. Parliament is adjourning for the summer without having a “State
of the Nation” address, which is delayed until October. Adjournment was only
delayed as long as it was because the Government introduced the Supplies and
Services (National Powers) Bill, which The
Economist thinks was a wet firecracker, and who cares. International
politics has Egypt bringing up Sudan in the General Assembly, and the
Australians and Indians bringing up Indonesia. In the first case, The Economist harrumphs that Egypt has
no case, and that’s that. Indonesia is trickier, since the Dutch do not
have a veto, and can’t stop the General Assembly from putting its nose in and
demanding peace and “rights for Asiatics.” All very well, the Economist says, before implying that if you let the General
Assembly get away with imposing peace on people trying to oppress Asiatics,
next thing you know the Assembly will flex its new powers to force Australia to
admit Asiatic immigrants, and that’ll teach the Diggers! Fortunately, the Dutch
have occupied all of the bits of Java and Sumatra they want, so they
compromised and allowed American mediation.
“Mark of the Beast” The
Economist is horrified by the anti-Jewish demonstrations and attacks on
synagogues that followed the killing of the British sergeants in Palestine. It
is cautiously hopeful that the crimes will turn out to have been committed by agents provocateurs.
“The Severn Bridge” The recently approved Severn Bridge will be the
largest suspension bridge in Europe and the third largest in the world. The Economist admits that it is vital to
the development of South Wales, but thinks that it is too expensive and that
this is the wrong time for it, just as this is the wrong time for It’s not that
the paper is anti-development and progress, mind you. It’s just that it will probably
be built instead of other Ministry of
Transport projects that would be a good idea. (Until they are actually
announced, at which point I’m sure that they will turn out to be premature,
just like the forty-hour week and increasing the school-leaving age and
national health and Indian independence and expanding the universities and on
and on and on.
“Facts About Childbearing” The birth rate shows a decline from 22.8 in the March quarter to 22 in April-June. “Does this mark the end of that extraordinary boom in births which, ever since 1939, has confounded the prophets?” Is it because of demobilisation? I know that this is a burning question for James and Auntie Grace. I’ve seen their charts and graphs and the fancy slide rule work they use on their “algorithms.” I also know that, stripping away the maths, their theory is that the birth boom was due to “pent up demand” for babies as a result of the Depression, and I know that Britain is a problem for their theory, since the timing of the slump was so different. The Economist is convinced that it is all down to soldiers marrying their sweethearts before they go off to war, so it also puts the causes back in the past, although to a later period. Anyway, it thinks that if the “impetus” provided by all those marriages is “exhausted” during the forthcoming period of “economic difficulties,” there might be a “precipitate” fall in the population of workers at the very time when the number of pensioners reaches heights never before known, and that something should be done about this by making childbearing more attractive.
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Building the Severn Bridge, 1947. Look at the cute excavator! By Brian Gerald Gwyn Hobbs, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19174320 |
“Facts About Childbearing” The birth rate shows a decline from 22.8 in the March quarter to 22 in April-June. “Does this mark the end of that extraordinary boom in births which, ever since 1939, has confounded the prophets?” Is it because of demobilisation? I know that this is a burning question for James and Auntie Grace. I’ve seen their charts and graphs and the fancy slide rule work they use on their “algorithms.” I also know that, stripping away the maths, their theory is that the birth boom was due to “pent up demand” for babies as a result of the Depression, and I know that Britain is a problem for their theory, since the timing of the slump was so different. The Economist is convinced that it is all down to soldiers marrying their sweethearts before they go off to war, so it also puts the causes back in the past, although to a later period. Anyway, it thinks that if the “impetus” provided by all those marriages is “exhausted” during the forthcoming period of “economic difficulties,” there might be a “precipitate” fall in the population of workers at the very time when the number of pensioners reaches heights never before known, and that something should be done about this by making childbearing more attractive.
Because of this, it is interested to see that the first issue of Population Studies, the quarterly
journal of the Population Investigation Committee, has an article about this.
The article concludes that it is the cost of raising children that is depressing
the birth rate, which is, of course, the “pent up demand” theory, again. It
also points out that the costs bear especially heavily on the poor. That’s
interesting, because the point that keeps being made to me is that the poor are
always having babies, heedless of costs, and that is why the world is getting
ever more “dysgenic.” (Because the poor are poor because they are genetically
inferior.) This is interesting, and The
Economist (and Population Studies)
gets this close to James and Grace’s
conclusions before getting sidetracked into talking about how hard pregnancy is
for poor women, who must work and keep house while pregnant, and who don’t have
access to good medical care and pain relief. So more aspirin means more babies?
“The Farmer’s Share” Is an
interesting investigation into the change in farm incomes during the war.
Lannard writes that all the public outrage about damming Ennerdale to provide
water for the new Courtaulds factory can be put at ease. There is not enough
labour in the area for the Courtauld’s plant and for the proposed atomic energy factory at Drigg, so the Courtauld plant has been cancelled, and the dam won’t
go ahead. Norman Brentwood writes to correct Mr. G. E. Corra. In no way
whatsoever do the people of Somaliland and Eritrea want the Italians back, and
the idea of an Italian mandate for the areas is outrageous, although union with
Ethiopia is not out of the question.
From The Economist of 1847
“Mr. Macaulay's” defeat in the general election is good riddance to bad
The Economist thought that Jean Fournastie’s Equisse d’une Theorie
General de l’Evolution Economique Contemporaine was simply brilliant, and
that all economists should read it, especially since it is only 31 pages and
they can show off that they’ve read a French book. Christopher Hollis’ Rise and Fall of the Ex-Socialist Government
is about socialism being terrible. Hargreaves Parkinson’s The Hatch System is about an imaginary American stockpicker who has
flourished mightily, and how his “Hatch system” can work for you. I can hear
Uncle George laughing now. I just don’t understand how a book like this gets to
be reviewed in The Economist. There
is a short review of Ludwig von Mises’ PlannedChaos that uses the phrase “invincible ignorance” before getting really cruel. (Glad to know that there’s
at least a vestige of liberal leftism at The
“United States and the United Nations” The General Assembly’s
intervention was welcome, only problem is that now the
Uno has increased its budget request for next year by half, since it has
accomplished something.
“Taft on Foreign Policy” The Republican Party
is still “a long way from having a Presidential nominee in 1948” (Dewey), and
one of the steps along the way is for Taft, who is going to lose to Dewey, to be able to say that he has a foreign policy. Last week, he gave a speech in
Columbus about how New Dealers are sharpers, and Washington wastes too much
money and is always looking to start wars, and how foreigners are all deadbeats,
and that it is only the 80th Congress that has kept everything in
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Assorted Tafts having fun, so it is possible. |
“Spotlight Session” Taft might think that the
80th Congress did a great job, but not even other Republicans would
go that far. They all agree that unless the next session tackles the minimum
wage, social security benefits, low-cost housing and education, the only thing
anyone will follow is all the probes. And as far as that goes, Senator Brewster’s
sizzling story about how Howard Hughes got some starlets to “sell” Kaiser-Hughes airplanes has led to some hot times in Washington, as Julius
Krug puts in a denial, and it is suggested that Brewster is just pushing his
feud with TWA. Funny. I’m used to it being Uncle
Henry who ropes people into funny business. I would never have thought that
it would be Hughes leading him astray.
(I admit that it could have worked the other way, but it’s Hughes who has the
black book with the starlets’ numbers, unless there’s something about Uncle
Henry that I would never have guessed in a million years.)
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Definitely not Henry Kaiser country. |
“Steel Prices Up” British buyers trying to
get American steel need to take a second look as prices of this “basic
commodity” go up in response to wage increases, which may themselves go up due
to “reopening” clauses in many contracts.
“Mission to China” Chiang wants his financial
assistance renewed early. Marshall would probably prefer that that not happen
at all, but “at no time has there been any suggestion that the United States
would abandon the Nationalists in favour of Communist control.” However, the State Department doesn’t hate the
communists nearly enough for the Republicans, and with the GOP takeover of
1946, it is no surprise that General Wedemayer has been made the new emissary
to the Koumintang. The thought that the Nationalists might get $2.5 billion
when all is said and done has had the effect of bracing their anti-communism to
a fever pitch, and Wedemayer will only encourage that.
The World
“Brazil in Transition” Again some more!
(Inflation, high import costs, lack of transportation, declining food
production, lack of dollars; all of these are problems to be transitioned away
“Singapore Prepares to Vote” You will have
heard all about this at length from Uncle H. I know that I have.
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The Legislative Council, 1948. |
Business World
“The Cost of Convertibility” The statistics
are not good enough to show exactly how quickly the dollar drain is happening, because
of the way that convertible sterling balances are held, and that makes it even
more frightening. (So maybe the Earl was right to predict that the crisis would
come on the morning of the 16th. It did, and we just don’t know it

The cotton industry has met and exceeded the
labour recruitment targets of the Cotton Working Party. The loss of 4000
juvenile entrants to the school leaving age increase is to be met by “European
Volunteers” (not “displaced persons!”), mostly from Austria and the Baltic
countries. Mills have been improved beyond recognition, and are buying and
improving housing for their new workers. The Cotton Industry Research
Association thinks that per person productivity can be increased by 50%(!) by “redeploying”
it more scientifically, which makes up for the fact that it is going to take
forever and a day to replace all the machines with bright and shiny new ones. The Economist also expects brilliant
results from incentive pay. It is also astonished at the way that the industry
is producing improved cotton clothes, some with “the appearance and dignity of
pure silk,” including the new ventile fabrics and partially waterproof
impregnated materials. “So many obituaries have been written about Lancashire
cotton that it is encouraging to have this reminder that the industry can still
play a part in pioneer industrial development.”
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Ventile cycling suit. From segrasgra. |
Business Notes
“Market Reactions” explains why the stock market has recovered
slightly, even though The Economist says
it oughtn’t. “The Government’s Manpower Plans” describes how the Control ofEngagement Order puts some of the arrangements of the wartime Essential Work
Order back into effect. Overtime rules may undo the
effects of the 40-hour week in coal and cotton by the fall. There will also be
differential rations for the undermanned industries if rations are further

Less relevant (I think) notes cover the IMF’s dollar holdings, which
are an untapped source of, yes, dollars; the new cotton purchasing policy,
which has built up a surplus that the Government now intends to use up over the
next six months, with likely “interesting” results on world prices; the
increased railway charges, which now seem set to give the new Transport
Commission a surplus; and the latest word on the common European exchange plan.
Which seems to be the same story as earlier; the idea is a good one, but the “Benelux
countries” think that France and Italy must devalue, and they don’t want to do
that. Car exports are at record levels, although a comparison with monthly
averages from 1938 show just how severe the effects of steel and coal shortages
have been. The wool industry is recovering more slowly than cotton, and labour
is still well short of the 200,000 target set by the Wool Working Party, with
too much production going to the domestic market, although this cannot
continue, and the home consumer should take note now, before it is too late to
buy winter blankets. The IMF’s request for a ban on gold “operations” at
higher-than-market prices has not affected South African revenues. Cement
production is up, and so are prices, but this is good, because cement is
fundamental to everything, being used to build the factories that make the
exports that pay for the imports, and that is why it, and it alone, should be
guaranteed its full allocation of coal.
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Spreading the wealth of Fortune's Italy pictorial around. |
Flight, 14 August 1947

“Probing the Problem” The first International Air Congress since the
war is being held in Egypt this September. Flight
imagines that many interesting papers will be heard, and, in the mean time,
recommends that we read part II of Fairhurst’s paper and imagine that we are at
the International Air Congress, soaking up lectures about “all the major
problems which confront the aircraft technician at the present time.”
“Round the World Again” Captain Odom has flown a solo round-the-world
flight in the Reynolds Bombshell. It
took 73 hours, 5 minutes. Compared to Wiley Post’s 187-hour flight, Odom had a
better autopilot, and his engines didn’t work as much, so the only thing Odom
proved is that he’s not necessarily the man that Wiley Post was.
“Short-Distance Aids to Navigation” The Radiophysics Division of the Australian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has completed three
of an ultimate four VHF beacon-and-distance-measuring systems that together
provide polar coordinates with respect to Melbourne, Sydney and Yass, with up
to sixty tracks leading into each airport that pilots can fly without jamming
radios with range and bearing requests. The system also has automatic lock-on, which sounds very nice.
Here and There
In an article published in Fairchild Corporation’s house newsletter,
General Vandenberg revealed to the world that the Americans are working on
missiles, nuclear weapons, atomic power and supersonic aircraft. Now that’s news! In London, the American airattaché held a garden party to commemorate the 40th anniversary of theestablishment of the American Aeronautical Division. The Minister of Supply
says that the Brits exported £7,250,000 in aviation-related stuff in the last
three months, and that the estimate for the full year is £20,000,000. That includes
the Derwent and Nene licenses. The Brits
are turning HMS Venerable over to the
Dutch in return for the Karel Doorman,
which has been on loan to them since 1945. The Russians had their first
postwar air day last week, showing off six different jet fighters, including a
Yakovlev design, and a propeller type with jet boost assist. Trans-Australian
Airlines will soon allow passengers to send telegrams in flight. HMS Albatross, part of the invasion
flotilla, has been turned over to the South-Western Steam Navigation Company as
a floating hotel.
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The only surviving Yak-15. By Alan Wilson - Yakolev Yak-15 '37 yellow', CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26900126 |

“617’s American Tour” The Dambusters were in Washington for Air Force
Day, flew over New York, Baltimore and Boston among other cities, beat the
beaches of Atlantic City, and generally had a grand time.
L. G. Fairhurst, “Airscrews for Gas Turbines: Part II: Some
Outstanding Features of Specialised Design: Ancillary Equipment: The Self-contained
Airscrew” In the cockpit, all controls must be gated, covered and protected so
that they cannot be brushed or kicked, because accidentally changing the pitch
of an airscrew driven by 3500hp will make the blade, engine or plane explode,
just about. With all the power going into the blades, designers are looking at
new, high speed aerofoil sections, sweepback to retard compressibility effects
on the airscrew blade, and thinner sections, which is easier with turboprops
because they do not vibrate as much. An improvement in efficiency to 75% at
altitude is possible, and weight may go down to 0.16lb to 0.2lbs per bhp. It
has always been hard to arrange air intakes in the spinners, and this is
getting harder with higher speeds leading to greater icing. High power also
makes it difficult for a reduction gearing that gives a sufficiently low tip
speed at high powers to also give any power at all at low rpms, and so, at
last, designers have been brought to the complication of a two-speed reduction
gearing. Hollow steel blades are preferred because they can be electrically
de-iced from the inside. “Self contained” airscrews, with all of the necessary
gear for constant speed, reversing pump, synchroniser alternator and feathering
pump, may be the wave of the future, although there is not a lot of room in
there for hydraulic fluid reserves in case of leaks, and prototypes will have
to be evaluated before it is clear whether or not the complications are
warranted. Fairhurst ends by arguing with himself over whether it would be
better for a plant comprising of two turboprops to have each engine driving one
of a pair of counter-rotating airscrews via coaxial shafts, or driving the pair
together by gearing both to a common driveshaft. The former case is not
efficient, the latter requires quick-release clutches, as otherwise the failure of one engine would
immediately stall the other.
And there we stop, as we started, more or less in the middle of
everything. I wonder if this article had to be chopped up after a late decision
to publish Prelude to Glory by
installment? (It continues this week.)
“Dove Maintenance: Few Faults Discovered During One Year of Operation:
Remedies Already Effected or Suggested” This is Flight’s summary of the de Havilland bulletin. I can’t help but
think that a fault like “grease nipples on pin attaching main undercarriage
jack ram shaft to leg are too close to wing rib when retracted” doesn’t belong
in a bulletin so much as in an apology. It’s not as though the mechanics will
have failed to notice this, or be able to do anything about it now that de
Havilland has told them! Or that there is very much to say about the fact that
the silver nitrocellulose coating on the windshield crazes in sunlight. “Oh,
sorry about not being able to see out through the sunscreen! Our goof!” A short
bit following relates that Captain Odom’s worst moment during his round the
world flight came over the Bay of Bengal, where monsoon weather led to
turbulence so bad that his desk chair went flying into the autopilot,
disconnecting it.
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Sunburn? Because of the crazing? |
“Design and Psychology: Relationship of Cockpit and Instrument Representationto Human Error and Safety” this is fascinating: Wright let some psychologists
loose on cockpit arrangements, and a Flight
staffer then read it. Some very interesting results concerning what kind of
instrument was most easily read, how accurately pilots reach for controls
without looking (they tend to reach short), and one researcher discovers that
pressures are much more accurately estimated at high loads than small. (So a
2lbs pressure is missed by 20%, a 20Lb pressure by 5%.)
Civil Aviation
Southend Airport has officially opened, and the Institute of Transport
now has a club house at Portland Place. R. Abraham is to succeed G. S. Dunnett
as Under-Secretary (Air). BEA has no pilot vacancies, and any future vacancies
will be announced in the press, so pilots are asked to stop applying. Aer
Lingus is expanding, although perhaps not hiring pilots. A picture of the new
Ilyushin 12 transport decorates the page.
The Australian Civil Aviation Department is considering replacing Dubbo Airport with Narromine, because “Narromine” is a sillier name than “Dubbo.” Also, something about fog. The Tudor VII (the experimental Tudor I with Hercules engines) visited London. It was hoped that the Hercules would cure the Tudor VII’s problems with swing by virtue of its symmetrical thrust line (a fancy way of saying that the engine is round). This did not happen, and as far as A. V. Roe is concerned, the Tudor doesn’t have any more swing than any other tail wheel aircraft, British Airways be hanged. The Hercules Tudor costs a little more and has 700lb less payload, as the Hercules installation weighs 200lb more, but it might have fuel economy at height, has better takeoff performance, and is quieter. In BSAA’s Tudor IV trials, fuel consumption was 0.985 nautical miles per gallon at 41% METO power while flying at a full load of 80,000lbs (32 passengers and lots of fuel). The takeoff run was 1150 yards and the landing 1000 yards. The Azores landing isn’t explained.
The Australian Civil Aviation Department is considering replacing Dubbo Airport with Narromine, because “Narromine” is a sillier name than “Dubbo.” Also, something about fog. The Tudor VII (the experimental Tudor I with Hercules engines) visited London. It was hoped that the Hercules would cure the Tudor VII’s problems with swing by virtue of its symmetrical thrust line (a fancy way of saying that the engine is round). This did not happen, and as far as A. V. Roe is concerned, the Tudor doesn’t have any more swing than any other tail wheel aircraft, British Airways be hanged. The Hercules Tudor costs a little more and has 700lb less payload, as the Hercules installation weighs 200lb more, but it might have fuel economy at height, has better takeoff performance, and is quieter. In BSAA’s Tudor IV trials, fuel consumption was 0.985 nautical miles per gallon at 41% METO power while flying at a full load of 80,000lbs (32 passengers and lots of fuel). The takeoff run was 1150 yards and the landing 1000 yards. The Azores landing isn’t explained.
E. Morrison has opinions about the way that the ATC is being BUNGLED.
Air Commodore Whittle writes to point out that it was the English, and not the
Americans, who invented coolant injection for thrust boosting jets. Ammonia had
a particularly sensational result, at least in low humidity, but injecting unburnt fuel into the exhaust jets (where it burns) is thought to be a better
way of boosting thrust. “One Time A.2” thinks that the specification for the
new elementary trainer is being BUNGLED. (It is to be tandem rather than dual.)
“May be the Answer” Frank Tichenor reads a letter from a reader, whose wife is going to make him stop flying, because it isn’t safe. He thinks that planes should be safer. So does Frank. How will we get that safety plane? I don’t know, says Frank. Maybe the government should do something. “At Last:” Frank has been fighting for a Department of Defence ever since the sainted Billy Mitchell told him it was a good idea. Now, if only it becomes an “airworthy” reality, because everything is better when it is airworthy.
Saunders went to the same Eisenhower testimony that Newsweek covered, but is getting into
print a month later. He does have some new news from the testimony, though,
such as a tussle between the Air Force and Congress over whether cutting its
gas budget will cut into training. The Army also had to intervene to make sure
that it wasn’t given too much money at the expense of the Navy and Air Force,
and word is that while the legislation only guarantees the Marines’ right to
exist, the Cavalry and the Coast Artillery are looking for the same protection.
Because why have five services (two of which do the same thing), when you can
have seven? I’ll back this as long as they make the Cavalry ride real horses. I still can’t believe that
a self-respecting horse would let a ninny like Patton ride it, but I guess I’m
overestimating horses, because I’m sure not underestimating George!
Lawrence LeKashman, Radio Editor, “Electronic Avigation to date” In
the two years since the war, it has become clear that military radars offer
little to solve the problem of navigation, contrary to the promises that the
public and Congress were sold on by “overly enthusiastic publicity.” LORAN,
Gee, and the new American VHF omni-directional radio ranges and associated
Distance Measuring Equipment are the wave of the future. GCA and ILS will
complement each other at American airports, and the new Bendix Airport Surveillance System will fully incorporate GCA. Most of the rest of the page is
straight out of a Bendix brochure, but way down at the bottom, LeKashman
remembers that Bendix isn’t paying for advertising, and starts talking about
collision avoidance radars, including the APS-10 General Electric, APS-45 being
installed in Navy R5Ds, and the “Hughes-TWA instrument,” which doesn’t have a
service designation yet, bAero Digest, I hope LeKashman
becomes an editor at The Economist. His
say-nothing word clouds are a joy to read compared to that monster.
ut is available commercially. IFFs would be good, and
private pilots should have radio licenses. In conclusion, “It can be said that
1947 is a year of persistent and systematic approach to recognised problems,
leading continuously to a well-integrated and scientifically-advanced system of
air communication and navigation which will be uniform all over the world.”
Aero Digest, August 1947
It’s the “Airports Issue!” So unless we’ve discovered a way of
investing in airports, a lot of this is going to be pretty quick to breeze
through. I mean, I know I shouldn’t say that, because I do remember Uncle Henry
spending a few minutes on a scheme to make money off airports at the end of the
war, and maybe there’s something there, especially with all the sheep ranches
we’re trying to flog off. On the other hand, I don’t think so.
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Now we know what Frank Tichenor looked like. Not at all the magnificent Colonel Blimp I imagined from his Roosevelt-hatin' editorials. In fact, he looks, and sounds, a bit depressed. |
“May be the Answer” Frank Tichenor reads a letter from a reader, whose wife is going to make him stop flying, because it isn’t safe. He thinks that planes should be safer. So does Frank. How will we get that safety plane? I don’t know, says Frank. Maybe the government should do something. “At Last:” Frank has been fighting for a Department of Defence ever since the sainted Billy Mitchell told him it was a good idea. Now, if only it becomes an “airworthy” reality, because everything is better when it is airworthy.
“The Airport Programme Muddle” A billion dollars is to be appropriated
to build airports, but because of BUNGLING, it hasn’t all ben appropriated, or
allocated, or is being spent wrong, or something. To be honest, I kind of tuned
out. There’s charts, later, though!
Guest Editorial
Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, “Every Airport Counts” General
Vandenberg seems to owe Frank a favour in the form of words. They’re about how,
if a war happens somewhere, somehow, an airport around there would be very
helpful. So if “airborne, air transported or underseas forces” get a foothold
in one place, it sure would be nice to have an airport near it. In the last
war, the air forces used airports a lot. There were 200 in Normandy. They were
used to drop 3682 tons of bombs! There were 2000 B-29 sorties against Japanese
airports in Kyushu. Air commerce requires 2550 new airports in America! Then
the last half of the page is filled with the General’s service biography,
because, frankly, the favour wasn’t that big.
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The fact that Hoyt has a similar guest editorial in the Fairchild company monthly makes me think that the fix might be in. Or that I'm extra-cynical today, thanks to learning that the reason that he has the same name as the Senator is that he's the Senator's nephew. Meritocracy, everybody! |
Herman B. Byer, Assistant Chief, Employment and Occupation Branch,
Bureau of Labour statistics, U. S. Dept. of Labour “Jobs and the Airport
Programme” The airport programme is small enough that it will only use 10,000
construction workers, leaving the rest free for important things, like making
sure that ex-Pvt Jones can move his wife and his two kids out of his Mother’s
attic before everybody goes crazy.
In aviation events, the first ever Air Force Day was last month, Ilinois
is building the most new airports, air passenger traffic is up, and various
organisations are renamed or have moved addresses.
Information with
Richard E. Saunders

Then there’s a bunch of stuff about the law and airports, advertising
and airports, a “case study” of the Tulsa, Oklahoma municipal airport, the
planning of airline hangars, and the design of asphalt surfaces(!)
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Actually vaguely interesting with the Interstates coming up. |

Engineering with
Alexander Klemin
Alex asked some friends, “What about helicopters and airports? What do
you think about that?” Here’s what they said! First, a “helicopter airport”
shouldn’t be called an “airport,” because then the Government will get
involved, with all its rules about airports. H. M. Henion, of Airways
Engineering Consultants, thinks that it should be called an “airdock.” Robert
Playfair, of Skyways, calls it a “roofport.” Others like “helidrome,”
“copterport,” “heliport.” Did you know that I haven’t had a single engineering
course on smashing two words together? It’s true! All of Alex’s friends think
that there should be a helicopter-watchamacallit near airports. Ben Stern, of
the CAA, is the killjoy who says, “Not too close.” Although Henion thinks
that helicopters shouldn’t be allowed within the traffic pattern, since they
don’t know exactly where they’re going yet. Most of his friends agree that
helicopters can land on roofs, and should, as long as there are rules about
things like gas tanks on the roof, as otherwise the helicopter pilots will be
torn limb from limb by roaming bands of insurance agents. Two of them like
water landings and floating rafts. One of those
thinks that helicopters should follow the river to get through the city
during fogs.
J. P. Chawla, “The Helicopter in Air Transport” Chawla admits that
existing helicopters are pretty useless for this, and describes what a
helicopter that would be useful for transport would look like; bigger and
hopefully faster and longer ranged, and especially, fast enough to still be
going forward into the wind, which is
not something you can take for granted, just yet.
“All Weather Approach Lighting” Westinghouse’s system is described,
probably by Westinghouse, there's no author. For investing
purposes, I should probably say that it involves lots of very bright lights.
Hangar Hints includes hints
like “Fast Fueling Increases Business,” but also describes a neat trick by
TWA’s Kansas City base that accommodated a CAA change order for the
Constellation’s rudder tab control by attaching a “right angled gearbox” to
change the crank’s operation to horizontal, thereby saving days of work on the
original, time consuming replacement installation order and getting the Connies
back in the air and earning their $5000/day. Now that’s engineering!
M. V. Engelbach, Hangar Field Engineering, the Ruberoid Company, “The
Ruberoid Hangar Plans” Despite the name, Ruberoid makes asbestos cement board,
with which you can line lumber walls and make convenient, fire resistant
hangars at a fraction of the cost of the big name steel structures.
C. A. Petry, Superintentedant of Telecommunications, UAL, and Sigurd
A. Solly, Executive Sales Enmgineer, Dictaphone Corporation, “UAL Records
‘Verbal’ Orders” Dictaphone has put Dictaphones into United’s dispatch
offices. It’s a good and useful idea.
It’s just a bit goofy seeing it presented as this huge breakthrough, complete
with a map of United’s national network of
“Evolving a New Speed Record” Poor Aero
Digest is last to the party with its coverage of the P-80 speed record,
too. It’s got a nice bit about the automatic cameras used to document the
speed record.
What’s Going Up?
The B-50 prototype; the Cosmic
Wind; the Allison “400” high thrust jet engine; the Flottorp “Strato-prop;”
Solar Aircraft’s sheet metal rockets; the new Fairchild navy trainer; the
Seabee, which has entered the Forest Service; the Swift, which Texas Engineering has bought from Globe Aircraft, so that it can resume production;
The Air France sleeper Atlantic Constellation; the Fokker Promotor; Goodyear’s
crosswind landing gear, being tried out on its GA-2 three place amphibian.
Takeoffs and Turns
A Kollsman periscope sextant and Princeton University’s new supersonicwind tunnel are the only ones that are new to me.
There's a lot more at the linked blog post. |
New Books
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No wonder the publisher's depressed. |
Fortune, August 1947
“How Many Sheep in Ohio?” (1,423,000, if you can’t wait for an answer)
Fortune doesn’t like tariffs in
general, and the one on wool is particularly stupid. American woolgrowers
earned $126 million in sales in 1946, which is $10 million less than the
revenue from the wool tariff. The American wool industry is “pipsqueak,” and
can’t possibly compete with Australia and New Zealand, yet the tariff persists,
and will be joined by ones on “sugars, fats and oils, and cotton textiles” if
Congress gives way. Fortune scolds
Republicans for supporting tariffs, and the wool tariff in particular, and
notes that Senator Taft supports the tariff, on general principle, he implies,
even though Ohio was the country’s eighth largest wool producer.
“Dollar Diplomacy” Communists and critics of America’s interventions
in Latin America say “dollar diplomacy” like it’s a bad thing, which it
sometimes is, but not in Europe! America needs to give dollars to Europe, and
even if Marshall is leaving it to the Paris Conference to decide how much, at
first pass it is obviously enough to make up the current trade deficit. However,
giving that money might allow some good “dollar diplomacy.” Besides money,
besides food, Europe needs coal, and that is because the Ruhr is producing at
one third of capacity. Why is that? Because the mines are not being efficiently
run, because they are being run by the government, and that is bad. Nationalisation
is bad. Socialism is bad. Planning is bad. Only the free market is good! So,
obviously, an American businessman should be put in charge of the Ruhr coal
administration to teach those silly Europeans good management practices, and
the mines should all be sold off to private interests as soon as possible. But
Europeans, even anti-communist Europeans, are suspiciously pink, with their
Monnet Plans and their planning. Whereas what they should be doing is dropping tariff
barriers (has Fortune mentioned yet
that tariffs are bad? Because they are!) and forming a European Commonwealth of
Nations of freedom and free trade. That would scare the Russians, because in
spite of all their talk of internationalism, they are actually the most
nationalist of all.
Telling foreigners to privatise is always good advice!
“All That Glitters” Talk that the price of gold will soon be up to
$40/oz, and that producers are stockpiling gold against a price increase; and
the IMF’s blast against black-market gold transactions has led to two ideas
gaining ground. The first is that “the American dollar has gone to pot.” The
second is that America should open up a free gold market to find out “what the
dollar is really worth.” This is silly, because the American treasury
establishes a floor on gold at $35/oz. The premium in Switzerland works out to
$4, and is being paid because many parts of the world are being ravaged by
inflation. If there were a free market in gold, the Treasury would have to stop
buying (or buy and sell at $35, which wouldn’t really be a free market at all),
and the price of gold would collapse, which is precisely what those buying gold
don’t want. Instead, Fortune thinks that the U.S. should
start coining gold again. The gold standard is not coming back, because there
is not enough gold in the world to back its money, and no-one wants massive
deflation. (Do they?) But being able to convert money into gold coins might
scratch some itches.
“Horse Sense About D.P.s” At the recent national convention of Catholic
war veterans, a North Dakota delegate, reading the Stratton Bill calling for
admitting 400,000 European DPs in four years, said that North Dakota was
willing and happy to take 100,000 of them. Other states are in the same
situation. Fortune tells a story
about a Canadian who migrated to Maine to illustrate the important point that
not all immigrants are fiends from Hell, and DPs from eastern Europe are
particularly attractive, because they are fleeing communism. America should let
them all in, Fortune thinks.
“The Industry Capitalism Forgot” So far in 1947, in spite of
unprecedented demand, homebuilding is showing no appreciable gain over 1946, except
in house prices. From January to May, 300,000 new permanent homes were
finished, and 280,000 begun. In the same months during 1946, 276,000 were
started, but the improvement is strictly a revision of the numbers released by
the Government –a statistical correction. This means that building is halfway
between the Depression low and the peak of the Twenties, when industrial output
was half what it is now. Housing needs to be at double this level to have any
chance of meeting national demand.
That demand is defined here, by the way, as for a home suitable to the
modal American family income of $2750/year, or $230/month, which can afford a
$7000 home, or to rent at $60/month. This “cals for a solid, decent, and,
inevitably, somewhat standardised shelter. With that market this article deals.”
This pattern of rising prices and stagnant production also appeared
after WWI, and lasted until about 1923, when housing construction began to boom
through 1929.
What’s the problem? Homebuilding is “feudal,” not “capitalistic,” and
those feudal people can’t do anything! Literally: construction workers are
organised like old time guilds in the Middle Ages, and some Belgian professor
named Pirenne says that medieval guilds were very inefficient. So, obviously,
the thing to do is to get rid of all the things that are like guilds in
construction, as then free enterprise can take over.
At this point, if you remember the last article on this subject, you
can probably write this one. The fellows who are “getting rid of the guilds”
are the same hero as last time, that Levitt guy on Long Island,. and also the Byrne organisation in Baltimore, which I don’t think
popped up last time. The Byrnes have been building in Central America and the
Caribbean for thirty years, and were involved in the Seabees during the war,
but building homes in America is a new departure. Their big thing seems to be
the construction base of operations, which they have refined into a mobile camp
of giant Quonset Huts. They would like to be at the lead of a similar
revolution in building homes, but modular homes are not ready for that, yet.
The Byrnes' twelve hundred house development at Harundale in 1947. While I'll take my "194Q" gloats when they're due, I'm going to make an exception for this bit: "Undertaken by the Burne Organisation, a construction giant whose leadership sought national dominance in the housing field by creating a 988 square foot residence for $6,750, the enterprise ended in financial disaster owing to escalating costs of transporting the steel-framed, prefabricated dwellings to the site --precisely the reason the Levitts had rejected this method." |
“General Aniline and Film” The largest Axis-owned firm seized by the Alien
Property Custodian –for the second time in forty years!--, from I. G. Farben,
is now up for sale. Though as the article explains, it was controversial that
it was German-owned back in 1941, when it was seized, because of the
complicated way that ownership was arranged through a Swiss subsidiary. Fortune goes on to describe the company’s
history during the war years, but also raises some eyebrows. The Presidency of
General Aniline’s subsidiary, General Dyestuff, was held by Louis Johnson, at
$50,000/year, Johnson was a director at Consolidated Vultee, and Consolidated
Vultee’s owner, financier Victor Emanuel, was on the board of General Aniline
appointed by the Custodian. Convenient! (Although I hear, not from Fortune, that Emanuel, a Roosevelt
supporter, cross some Taft buddies, which is why this might all be coming out
The dirty stuff aside, General Aniline isn’t doing as well as its
competition, and Fortune, and I guess
Wall Street, thinks that that is because it is in a false position due to being
up for sale back to private enterprise soon. Management can’t get that figured
“This is Italy” The Italian peace treaty means that it is time for Fortune to go to Italy, take gorgeous
pictures, and blame everything on communists and Mussolini.
Also, “Italy: East or West: Dollars and Trade are Pitted Against the
Biggest, Smartest Communist Party Outside Russia” Poverty and backwardness are
bad. Socialism is bad. Labour is bad. (Fortune
just thought that it’d throw that in there, because England is in Europe,
too.) Italy might go Communist. Send dollars. No-actually knows what is going
on in the Italian economy, since its government isn’t very effective.
For example, the lira is overvalued, for some wacky reason. (Italians
are wacky!) But send dollars anyway!
“Charlie Taft’s Big Chance” Charlie Taft is Robert Taft’s brother, but
can’t be half so bad, because he has a very saintly job currently as President
of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. There are many Tafts. You should think in your head about the fact
that one of them who is not Charlie (and so not the subject of this article in
any way) is running for the Republican nomination.
“American Export Lines” Fortune profiles
the big American shipping company that managed to make money last year. Just
like every other shipping company! I mean, how could you not? As Uncle George
says, no American shipping line has made money without cabotage since the
Nineteenth Century in normal conditions, and there’s no reason to expect
American Export to be the one that breaks the curse.
“The New Highway: Once a Rural Monopoly, It Finally is to go Where
Traffic Goes –Downtown: Connecticut’s Engineers Show the Way” America is going
to build $3 billion in highways through 1949, and intends to run many of them
through congested cities, a mostly novel step. The Ansonia-Derby-Shelton expressway is a “vertical bypass.” Previous proposals would have tried to
alleviate the unbearable agony of 20,000 vehicles per hour (at rush hour) trying
to pass over the two-lane bridge at the north end of the conglomerate community by diverting them
around town. This is the old “rural monopoly.” You build expressways on country
land, where it is cheap. However, using study methods developed in the railway
business, Connecticut’s highway department planners showed that this would not
solve the problem for most trips, which originate or end within the congested
area. The most cost efficient solution (in time saved per motorist) was an expressway
right through town.
This idea
probably isn’t as breathtakingly original as it sounds, because some of the
criticisms sound like they’ve been made before. For example, as more cars are
sold, the town might “wither away,” making the expressway useless. And there
might be “induced” traffic, as more road persuades more people to drive. These
kinds of criticisms are especially common from rural legislators, who would
like to keep their expressway monopoly, and the development and building that
comes with it. Connecticut’s engineers do not think that either is likely in
this case, and that the expressway will still be doing its job in 2047! They
are also sure that building it in the city will benefit far more people than a
rural expressway, and that this more than justifies the expense.
The question is whether town expressways are coming to the congested
parts of the town that you live in. How about an expressway right up Oak Street, to shorten the trip from the border? I suppose a few
mansions would have to be bulldozed, but that’s the price we pay for progress.
“Stalin’s Eldorado” Between the IMF warning and all of us noticing
that communism is bad, it’s time for Fortune
to visit the Kolyma region, where Stalin’s prisoners work his gold fields.
Moscow shipped $34 million in gold last year, second only to Canada and
Australia, and that’s a lot of machinery for the five year plan! Kolyma is a
horribly remote place. Practically unpopulated, at 7500 people in a 200,000
square mile region of tall mountains, rushing rivers, and lots of tundra, it
has been the destination of a fleet of steamers capable of bringing perhaps
400,000 to 500,000 into the region a year. Magadan, the capital city of the
region, now has a population of 70,000, and the population of the region is
500,000 at the summer peak of the mining
season; and would be more if the death rate among prisoners were not so
appallingly high. It gets worse, too. I was actually sick to my stomach at the
end of the article.
“Paducah on the Ohio: One Newspaper Town” Paducah is a regular Kentucky
town with only newspaper, and that warrants an article in Fortune for some reason.
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Fortune doesn' t usually do padding, but this reads like padding. |
“How to Have Your Own Foundation” Thanks to new tax rules, Foundations
have gone from things that only families who have hundreds of millions of
dollars can have, to things that families that have tens of millions of dollars
can have. Democracy!
“Sunburn, Poison Ivy and Seasickness” It is summer, and everyone is
getting sunburn, etc. There is a science angle, in that the Army and Navy researched
cures for all three in the war. Sunburn cost the nation 7 and a half million
workdays last year, and more science shows that it is not pigment (tanning)
that stops the ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn damage, but thickening of
the outer layer of skin incidental to tanning, so fair-skinned people are only
at risk because they are also thin-skinned. Hmm. Poison ivy and poison oak
afflict nature lovers who go out bare skinned and don’t look out for
three-leaved plants. They secrete an oily, non-volatile substance called
urushiol in their sap, and a single particle of urushiol, which is in every
part of the plant save for its pollen, is enough to cause violent dermatitis
hours later in those allergic, which most are. The article also discusses
preventatives and palliative treatments, none of which are guaranteed to work.
Then it goes on to seasickness, which, maybe, has been cured, sort of.
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The mistaken sun burn science is pretty interesting given America's relationship with melanin, just saying. By D. Gordon E. Robertson - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6958915 Gravol has come up around here before. |
Shorts and Faces
This week’s shorts start with Du Pont, which has had a good year despite
wage increases and holding the line on prices. Then it is time for ramie, a
plant textile imported from Haiti and Cuba that has been the next big thing for
a while now. Newport Industries, of Florida, is the latest to import it and
experiment with cotton/linen/ramie blends. Eugene Sisto Cervi is a Colorado
businessman, I think? And a Colorado booster! He’s trying to buy into steel, or
maybe newspapers, or temporary homes. Gene Schulmerich, President of SculmerichElectronics, Inc, is behind those new electric bells, which “strike” the chime
with nothing but electrons. He doesn’t like the idea of “electronic music,” so
he calls them “Carillonic,” and has even sold one of his carillonic bells to
Father Flanagan’s Boy’s Town. Paris is also worth a short, and so is detergent
maker Budge-Wood, recently bought out by part owner Sidney Wood and new
investor Morgan Wing. Finally, there is a short devoted to the stock
certificate logos of various companies, which are “certificated art.”
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