Dear Sir:
You'll pardon me if I'm not my usual, chatty self, as I've just had the news that Mr. Rank's problems (which I notice are not in today's press, but will turn up next time) are somehow our problems. Or, my problems! And I am to fly across the Atlantic as soon as class is out to go up to Marleybone and rescue the money that we only spent in the first place because of the silver opportunity? It's just so silly. I'm not even sure it's the money so much as the legal rights to your grandfather's "story" (As interpreted by S.R.)
I know you had nothing to do with this. I have it from my Dad, and even he is apologetic, so I can guess that my Mom is behind it, and the fact that it came out the day after we had our talk about me going back to Chicago for Christmas pretty much seals the deal. She was all on about how A. could stay at the house now that he was my fiancé and all, and it was all I could do to tell her that if she liked the man so much, she could marry him. (Except that she's so taken by the idea of having an admiral's grandson in the family that she probably would. I've tried to explain that he's a Texan, but he's learning to fake an "public school" accent with the best of them, and apparently that washes the Texan right off of you.)
I had so wanted to spend Christmas in Santa Clara with everyone, and now I get to spend it. . . Well, I can't fight my parents, so another holiday season down, another horrid flight across the Atlantic. I hve only one request from you, and it's a small thing. I don't want to fly British this time. Please, please, take an interest with whoever is arranging this, and see that I have a Pan Am booking, preferably a Constellation. I would talk to Uncle George, but then it would . . . Well, anyway, I'm looking to you to be my white knight in this, just as Mr. R. ended up being last year.
Yrs in desperation,
The Economist, 1 November 1947
“Cripps, Construction and Control” The
Economist has such a crush on
Stafford Cripps. He’s everything they love in a politician. He’s smart, he’s
“astringent,” he gives out a “cold douche,” which must be one of those places where English English means something
different from American English, and don’t you start! The details of the cold
shower (it must be) aren’t explained, and most of the leader is devoted to
making the point that it isn’t big enough (Dalton says that the dollar deficit
is £900 million, and that even with Cripps’ controls, it is only down to £250
million, and even that is conditional on the Geneva talks cutting the American
tariff. The Economist goes on about
how it cannot be more, since while harsher controls are possible from a dietary
point of view, people won’t respect them. Then it explains that the fact that
building lags when it is controlled, but surges ahead when it is not, shows
that controls might be counterproductive, and finally it goes into a
controversy about the capital programme. Cripps says that the construction
programme is to be cut by £200 million, and Professor Lionel Robbins says that
this is still far too high, and will starve exports, while Professor Jacob Viner says that it is far too low, and that America expanded all through the
Nineteenth Century in spite of an adverse balance of trade; but the The Economist all false-modestly says
that that was because the City of London was footing the bill, and that can’t
happen any more because obviously. (That’s code for, “I don’t know why, and The Economist doesn’t explain, so it
must be obvious.”) Anyway, it was awful ambitious of the British to think about
building homes for everybody before some day in the far future, so the cuts are
no big deal. Also, “the nation’s pretensions to a standard of living . . .
above its achievements must be cut down.”
“New Deal for Germany” The way things are in Germany isn’t working, so
it needs a “new deal,” except for the Soviet Occupation Zone, which can go
hang, because Communism.
“Local Financial Reform” I have suddenly discovered that I have a
headache which will last for exactly three pages.
“Patience --and Vodka” Roosevelt’s old Secretary of State, James Byrnes, whom I mainly know from listening to Grace go on about him and the
“Coloured Question” after a glass of wine, has been out of office for what, a
year, now? That wasn’t a lot of time to write Speaking Frankly, and, speaking frankly, it shows in some comments
to the effect that it would be good to have WWIII out and over with. The Economist finds that appalling, but
then down in the middle of the article quotes some old German about how
diplomacy is war carried on by other means, which is an awful thing to say.
The idea that The Economist takes
into this long review is that it’s kind of the opposite in wartime, and things
get back to normal in peacetime, and so all the trouble we’re having with the
Communists is just like the trouble we used to have with the Russians, because
the Communists are Russians,
surprise, surprise, so what’s needed is patience and good negotiation tactics,
and not “hustling,” of the kind Byrnes preferred.
Notes of the Week
If I have this right, this week, the House of Commons, which is half
the British parliament, the other half being all the lazy old rich men, held a scheduled round of debates on the Address that
the Government gives to set up the next session –which I think goes on for the
year? Or are there more than one Address in a year? If I understand it, Mr.
Cripps’ speech was part of the festivities, and so was a disappointing reply by
Churchill, and part of the Government’s new programme is a change in
Parliamentary procedures which has The
Economist quite upset about socialist tyranny, and which it also points out
will be hard to get through before the next election. I don’t propose to go
into any more detail, because it’s not news for us until it actually happens!
“Pump Priming in Germany” With everything else going on in Parliament,
the committees still have to grind on, and the Select Committee on Estimates
has a report out on the Control Commission for Germany that makes up an
“intelligent man’s guide to Germany.” The Committee is amazed, and so is The Economist, that there is still no
“branch for checking expenditure in Germany,” which is something when you
consider that the British taxpayer is paying out £80 million a year on running Germany,
and £60 million on the occupying force. The
Committee thinks that something needs to be done about “revising the German
price structure and fixing a uniform rate of exchange for the mark.’ This is
the last said about “pump priming,” which, as I understand it, is government
spending that gets private spending flowing, and is what Lord Keynes was always
calling for. The Economist doesn’t really explain what this pump priming might
be, so I am wondering if it is the Control Commission spending it mentioned, or
something that might result from currency reform. Your guess is as good as
mine, because instead it wants to talk about how there are not the wagons to
move Ruhr coal, so that 1.5 million tons must be left lying on the ground, and
that German agriculture can only provide 1000 calories to every German, so that
food aid from America is still vital, and is something to be born in mind when
we worry that the Germans are about to raise the Fourth Reich flag and get back
at it.
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Now for some historical American advertising, because the Fortune pictorial would be overwhelming if I put it all down at the bottom. |
“The Marshall and Molotov Plan” Is Marshall Plan aid to Germany
necessary to get the sixteen-nation European economy going again, or a Second
Munich, giving up on dismantling the German arms industry and leading to the
Fourth Reich, etc., etc. Opinion differs depending on whether you prefer
Marshal or Molotov.
“International Trade Agreement” The Trade Talks at Geneva have come to
an end, the delegates are very pleased with themselves, and if there is
“immediate” tariff relief it will lead to “immediate” dollar relief, and the
British delegation will be free to pat themselves on the back.

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Source |
“Mixing-up the Classes” The cuts to the housing programme aren’t
definitive, yet. The Economist is all
for scaling it back and moving a quarter million workers to the export
industries, and to the extent that they stick at being unemployed, who cares,
as the unemployed are all useless spivs, anyway. It would be best to complete
the 90,000 homes still under construction; what all of this is going to do for
the Government’s future utopia in which people of many classes live together in
new housing developments, no-one can say.
“Tumult in Kashmir” Old India was riddled through with “princely
states” that weren’t included in the plans to partition the country between
Muslim and Hindu-majority areas, with the rulers of those states (princes, I
guess? Princesses?) having the right to decide whether to join India or
Pakistan, which seems like it could get messy if it were actually allowed,
which I gather the Indians aren’t doing, anyway. The exception is the state of
Kashmir, which is between India and Pakistan, although sort of squeezed in
there, as it is up in the Himalayas. It has a Hindu ruler, but the majority of
Kashimirians are Muslims. The Maharajah of Kashmir has chosen to join India and
give up his title, because every time he has to type it fast, the “a”s end up
in the wrong place. Pakistan is not having this, India has flown in troops,
while Hazara tribesmen have entered it from the Northwest Frontier Province to
hold it for Pakistan. The Pakistanians are talking about invading, which will
lead to war, which will be tricky for the British officers who still command
both the Indian and Pakistanian armies. It seems likely that Kashmir will end
up being partitioned, just like Germany.
“Italy Tackles Inflation” The Italian government is taking steps to
ensure that banks won’t loan too much, even though many firms outside the
favoured automotive industry cannot find the money to pay their workers, and
the Left is very upset about things in general. Communists and trade unions are
also being bad and inflationary and Communistic in Germany and in Britain,
where wages are rising awfully.![]() |
HMS Superb, visiting Vancouver in 1955, photographed by Walter E. Frost. See also. And something that's not Wikipedia --actually, this might have to be a Technical Appendix. |
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The story is probably the enormous submarine and
ASW forces being run this winter by Home Fleet;
but that isn't a "recessional" story, so who cares?
“Service Strength” Lord Hall said this week that the Admiralty will
have to face the fact that the Fleet is never going to exceed 147,000 men, and
that it must be deployed with that limit in mind. The Home
Fleet must be reduced to a cruiser and four destroyers, is the upshot. It is
“disquieting” that the services haven’t been able to recruit their auxiliaries
up to strength. The Economist points
out that that doesn’t mean that the Communists should try anything, since the
country is swimming with veterans who can be called up, but it will eventually
be as important a problem as any.
“’Developing’ the Colonies” The Resources Development Bill is one of
the first proposed bills published for this session. It lays out plans for theEast African Peanut Scheme (“Groundnuts,” because if you say “peanuts,” you are admitting that you lost the Revolution). The Overseas Food Corporation will be
able to borrow up to £55 million to get its waving fields of east African
peanuts going. This raises the more general question of “development,” versus
development, since it is in line with British policy to confine African
development to agriculture and the industries that directly support it, and not
to support any industry that requires subsidies. Colonials, The Economist points out, might think
that they are being exploited in the short term, and will be left in the long
term facing low world food prices after the crisis ends, with no industry to
fall back on, and even if that isn’t the plan, it sure looks like it is!
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Speaking of Utopian schemes for Tanzanian agriculture, did you notice how hard it was to find good Mandarin oranges this season? Image: Orange vendor outside Dar es Salaam. Source. |
It used to be that The Economist
published letters from distinguished economists, but this week’s could all
have been written by my father, except one from “Refugee Worker,” who thinks
that if Jewish refugees from central Europe were allowed to immigrate to
Britain, they would blend in, assimilate and intermarry, which is definitely not what my father would say.
From The Economist of 1847 ![]() |
Speaking of one thing leading to another. . . |
The old-time Economist is
upset about the action of the Government last week that “for ever” destroys
confidence in the Bank Bill of 1844. I have no idea what any of this means, and
I certainly shan’t go too lunch with some old Jesuits to pick their brains about it, but I do
recognise all the familiar arguments. (The Bill has some restrictions about
something or other, and than there were problems in 1847, and the Government
relaxed them, and from now on until forever, no-one will believe that they
won’t do it again, and so all the good things the Bill accomplished have been
undone. It would be a pity to spoil my perfect understanding with any details!)
The World Overseas
“For and Against MacArthur” This is by “A Correspondent recently in
Japan,” and I have a feeling that he is a Hong Kong man, because he starts, for
some reason, with the latest Koumintang foul-up, which is not letting British
refrigerator ships up the river to Shanghai, and suggests that with this kind
of thing going on, it is no wonder that the army is all defecting to the
Communists, and that the Americans, because they are anxious about the Russians
in China, are “transferring their support” to Japan, and specifically to the Zaibatsu, which is how you say “Jews
who happen to be Japanese,” in
Taipan-English. Having managed to move the setting of his story all the way
from Shanghai to Japan, he moves on to point out that MacArthur has been doing
a pretty good job of running Japan, although he has been favouring American
over British interests, and has been “thrusting freedom” on the Japanese. That
is, they have a nice, democratic constitution, and will be soon left alone to
practice it, at which point the zaibatsu will take over and thrust their
tentacles of influence into the vacuum left in the Pacific by the American
retreat that will start very soon. Or possibly the Japanese will be motivated
by nationalist reaction to malnutrition and poverty once the American
occupation stops spending £80 million a year there, on food aid and pay for
American soldiers who give out gum and chocolate bars. Either way, things bode
ill, as they usually do, if you are “against MacArthur.”
There follows the next installment about “Socialist Strength in
Europe,” for which any interested party may apply for urgent updates from my
“No Headway in Indonesia” Sjahrir is in London, where he is receiving
various Dutch people unofficially or by accident, in his office as ex-Prime
Minister of
So like half the foreigners in London! Over in Holland, the Prime Minister
can’t shuffle the very conservative Dr. Jongemann out of the Colonial
department, but he can effectively replace him, which he seems to be doing, and
this might or might not lead to the “cat jumping,” if there is a “cat,” which
seems like a very clever way of saying that the Dutch might launch another
offensive, or might not.
American Survey
“Special Session” The Marshall Plan has swept through Congress, and
the President is so invigorated that he is trying to recover some wartime
powers to regulate prices, perhaps reintroduce rationing, and force the steel
industry to expand. There is also a discussion of the new restrictions on
commodity brokers which have Dad so upset.
“Low Prices for Shares” I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that
the price per share on the NYSE is at a historically low ratio of price to
earnings, even though a comparison of earnings on stocks (dividends) to bonds (interest)
is in favour of holding stocks. The
Economist speculates that this might be the market pricing in the slump to
come; or possibly a shortage of funds for equity investment due to a “badly
warped savings-investment mechanism.” The highly progressive income tax, it is
suggested, has sapped savings in the higher incomes, and these are
traditionally the funds that have bought equities. Dad says everyone always
says that, because it means that their taxes ought to go
down. His explanation is that it is taxes, but the problem is that all the rich people have stuffed so much money into savings that it's just not worth putting in any more, considering how little they can buy with their additional income.
One Hundred Years of the Dow Jones. Heh. Bet you thought that "trickle down" started with Art Laffer! |
American Notes
“New Monetary Controls” Marriner Eccles is very upset about the lack
of direction in national economic policy, and about the failure of the Federal
Reserve’s recent moves to check the expansion of money, or the influx of gold. The Economist doesn’t think that it will
have to go so far as deflation, and that means that perhaps some gentle
monetary controls will check the expansion as much as it needs to be expanded.
A briefer bit about the AFL and CIO’s new political stance (against
Taft-Hartley, not for communism, lukewarm on Wallace) leads into. . .
“How Red is My Movie?” This is The
Economist’s take on the Hollywood hearings. It thinks that the sight of one star after another going to the
chair to denounce long lists of alleged communists is “licensed slander on a
grand scale.” The idea that the industry should redeem itself for promoting
communist ideas –if it did, which The
Economist thinks is a ridiculous notion—by making a fixed quota of
anti-Communist movies is even more ridiculous. Of course, to my Dad and his
generation, it is much easier to promote communism in a movie than The Economist thinks, because pretty
much everything that has happened since 1890 is socialistic. It was a little disappointing that Mr. R. was up before the Committee, given what a Roosevelt man he is, but I guess that's how union bosses do things, these days.
“Construction Recovery” Since controls were abandoned and rent
regulations relaxed, the number of construction contacts have ballooned, and
this is why the economy is back in boom. It might be that the boom will soon
end, in which case –and we’re on about the presidential election, because
houses are boring. Unlike price/earning ratios.
The Business World
“Dollar Arithmetic” The question of how Britain comes to be spending
almost a billion pounds in dollars more than it is making is important enough
to discuss at exhausting length. Since I don’t want to ignore something
important, but I don’t want to be exhausted, either, here’s a clipping!
“Should Electricity be Taxed” I guess they don’t tax electricity in Britain? Meanwhile, the amount of electricity generated and sold is going up
and up, and this winter a record amount of load was shed, and to replace all
the generating capacity and build enough new will cost £150 million when the
total installed capital is only £750 million, so that’s a lot, and who knows
where the money is going to come from, and it is just going to get worse, and
maybe it is time to tax electricity I guess.
Business Notes
Bonds may be issued to finance the government that are gilt-edges for
patriots, there is talk that the Marshall Plan will force governments to tax
locally to make up for the plan which will have a deflationary effect and build
up funds for development. Some details of the Australian bank nationalisation
have been published, and gold mine fraud fusses fuss everyone. The
“Control of Engagements Order” still hasn’t scared up enough workers for
agriculture, coal, tinplate and textiles. There will be no coal soon at the
rate the miners are retiring, but textiles are doing worst, being short 100,000
workers. Speaking of! The Working Party on the textiles industry has released a
report on the light clothing industry, which employed 53,000 workers, one third
of them in London in firms employing less than 50 people (Ah! The “sweatshop
industry!”) It needs better tax allowances, better equipment maintenance,
improved design, greater attention to training, better accounting, the usual. It
should also have a Development Committee. The
Economist is sad that the Report didn’t have a productivity comparison with
1939 to show how far the sweatshops are from “full technical efficiency.”
Reggie will be very pleased to hear that ordering workers about isn’t
saving the “undermanned industries.” I will be very cross with him if he goes
off and starts waving a red flag at a Wallace rally in his Navy blues!
There’s also some financial news about changes in stock exchange
rules, the amount of money in circulation reaching a new high, the new influx
of gold into New York, and the new regime of “hard money” in Italy that will
set the country to right. I don’t know if news about disappointing profits at
the Finance Corporation (or some such) and the completion of the Montevideo
tramways sale counts as financial news or not. (Uruguay is taking advantage of
the dollar crunch to get a nice deal from the Atlas, Electric and General
Trust, which currently owns the capital city’s trams. Since the trams weren’t
making the trust any money, any way, it is a win for both sides, and now Atlas,
General and Electric might even start paying dividends!
Flight, 6 November 1947
“Parliamentary Preoccupations” The RAF can’t hire people for terrible
jobs. Flight has the bright idea of
making the jobs less terrible, but thinks that the Government’s attempts to
improve hiring by making the jobs less terrible are stupid. It made sense when
it came out of the typewriter!
“Defence Priorities” It’s good to cut the armed services right now,
but they shouldn’t cut anything that’s important, and the new Minister of
Defence likes boats too much.
“RAF per MCA” The Minister for Civil Aviation had to answer for the
RAF in the House of Bored Rich Guys because no-one else could tell a
centrifugal compressor from an axial impellor. Also, he said that the Americans
are getting ahead of us, by not saying it and just letting it hang out there,
just like we here at Flight like to
let the fact that he’s Jewish just sort of hang there in the air.
“Club Flying” I. Don’t. Care. No-one. Cares.
“A New British Radio Compass: Standardised for the RAF and Available
for Civil Aircraft” The GEC radio compass is “the first of its kind wholly
designed and manufactured in this country,” so even though it is old news, Flight will run an authorless article
about it that is completely not free
advertising for GEC and free copy for Flight.
It consists of a receiver, a loop aerial, sense aerial, twin control units,
and a dial with a 360-degree pointer that shows where the signal is coming
from. It has 21 valves (all of approved type!) and is “unit designed” into ten
units. Flight is impressed because
the loop is very small, and because you can tune it by turning a dial and not
by, say, hitting it with a hammer, which is hard to swing in a cockpit. Many
servos make sure that the loop, dial, and needle don’t just go any which way,
but, rather, point in the direction that the signal is coming from, which is
the coming thing in radio direction finding.
“For Safer Landing: new Anti-blowout Inner Tube by Goodyear” The
article bout how wonderful the GEC radiocompass could only go on for so long
without talking about how shiny and push-able its buttons are, so Flight put this one in about
extraordinary new progress in inner tubes to fill out a page. The revolutionary
innovations are Dual Seal, so-called because there is one tube inside another,
and a “special” valve, which is no doubt not yet approved, but also not a
“valve” like the “valves” in the last article, which are vacuum tubes. In
shorter news, BEA is experimenting with using a helicopter to carry the mail
from one place to another, because that is what you always do with a new ‘plane
that you can’t think of anything else for it to do. (I know how it feels from
that research job I did for my professor last fall. I spent a lot of time
carrying mail around, too, before I convinced him that I really could sit and
read a document for an hour without being distracted by boys, fashion or
Frankie Sinatra.)
“’Functional’ Trainer” Fairchild has a new all-metal primary trainer
which is very “functional.” That means that you can pull a lever to open the
cockpit and that when you pull up on the undercarriage lever, the wheels lift
up, instead of down, which would be confusing and lead to trainees being
killed, especially because they couldn’t find room to hit the cockpit with the
Cockpit-Opening Hammer, if it didn’t have a lever, instead. Also, it has a
“standardised naval instrument panel,” which is better for training.
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It has just been rejected by the USN, so Fairchild is trying to scare up business. |
In shorter news, the Russians say that Nikolai Novikov has flown more
miles than anyone, at 1,864,000 miles, while the British say that it is
actually Captain E. S. J. Adcock, who has flown the most miles (three million)
and that other BOAC pilots have more than two million. Croydon is to be for
chartered flights only from 1 November. Northrop’s YB-49 jet flying wing is
made of Nth Metal. (The official release says that it weights 88,100lbs empty
and more than 200,000 loaded.) Miss R. M. Sharpe has joined W. S. Shackleton,
Ltd, as a demonstration and ferry pilot.
Here and There
Boeing says that the wings of the XB-47 are designed to droop slightly
when the machine is on the ground, rising in the air so that it has the
“greatest wing flexibility ever designed into an aircraft of this size.”
Percival Prentices and Republic F-84s are now being delivered in quantity. The
Royal Observers Corps is having an observing exercise, a de Havilland Dove
recently flew to the source of the River Niger to make sure that it was where
someone else with planes (those damn French, I guess) said it was.
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The source of the Niger. |
The Air
Ministry has promised to crack down on low flying. ICAO is to have meetings in
Geneva in November on the exchange of commercial rights for international air
transport services. New Zealand has airplanes. For some reason it is still news
that helicopters spray DDT on insects and that planes like the Bristol
Freighter carry machinery to distant places. The first Canadian food parcels
sent by TCA were unloaded at Heathrow recently. Oh, for God’s sake, “Heathrow”
or “London,” make up your mind!
From CARE and not the kin in Canada, and also from the Telegraph |
“Private Flying: Reports of Whitney Straight and Masefield Committees
Published: Strong Recommendations for Government Support” Gah! Four pages of
“Looking to the East: Airports and Alighting Bases on the Empire
Routes to Singapore” Right now, BOAC flies Yorks to Karachi and Calcutta, and
between Colombo and Singapore; Hythe flying boats go via Bahrein, Karachi to
Singapore; and from there onwards to Sydney. Flying boats fly to Hong Kong, and
connect Singapore and Hong Kong. Lancastrians fly right through to Sydney, and
Haltons to Cairo. Some airports and alighting places are nicer than others.
“Miles Aircraft Statement” After almost three years of kiting going
back before VE Day (according to Uncle George, anyway),
Miles has made a statement about its financial difficulties. Mr. S. H. Hoog was
appointed director on 27 September. He says that the problem is recent,
involving aircraft sold this year at a loss, and that he is negotiating with
the principal creditors, Blackburn; Smiths; De La Rue Extrusions; and Sperry
Gyroscope Company, but the negotiations must remain confidential. The company
has stopped all payments effective 26 September for goods and services before
that date, and Mr. Hogg requests that creditors stop all action until he
reports in a month’s time.
Civil Aviation News
The lead article is about pilot’s salaries, which seem quite good,
except for being paid in foreign funny money. The House being back and ready to
talk about silly things, questions about the Tudor came up. The arrangements
for billing airlines for lighting up FIDO at Manston have been published. Most
flights controlled by towers at American airports are private. CAB is
suspending all unscheduled airlines that don’t pay their tariffs, even if they
comply with requirements otherwise. The new Zurich airport will have SBA
equipment for the Instrument Landing System and high intensity lighting.
Landings will begin there as soon as a runway is completed, next year, but the
terminal buildings will not be finished for another year after that. TWA is
transferring its staff from Cairo to Lydda Airport in Palestine, owing to the
cholera outbreak. Pan American will be twenty years old this week. A South
African interest is considering an airline connecting England, Palestine, South
Africa and America. Qantas has received its fourth Constellation. POAC will
have a London-Malta Dakota service from 26 October. An analysis of 3000 flying
accidents in the United States shows that 47% occurred during takeoffs, 20,7%
in flight, 12.7% while taxying.
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Zurich-Kloten in the 1950s |
“Aircraft and Airways: Outspoken Criticism in Commonwealth and Empire
Lecture: Precis of the third British Empire and Commonwealth Lecture to the
Royal Aeronautical Society by Mr. James T. Bain” Mr. Bain says that the postwar
interim aircraft are understandable, but commercially successful aircraft need
to be designed for the routes that they are going to fly, and redesigned
wartime specifications don’t get you there. The worst problems for airlines
were failures to maintain schedule; and the constant, embarrassing overweight
of new designs, all the more critical when paying passenger might be the
difference between turning a profit and making a loss. Speed is the most
important thing an airline has to offer, especially on the shorter routes that
have the most traffic. It also increases an aircraft’s profitability, since it
can make more flights, and reduces weather delays due to inaccurate forecasts. Faster
planes may even bring the day when reservations are no longer needed for
single-stage journeys. Speed also reduces operating costs, because it reduces
indirect costs like hangars by reducing the fleet size. Safety, which is almost
synonymous with regularity, since there could be no regularity without safety,
is a problem. Indifference to safety really has left the accident rate too
high, and the barrage of defensive statistics released by airlines just
convinces the flying public that the airlines have something to hide. Automatic
control is the way forward. Air travellers are increasingly irritated at
inconveniences such as having to pick up the ticket far ahead of time, the fuss
over loading and claiming baggage; service, connection, loading, weather and
mechanical delays; and cancelled flights and diversions. Traffic is increasing,
but could increase still more if all the empty seats attributed to these
irritations could be filled. From designers, Bain requests better cargo
compartments, a wider latitude with Centre of gravity, two cabin doors, fuel
and oil tanks that can be filled quickly, complete cabin air conditioning
powered externally. The North Star is an example of the kind of aircraft
airlines need. While it could not be designed to Trans-Canadian’s needs, it was
adaptable. For example, the Rolls Royce 620 power plant could be given automatic
cockpit controls, and the Hamilton Standard airscrews controlled by a single
lever. Provision has been made for hooking the autopilot up with aircraft
controls and the power plants. With the DC-4M, TCA can achieve 14 Atlantic
flights a week with six aircraft, and the engine is approaching 1000 hours
between overhauls. The airline is looking forward to the Avro jet airliner.
Or. . . Just saying. |
“Operation ‘New Horizons’” The Ontario Government still plans to fly
7000 British immigrants to the province. The first flight left Northolt in
August, carrying 40 passengers. Since, there have been four Skymaster flights a
week from Northolt, recently increased to 43 flights a month, some leaving from
Prestwick. “Nearly” four thousand will eat Christmas Dinner in Ontario. “All
but less than 1 percent” have jobs in Canada. Transocean Airlines has a fleet
of fourteen Skymasters and a modified, “luxury” B-17 for the service, and runs
a biweekly service from Oakland to Calcutta, Bangkok and Shanghai. On the
return flight, they carry cargo. They have also flown a hundred displaced
Polish girls to the Dionne Mills in Canada, and 8000 labourers from the United
States to Guam. The fact that these men had to be paid $800/month, including
transit time, to work in Guam shows the advantages of air over sea travel. They
have also done many other things, such as developmental flying at the Landing
Aids Experimental Station in Arcata, California. It does disappoint emigrants
that they are not flying in British or Canadian aircraft, but they get over it
when they are served steak and eggs at Shannon, and eggs and bacon at Gander. That just seems cruel.
L. Heather thinks that there shouldn’t be a female branch of the RAFVR
when there are more than enough men who want to be in the RAFVR, and
furthermore women have never invented one thing to do with airplanes, and there
should never have been women in the IATA. Or women, period. Captain David Brice replies to his
critics that flying boats really do have a basing problem. Airfields can be
built for 200-ton planes, if they are needed; we do not know if an artificial
flying boat base is even possible. E. P. Johnson, a former flying boat
enthusiast, writes to praise Captain Brice and publicly recant his support of
boats-that-fly. He goes on to discuss his experiences of ground handling of
flying boats; and pointing out that passengers do not like flying boats, and
they are slow, and that BOAC is getting ready to jettison them. Leonard Morgan,
Director and General Manager of Smiths Aircraft Instruments, Ltd. writes to
argue with “B-Licence Pilot” about the state of automatic control in Britain.
Everything’s fine, and the SEP is the only good autopilot on the market.
The Economist, 9 November 1947
The lead leader is about the Parliament Bill, and I just do not care.
“Who is for de Gaulle?” follows, and it is about the fuss that has blown up inFrance this week. Instead of reading some English paper, I curled up with the
French dailies in the reading room for a few hours, so I probably know more
about this now than The Economist’s entire
staff put together. (Unless they did the same thing, which they probably did,
so never mind, that’s just Ronnie’s swollen head, reminding you about how good
her French is.) Anyway, my excuse for talking to you about this on the phone
instead of here is that it’s not in The
Economist. How’s that?
“The New Poor Law” The National Assistance Bill is a big deal for
Labour, following on last year’s National Insurance Act. The Economist has concerns, but it is basically alright with the
“Criminal Justice” And this one is about the Criminal Justice Bill,
and again I do not care.
Notes of the Week
“By-elections: Portent or Warning?” The by-elections went badly for
Labour. This either predicts that they will be defeated in the general
election, or warns them to pull their socks up. Either way.
“Good News from the Mine” Again, Reggie will be smirking like the cat
in the cream as production is up beyond all expectations in Britain, the Ruhr and the Saar. German
production is high enough to allow for exports, and the British have broken
through the 4-million-ton target needed to keep Britain running, which means
British coal exports might be possible, and since American coal is only
available at ridiculous prices ranging from $21/ton for France to $23 for
Sweden, better, cheaper British coal would be good news all around. “Ion five
European countries, the impression is growing that it will be available soon.”
That is, by the spring, if British production can be held above 3 ¾ million
tons a week through the winter. Perhaps, and just perhaps, people will stop
calling for a return to the six-day week? Even more fantastic would be hitting
the Paris conference pledge of 6 million tons of exports by 1948, 21 million by
1950. “Mr. Bevin’s hands must be itching to hold the cards that this will give
Then there are bits about inflation and the franc (inflation is
everywhere, but more so in Latin countries), Irish trade and politics, and Parliament’s
actions to punish two MPs, Allighan and Walkden, who have been very naughty
“Whose Chores in Palestine” This note leads off three about Palestine.
The first makes it clear that the British will be withdrawing from their public
security chores as they prepare for final withdrawal from the Palestine Mandate
on 1 July 1948, and whoever takes it over might be tempted to turn “security”
into “civil war,” at least as I read it. The Palestinians aren’t ready, for the
Jews read my comments on civil war, and the Arab League has just tied itself in
knots over a confrontation between the Syrian government and a highland tribe
called the Druses, who might have been the spearhead of any action in Palestine
if the government in Damascus weren’t bound and determined to go a round with
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Tell Qeni (1803m), summit of the Jabal al-Druze. |
“Narrow Squeak on Basic” Mr. Boyd-Carpenter moved a private member’s
bill to bring back the basic petrol ration that very nearly passed in the
Commons because it had support from Labour, too. The Economist is all torn up about it because it hates Labour but
loves the end of the basic petrol ration because it is a pointless irritant
that saves a few dollars, so win, win and win! It is definitely bad news for the government.
There follows a bit about the Kashmir Crisis. It would deserve some
space if there was anything new to say since last week; but there isn’t,
because everything everyone expected to happen, is happening, and war is
getting closer, although The Economist
hopes there can be a plebiscite. Also in important notes that aren’t really
notes, Churchill gave an awful speech about Burma in the commons, and the
government gave a nice reply. The
Economist thinks that the real problem is that the British retreated too
fast in the face of Aung San’s private army, and that since it is “not
difficult to raise terrorist groups in Asiatic countries,” it is likely thatwe’ll see the same in Malaya. But we are seeing the same in Malaya, aren’t we?
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Officially, the Emergency starts next year. |
“Dane meets Dane” Crisis in Copenhagen! It has something to do with South Schleswig, which is the bit that
was in Germany, and might be back in Germany, which might be what people are
upset about?
Flensburg in 2012. Maybe we'd have less toxic politics if people didn't speak languages? |
More notes explain that Harold Wilson is in charge of handling red
tape for the export trade and making sure that whatever exporters want to
shovel out of Britain’s door, gets shovelled. No-one ever so bright and young
is in charge of the “revised” housing programme, but “continuity is the word.”
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. .. And you can already see exactly how we're going to get to the "unreliable British export" thing. |
“War Damage” On Monday the War Damage Committee writes cheques for
£100 million, the first batch of the “values payment,” in which people who had
property destroyed by enemy action will receive the prewar value plus 45%.
Another £70 million is being held back because the recipients cannot agree how
to divvy it up, and cost of works repair might ultimately add up to £60
million. The Economist finishes up
with one of its signature moves, in which it approves of the payments as the
right thing to do, and then explains why they were the wrong thing to do, when
you look at it the other way. (Inflation, I think?) In shorter notes, we hear
that the Scandinavians are talking about a customs union, that the Government
is glad that the shipping shortage means that it can still tolerate freedom of
movement, because skilled labour can’t leave the country when there are no
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RMS Caronia and an awful lot of Norwegian sky, 1956. By Oskar A. Johansen / Municipal Archives of Trondheim - Flickr: RMS Caronia (ca. 1956), CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28956693 |
J. R. Hicks writes about local financial reform, and R. W. Moon points
out that the real moral of the story of the “Should Electricity be Taxed?”
story is that utilities need better capital depreciation rules. W.
Koenigsberger[?] writes that future Jewish immigrants to England won’t assimilate,
because some lot who came over hundreds of years ago didn’t, stands to reason,
and also thinks that the correspondent doesn’t understand how anti-Semitism
From The Economist of 1847
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Jean Fourastie coined "trente ans glorieux."
Par JfourastiĂ© — Travail personnel,
CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46053629
Roy Harrod has Are These
Hardships Necessary? out. He says, “no,” and The Economist uses its review to explain why the answer is “yes.”
It likes the book, and takes the point that some of the “capital programme” is
more along the lines of last ditch maintenance of failing equipment than
investment in shiny new, productivity-enhancing machinery, but his main
argument is statistical, and the measurements are not as hopeful as Harrod
thinks. (Or so I write after looking up “metrological” in the dictionary. And
it has a translation! Glory be!) Ian Morrison’s biography of someone named
Major Seagrim is about a British officer who stayed behind in Burma to organise
guerilla resistance against the Japanese in the Karen Hill States. He was a
hero, and all those brave, but simple hill folk looked up to him and called him
“grandfather,” and then the Japanese caught him and shot him and it ought to be
a crime to make a man’s life such a boring clichĂ©! There’s a whole page of
Worthy Monographs: British Fuel and Power
Industries; Meet the Miner; and Money
and Banking: A First Course. Also worthy, but a very different kind of
book, is Jean Fourastie, “La civilisationde 1960,” one of the University Press of France’s enormous 1960 series. He is apparently too taken
with someone named Colin Clark, but otherwise The Economist likes his economics.
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Clark's model of an economy undergoing technological change. |
American Survey
“Loyalty in Technicolour” Because the House Committee on Un-American
Activities is investigating Hollywood, and Technicolour is a Hollywood term!
It’s a hilarious joke, you see. Unlike the hearings, although The Economist gets into the swing of
things by suggesting that this slow-motion express train crash is somehow
partly the fault of the mean things Mr. Gromyko says. (His “vituperation” “puts
pressure” on the “insanity.”) Of course, it isn’t just the HUAC or movies. It’s
the State Department’s decision not to hire anyone who shows “weak character”
in various ways, which, as Uncle George points out, just makes the obviously
“weak,” (he snorts as he says this) hide their activities even better, and
makes them even more vulnerable to blackmail. What if, he asks rhetorically,
someone who is “weak” of character is accused by one of his former lovers? A
man who has, say, entertained Henry Luce in the past? (At this point I begin to
think that Uncle George has stopped talking hypothetically. Though that doesn’t
meant that he isn’t taking some rumours he heard in some shady bower more
seriously than they’re worth. I assume the
lads gossip in “shady bowers.” They do everywhere else!)
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Henry Luce hitting on Chambers does explain some things, you have to admit. |
“CEA on Foreign Aid” The Committee of Economic Advisors has some
opinions about how industry should be “readjusted” for this brave new era of
saving the (capitalist) world with American money. Also, and I don’t know if
you’ve heard this, but there’s to be an election next year, and Senator Taft is
running for the Republican nomination, which means that he has opinions about
the Marshall Plan. About which I do not care.
“Bankers on Trial” The Justice Department is so convinced that
anti-trust action is a “panacea” for all that ails that it is making a move
against “concentration of power” on Wall Street. The Attorney General thinks that it is odd and suspicious that 90% of the $10 billion in new
securities registered by the SEC between 1934 and 1937 were by 5% of investment
houses. He wants to dismantle the IBA and is thinking about “price fixing”
action against, for example, Morgan Stanley and Drexel. Dad always says that everyone who has as much money as he does, is even more crooked, says the problem is that they'll be a bull in a china shop where everyone’s hidden the
china. There has also
been quite a substantial report from the President’s Committee on Civil
Liberties. It’s a long note about things that ought to be done, mainly to Mississippi, extended by some handwringing
about how if you let civil liberties get away from you, you will soon have
Communists and Fascists hiding behind the skirts of Lady Liberty. (That’s a
metaphor. Lady Liberty wears a chiton.) Actual shorter notes include a bit
about how the Chicago Exchange is ignoring the President’s request to be less speculative, and about Averell Harriman asking for an extension of export
control powers.
The World Overseas
“Burma Prepares for Socialism” Burma exported huge amounts of rice,
oil, lead, zinc and timber before the war, and hardly any of those exports have
come back since, for lack of capital expenditure. Since the country is going
socialist, restoring the Irrawaddy Fleet and the railways and so on will be up
to the Union Parliament. Rice must be the first focus, because it is the export
that can be revived with native Burmese technical resources, after which
mining, oil and perhaps timber can be tackled. Vast areas lie fallow while the
peasantry is largely displaced, a combination that seems easy to solve, the
problem being one of not alienating the moneylenders, who are often Indian, and
so have influence in Burma’s main market. The Burmese are confined enough, as
they don’t really care, the basis of the old export industries being British
interests, who the Burmese are just glad to see the back of, but when rice
comes back, the Burmese will have the money to revive the other industries on
their own terms. They hope.
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A log boom on the Irrawaddy. Source. Frankie singing "Road to Mandalay." |
“Control Through Reparations” Hungary owes Romania and Jugoslavia for reparations.
So much has been paid that the Hungarians needed Russian help, which is why the
Russians have so much of an interest in Hungarian concerns.
“Second Thoughts in Sweden” The Swedes are unpleasantly surprised at
just how bad the dollar crunch has become. It issued large trade credits to its
major partners after the end of the war, its own “Marshall Plan,” as it were,
and those kroner credits are running out with no sense that trade is coming
back into balance, especially after the British suspended convertibility,
although it might if coal started coming from Britain. As it is, the Swedes
have had to retrench and introduce import controls, and have taken up worrying
about the Russians.
The Business World
“Mr. Dalton’s Opportunity” The Chancellor has an opportunity to
restore the financial system in one move with the right emergency budget. The Economist explains how: with huge
increases on consumption taxes that hit the poor, and an “agreement” on wages
that hurts them more. This will save England and lead to a Conservative victory in the next election. So sad, to
be sure, but a real opportunity!
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Don't worry. Everything will be fine. |
“Is Cocoa Too Dear?” Britain buys cocoa from its colonies, who, since
they’re not getting very much out of the deal, appreciate being paid well for
cocoa. But is it too much? Cocoa is bought from peasant farmers by buyers, and
because there are no large plantations, the prices are not very stable. Violent
price changes cause social and economic strain, and the New York Futures market
is too narrow to prevent this. (I can explain why, since I asked my Dad to explain,
and he was very sweet and helpful and lucid and even digressed on the subject
of why this sort of thing made other
people anti-Semitic. He even said the solution was a Marketing Board, and
made me swear not to tell his friends that he’d gone socialist!) The issue is
that the industry is so de-centred that no-one is sure what is going on out on
the farm. Is it “swollen shoot” disease that is causing production to drop off,
or is the price of cocoa too low, or is it on the other hand too high, leading to
peasant farmers being reluctant to root out their diseased trees? And will
plantations come in and doom the peasant farmer?
Business Notes
“Before the Budget” For some reason, share prices are up ahead of a
crushingly austere budget. Perhaps because a real export drive with teeth would be “infinitely more disturbing
to equity share values” than the current drive-by-exhortation. Things could be
worse, they say, and that makes them good. I’m glad I read existentialists, or
that would make no sense at all!
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Ads in The Economist tend to lack pizazz, but this is wacky. |
Out of all the financial news that mainly follows, I want to single
out the implications of the Geneva talks for rubber, first. No tariffs on
American rubber imports is bad news for the American synthetic rubber industry,
good news for American drivers, good news for the British dollar account, and
bad news for “terrorists” fighting for Chinese rights in the jungles of Malaya,
unless they like getting bombed.
Second, there are further talks on the ad valorem tax on American film imports,
which is important to the Rank Organisation, which is important to my Christmas
plans! Third, France’s new £50 million credit is good news for Britain, since
the French will convert some of it into sterling to pay for sterling-area
imports, although the French would like to
pay for them with a tourism agreement, for which the British are not too keen,
because the more British tourists are persuaded to go to windswept
concentration camps on the Yorkshire coast, and the fewer to the Riviera, the
more dollars will be saved. Gold flowing in various directions is also news,
and, for a wonder, not all of it is going to America. Some is going to Sweden,
but none, any more, to Belgium.
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This is how it's done! |

“Britain’s Dollar Stocks” The amount of dollar-denominated securities
held by British residents is $58 million, not counting money smuggled out of
the country as thin gold plates pressed in the flying togs of couriers making
biweekly flights across the Atlantic. Some of those securities are “not readily
marketable,” meaning that it is not a good idea for the Treasury to buy them and
sell them in America, instead of gold. (The legal kind.)
Rising Costs of Shipbuilding” Costs are rising, and may be rising too
high. Orcades cost more than £6
million, and so must earn £300,000 a year to cover interest and depreciation,
although luckily it should be able to make four runs a year instead of three.
However, on the Clyde no order follows on the Caronia, and an empty birth tells the tale, for it cost £3.5
million, compared with £1.6 million for Mauretania,
before the war. Uncle George just snorts, pointing out that a new order will
not be in service before 1950, and that a twenty-five year career will take it
to 1975, and how likely is it that people will be taking boats to Australia,
four weeks each way, in 1975, when a London-Perth air trip will cruise at over
400mph and be two stops at the most. Uncle George is already looking at
non-scheduled airlines, which are the kind of sneaky and discrete businesses he
likes. That story about the workers being flown out to Guam was just his cup of
“United Steel Companies Expansion” They want to spend £3 million on a
new melting shop in Lincolnshire and new railway arrangements at another plant.
Their steel production, of 1,708,000 tons last year, is a record and up 6.2%.
Increased earnings are expected, and there has been a 4 ½% preferred share
issue. Finally, in “another day, another gold mine” story, the LSE has decided
that Ashanti-Obouasi was crooked, but there’s nothing that can be done about it
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The BBC reports on the closing of Port Talbot. |
Flight, 13 November 1947
“The Giants in a Fog” On 5 November, in the House of Zooters, Lord
Balfour asked the Minister of Civil Aviation whether the Government was getting
on with the Brabazon and Saunders-Roe Flying Building, and the Minister said
maybe, maybe not, what’s it to you? Flight
thinks that that is just as foggy as the weather, but the fact that the
Minister dodged into the fog to start with is not a good sign for super-giant
aer-eo-planes, as the British say.
“Engine-Off Landings” People say that the problem with helicopters is
that they crash if their engines fail. Well, they crash faster and worse than
airplanes without engines; A few months back, Flight published an article by Lt. Hosegood, which is a real name,
to the effect that that doesn’t have to happen, because the rotor keeps on
spinning for a while, and you have that while to get to the ground. Now it has
a paper from America by Mr. Fitzwilliams, which is also a real name, which says
the same, but uses less math, which makes it more convincing when it talks
about “cyclic and collective pitch control from glide approaches.”
“Jets and Carriers” The fact that the Supermarine Attacker has just
made a successful carrier landing is good news, Flight thinks, even though it is long past time for the Navy to
meet the aircraft designer half way with a carrier that is easier to land on.
Catapults that use the ship’s own power would be nice, and better arrestors,
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Instead of the sad old Attacker, let's look at the world's first steam catapult-equipped aircraft carrier, instead! |
“Meteors in Malaya” Mr. L. Bumstead (which is a real name) and Mr. H.
Gerrard took some Meteors down to Malaya so that the RAF could play with them
where it is warm and sunny. By the way, Gloster is keeping up the British “very
silly name” side, while Rolls-Royce is letting us down with a “Gerrard.” Much
fun was had, where the palm trees sway.
For the season.
Weird. A short bit says that a “hidden dump of arms has been brought
to light as the result of dropping 10,000 leaflets over the Kuala Lumpur area
of Malaya by RAF aircraft.” Who is dumping arms? Why are leaflets being
dropped? Must ask someone. Oh. Asked someone. Specifically, asked Mr.
Wong. Got an answer. Oh. In other “oh, my”
news, Short and Harland, which is the joint Short and Harland and Wolf venture,
is buying part of Short Brothers and letting the rest go into liquidation.
There’s lots of funny business talk, but I guess that means they’re selling the factory near London, which is on valuable real estate, and keeping the one in
Belfast, because what else are you going to do in Belfast?
“Attacker Lands
On” The first deck trials of the Supermarine Attacker, discussed in more
detail. It is a modified Attacker with a “long stroke” undercarriage and “lift
control,” in the form of wing spoilers. Previous jets, lacking propellers,
couldn’t control their rate of sink at low speeds. Spoilers do that, increasing
the range of safe approach speeds. The trials also ”demonstrated the fallacy of
the idea that a nosewheel undercarriage is essential for modern deck-landing
I’ve a feeling the boys around the NAS would have a good laugh at
that one! It does sound like something someone at Vickers-Supermarine would
say, if they were desperate for some sales. In shorter news, Farnborough hasn’t
found any proof that “supersonic sickness” (which is sickness from supersonic
vibrations from jet engines, which, comparing Merlins to turbines is just so stupid. KLM is sending another photo plane to Surinam to survey the
northern half of the colony. BEA has taken over the RAF facilities at Hamburg
airport. The RAF Regiment is recruiting many, many young Malays. That’s the
second strange mention of Malaya, I think I’ll call ---Never
Here and There
Flight makes fun of an
illiterate report that the new wind tunnel at the “Technical Institute in
California” will generate wind speeds of 3600mph. Mr. A. V. Cleaver, of theBritish Interplanetary Society will give a talk on interplanetary flight at the
Royal Aeronautical Society next week. It will be in the library, and the talk
will be given to the “Aircraft Recognition Society,” but it will be at the R
Ae. S. I bet these guys have even better haircuts than the Film Club! A. V. Roe
is going to show off a mockup of its Chinook axial-flow jet engine, the first
100% made-in-Canada jet engine. RAF Dakotas and Yorks continue to fly mercy
evacuation missions in India and Pakistan. A Bristol Freighter recently flew
ten passenger coaches from Melbourne to Launceston, Australia.
American Newsletter,
by “Kibitzer,” “Progress of Jet Bombers and Fighters: The New Beechcraft Twin-Quad;
Rocket Propulsion Research” The American press is full of irresponsible war
talk and “free-and-easy” revelations about new American jets, due to the
tension between publicity departments and secrecy. By this, “Kibitzer” means
that the swept-wing XB-47 bomber and XP—86 are in the news. The XB-47 has a
given range of 2000 miles, which means that its fuselage must be filled with
fuel, since the swept wings are too thin to hold much tankage, and the engines
stick out on struts for the same reason. Sweepback is 45 degrees, and since
I’ve been told that this makes centre of gravity very hard to maintain, I
should also mention that the front engines not only stick down, but out front,
to balance the wings. It can carry a 20,000lb bomb, that is, an atomic bomb,
and has a remote-control tail turret. With all this weight, it is no wonder
that there is room for 18!! JATO
rocket units. The undercarriage is the “bicycle” type again, because of the
thin wings. Only a picture of the XP-86 has been released, but the Air Force
hopes to win the speed record back from the Navy with it.
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Photo-editing seems to be acting up, but you still see most of the XP-86, so I'm keeping it.
For the season, II.
Then, “Kibitzer”
discusses the Beechcraft Model 34, a twin-engine type but with four Lycomings
driving the two propellers through extension shafts, allowing the engines to be
buried in the wings. A range of 1400 miles at a cruising speed of 180mph is
claimed. The engine installation sounds very elaborate for a Beechcraft plane
and a Lycoming engine! Further details of the Bell XS-1 rocket plane have been
released. It is heavier than expected, and so will land at an even higher speed
than 110mph. It was successfully launched from a B-29 bomb bay, which makes the
possibility of large bombers carrying their own fighters more plausible, and it
reached Mach 0.79 in tests, which is probably the machine’s limit due to
“aileron buzz.” “Kibitzer” points out that the -1 came before the -2, so it has
probably done its work, and will never achieve “supersonic” speeds, because
that is not what it was ever designed for. Finally, “Kibitzer” tells the tale
of a DC-4 on a California run, where a trainee pilot decided to activate the
control locks while flying over the Rockies. One thing led to another with the
plane going into a rapid climb, followed by one of those sliding turn-down
things, which ended with the plane in an inverted dive. The second pilot
managed to pull out into normal flight at 1000ft, and the curious trainee has
been fired. I'm just trying to imagine what happened in the passenger cabin!
We seem to have hit the pivot to video.
A short book review of H. Donovan Ward, The Other Battle discusses the Birmingham Small Arm Company’s battle
to produce Browning machine guns in World War II. It is such an exciting
subject (it probably involves jigs, gauges and
fixtures!) that the reviewer spends most of the review describing how the
chairman of the company brilliantly predicted WWII when the Air Ministry was
skeptical, etc., etc. (It turns out that everyone
predicted WWII except anyone who could do anything about it.)
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Four Browning Mk IIs in a Lancaster tail turret. By Kogo - Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3545754 |
“America’s Jets: Diverse Military Applications: Two, Four, Six and
Eight-Jet Bombers” The Americans have ordered scads of new jets. I wasn’t
looking forward to explaining, again, all the places the jet are stuck from one
plane to the next, and where they had to move the undercarriages to make room
for them, and what the wings looked like, and so on and so on, all over again.
But I don’t, because this is a “pictorial!” With lots of nice pictures! But
since Flight prints on cheap paper in
black and white, you can get ‘em better in Life.
“Engine-off Landings: First Thorough Examination of an Aspect of
Helicopter Flight Hitherto Somewhat Neglected” You can land helicopters with
stopped engines. It’s good to hear that you don’t have to die when a helicopter comes apart.
“Meeting in Italy” A British model aircraft club went to Italy!

Civil Aviation News
The American Civil Aeronautics Board is considering introducing a new
category of “Non-certificated indirect cargo carriers,” which would ship cargo
using aircraft that don’t belong to them. Air cargo brokers? Or do shipping
brokers have a more indirect role? I’m a little confused, and I’ve now used
“indirect” in two opposite ways. I guess the point is that the CAB is making it
easier for people to ship air cargo. It’s all so very private-club business
that I’m sending this along to Uncle George.
West African Airways is getting closer to existing, which is good
because they’ve ordered seven Doves, and de Havilland would like to have that
money. In other news, the French will soon have a national air traffic control
procedure, one third of visitors to Britain this year (350,000) will come by
air, and spend an estimated £20 million. Next year, the number is expected to
be 450,000, of whom 100,000 will be North American. The US Department of
Commerce thinks that Americans will spend $1.4 billion on foreign travel next
year. BOAC is upset that the Brabazon III (the turboprop airliner) [again with the Vickers Viscount] is slow in
coming, and needs a four-engined airliner to carry 32 passengers and their
luggage plus 2,750lbs of cargo, normally operating at 20,000ft and flying at
a cruising speed of 320mph, with a range
sufficient to cover a stage length of 1354 miles, meaning a still-air range of
2500 miles. Iraq is building an airport near Baghdad. American Overseas Airline
is building an “Airways House” at Frankfurt with 200 beds and an associated 400
room hotel. Barcelona Airport has completed a concrete runway and is building
another one, 3000ft. British Guiana Consolidated Goldfields is building an
airfield in the Guiana goldfields. The Hughes Hercules is still gigantic, and
can fly, a bit.
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This is obviously a clever comment on Howard Hughes' attention-seeking, and not random placement of some nice but irrelevant images. |
Robert Carling, “Casual Commentary: Interim Misunderstandings:
Charter-type Replacement Needed: Formula-Cheating: Why Not Jato” Carling, who
writes, Uncle George says, just like old “Indicator,” thinks that the criticism
of the interim types has been a bit much, considering that they are interim,
and the Americans have their own problems with prototypes and planes entering
service before they’re ready, and everyone is having trouble with
pressurisation. Carling thinks that the new ICAO safety regulations may kill
the small, charter twin type needed to replace the Dragon Rapide, unless people
“cheat” on the formula, with, for example, high lift devices, which would be a
good idea, and JATO rockets, which would be a good safety feature in the event
of engine failure, and while the passengers might be a little shocked by a
rocket going off a few feet from the seat of their pants, given what they’re
already putting up with from the pressurisation systems, they’d probably be
good sports about it. Unless JATO units are still unreliable, in which case
forget it.
“Inflatable Exposure Suit: Features of the British ‘Quilted’ Design”
These are suits for pilots, mainly carrier pilots, who have to ditch at sea.
They need to be waterproof, light, not too bulky, and highly visible. The last
part is easily fixed with some yellow paint (stylish!) but the rest is a bit of
a challenge for the best rubber-suit-tailors. Since the suit could flood and
drag the pilot down, it also must be easily removed, which it is, with “rip
strips.” The suits are not to be worn, but stowed on the airplane, so first you crash in the water, then you put on your suit, then you jump out?
“’B’ Licence Pilot” replies to the letter from the Director of Smiths
Aircraft Instruments, replying to his letter. He asks whether the SEP allows
fully automatic control of landing approaches, and whether it improves on the
A-12’s automatic shut off if there are gyro malfunctions. R. J. Woodhams describes
Air Service Training’s work building up a Spitfire repair service in France
that the French now use. R. G. Markham, of Bristol, writes that it is true, as
Robert Carling says, that “stacking” procedures will have to be greatly
improved before turbine airliners come in, as they are not nearly as fuel
efficient while stacked as internal combustion machines. However, turboprops can
be quite efficient, so this is not a good argument for continuing piston engine
developments, and there is nothing stopping pilots from letting the airfield
know that they must land now. There are good reasons for continuing to
improve piston engines, but improved time-between-maintenance is not one of
them. The Hercules is constantly increasing its time between overhauls.
Aero Digest, November 1947
For a wonder, Frank Tichenor managed to send Uncle George the right
issue. There’s even a note! (Uncle George didn’t open the envelope.) Mr.
Tichenor is very grateful to his old friend for his patronage through the
years, wants to offer Uncle George a lifetime subscription, and reminds him of Aero Digest’s exciting new weekly supplement,
“Letters to Airmen.” It’s in one of those prints that looks like handwriting.
Frank Tichenor is like my Dad, only drunk, obsessed with planes instead
of hogs, and a thousand times dumber. Wait. That’s not a title. Neither is, "I'm drunk all the time now, but it's my magazine." Here's my summary: “Roosevelt was bad. Give the Air Force all your
Nathaniel F. Silsbee, Managing Editor, “First With the Seeing Eye”
General Harold L. George and General Haywood Hansell have joined American
International Airways, which have bought APS-10s for their DC-4s. APS-10s are 123lb
simplifications of the 500lb Army/Navy APS-15. Major General Harold McClelland
was “largely responsible” for its development. It is a “poor man’s radar,” and
is useful mainly as a mapping radar, picking up major landforms on the cockpit
PPI, but it can also receive “pings” back from beacons. (That’s Reggie’s
jargon, not Silsbee’s. Silsbee says that this is “secondary radar.” Reggie says that it’s a goosed-up D/F.
It’s definitely not collision-avoidance
or good enough for automatic landings. The APS-42 [pdf], which will be available in
1948, will be closer.)
This is the perfect Aero Digest article:
Cheap publicity for some ex-USAAF hustlers running a shady airline with
second-hand equipment.
(Vice-Admiral) C. E. Rosendahl, “The Airship Belongs” People should spend
money on airships again.
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Admiral Rosendahl is trapped by his history, much in the same way that this Flight staffer looks trapped in a Vampire's microscopic cockpit. |
Ira F. Angstadt, Technical Editor, “The Industry Speaks –Plainly:
General Echols Sounded Keynote of Finletter Commission Testimony When He Said, ‘The
Time is Critical’” Reggie did this thing where he’d include the subtitle with
the title and then skip the article if it was dumb. Well, this is dumb. General
Echols is the president of some dumb ‘plane industry lobby group, and he says that Congress needs to spend
more money on ‘planes. Maybe it does. Probably it does. All the crazy people
overegging it doesn’t change the fact that Stalin is a dangerous man. But of course General Echolls says so!
Guest Editorial, by Earl F. Slick, “The
Airfreight Situation”
. . Earl F. Slick. What does the “F.” stand for? “Fast Talker?” Earl is a four-year USAAF veteran who has founded his own charter airline
in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Air freight is the best thing ever, and Congress should
spend lots of money to make it even better.
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. . . Slicks. Finding oil on the family homestead can lead to an interesting family. |
Information with
Richard E. Saunders
Are we on the verge of another war? Could be, if those commies get
ahead in Italy! But if they get ahead in France,
we should just pull out of most of Europe and “convert the rest into an
armed camp.” Maybe we should do that Marshall Plan thing. Maybe we should spend
all our money on ‘planes. We’re not spending enough money on ‘planes. But Senator
Taft says we’re spending enough money on ‘planes! Note: Washington Information does not actually contain any information, because no-one but grifters and General Echolls will talk to Aero Digest any more.
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Robert Kraemer's book, linked above, says that the Rocketdyne guys actually tested most of these exotic fuels at the LA Municipal Airport. It's zoned industrial, so it's fine to spray it with hydrofluoric acid. And, besides, they called the Fire Department to let them know when they tested! (And, yes, they mentioned the HFl part.) |
“Northrop Jet-Powered Flying Wing;” “North American Swept Wing Fighter”
Aero Digest’s version of the story
that’s appeared everywhere else, including Time.
No mention of the Boeing XB-47, though. This really is a sad magazine.
“Reaction-Powered Planes and Missiles” An unauthored article. How
curious! It’s about NACA Cleveland’s experiments with ramjet-powered unmanned drones.
“General Electric’s TG-180” If you haven’t seen the publicity brochure
for the TG-180, an underpowered axial turbojet with water injection and an after
burner, here it is!
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The J-35 in service. |
“Jets for the Fleet” The USN is working on the FD-1 Phantom. The
Fireball and Banshee are old news. Chance Vought came out with the XF6U-1Pirate last year. In spite of being made of something called Metallite (an
aluminum/balsam honeycomb), it wasn’t very impressive. Pilots like the
North American FJ-1. Grumman, originally working on a plane powered by four
Westinghouse 19XBs, have dumped that design in favour of one built around the
Nene, and later one with the Allison Model 400 (J33-23 or Navy J-40). The
British are working on the Goblin-powered Sea Vampire and a new Hawker jet fighter
with a single Nene.
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By Smudge 9000 from North Kent Coast, England - HAWKER SEA HAWK FGA.6 WV908, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18455155 |
Helicopter Engineering
with Alexander
This is probably the feature that left your son thinking that Frank
Tichenor was deliberately wasting our time. Dr. Klemin is an aviation pioneer, but
all he does in these columns is gas about his old buddies. In this one, he
talks about Laurence Le Page, who, you may recall, is the latest guy to say to
himself, “If the engines on the wings just rotated, you could turn a prop-plane
into a helicopter!” This feature could be
combined with the next one, Rotary Wing
World, which is a commercial for the Bell XR-12, the new United Helicopter
designs, and some stuff about a new helicopter landing platform in Los Angeles
for filming the Pilgrim Bowl[???].
“High Spots in High Flight” Aero
Digest sent a correspondent to an SAE symposium on high altitude flying, and
brings back short precis of talks by R. L. Linforth on air conditioning andpressurisation, A. A. Soderquist, on pressure sealing; Colonel E. J. Kendricks
on what the Air Force is up to; Colonel A. D. Tuttle on something called “comfortisation;”
Karl Martinez (of Boeing), on the
performance of electrical and radio equipment at 40,000ft, where the insulating
air gap is so much smaller; and another talk by Soderquist on lubrication.
“Flight Measurements by Television” Farnsworth Television is working
on television cameras that monitor the instruments installed in aircraft during
test flights. Which you’ve heard about.
What’s Up and What’s
Going Up

Takeoffs and Turns
United is installing radar altimeters in its planes; Coast and
Geodetic Survey has a subscription service for instrument approach and landing
charts; Mine Safety Appliances Co,. has a new monoxide and fire detector for
planes; Boeing now supports the underwing system for refuelling; Two
Consolidated Vultee engineers are combining to promote pneumatic systems;
Fairchild Instruments and Camera has a new universal pickup for “practically
any” type of industrial or aircraft instrument, using a magnetic couple between
instrument and pickup. Continental is buying the Hughes terrain-clearance radar,
and claims to be the first airline to install radios in all its planes. There
is air mail service to Japan now. GE has airport lighting equipment available,
ask for it by name. Work continues on seaplane and weather research.

“Billy Mitchell Skyway” A Skyway is a beacon-guided air route for
airliners. Number 17 should be named for General Mitchell, because he is an
aviation hero.
“Engine Overhaul Service Expands” Schneck Engine Overhaul and Supply
is expanding in the Chicago area! Get your primary mover overhauled the Schneck way!
Kelcy Kern, “Factory Control at a Glance” Kelcy has an index card that
you can fill out to control your factory at a glance.
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If you didn't follow that last link, Schneck Engine Overhaul was still around, and advertising, in 1984, long after Kern's dream of organising a factory with punch cards had given way to dreams of organising it with VisiCalc. |
There follows four more pages of those “feature” inserts: another book
club, a list of aviation patents, and another one on aviation equipment.
And we’re done.
Fortune, November 1947
Unlike past issues, there’s just a single leading article, so I’m
going to be American about it and call it an “Editorial.” It’s entitled, “Making
the Free Market Free,” and it’s kind of loosey-goosey, but not like The Economist. It starts out by
explaining why this whole issue is devoted to “American selling,” that is,
distribution and sales. Then it explains that salesmen are better than central
planning. Then it points out why, which is that the American economy is going great
guns. This is because, even with a Treasury surplus, there’s just so much pent
up demand. Since there are also shortages, much of this demand is in the form
of capital investment, which was at $29 billion last year, compared with $16
billion in 1929. This bears watching from the inflation stand point. For example,
people are mad at the steel industry for not investing in increased production,
but new steel plants take steel, so if they were built, there would be a worse
steel shortage right now, and more inflation. Another area where the market isn’t
free is in trusts and monopolies. Fortune
doesn’t like the Sherman Act, but it’s the best we’ve got. It also doesn’t
like the various Federal and state level laws that get in the way of
competition, like the various Fair Trade Acts. Looking
at the rest of the world, it is too bad that the IMF, which was supposed to
replace the gold standard, the British loan, which was supposed to set the sterling
area right, and the tariff talks, which were supposed to restore world trade,
weren’t enough. That means America has to step up with aid to save capitalism
in Europe, because starving people don’t care about free markets. Once that’s
done, the American salesman can go to the whole world, and not just the 48
See, The Economist? That’s
how you circle back to your point! That’s how an American does it.
“Mass Production Equals Mass Market” The state of the American market
in 1947 is pretty good. There are various ways of measuring how much money is out
there. For example, “Gross National Product” in 1947 has reached $225 billion, national income has reached
$199 billion, and total personal income was $177 billion in January, has
advanced to $192 billion, and will pass $200 billion sometime next year. This
is not the same as purchasing power in an age of “90 cent butter and $1-dollar
steaks,” and that is actually down 5% from 1946, although 60% higher than in
1929. There are, however, $70 billion sloshing around looking for things to buy
and vehicles for saving. It is now certain that this will continue into 1948,
when there might be, at worst, a brief recession. The postwar slump that was
expected to occur during reconversion did not happen due to the fact that so
many industrial sectors are simultaneously investing and expanding, which
reduces the impact of the normal business cycle. So soft goods took up the
slack in 1946, for example. Larger trends indicate continuing expansion. The
population is up 9% since 1940, compared with an increase of 7.5% over the
previous decade; the move from the country, and agriculture, which has been
going on since the Civil War, accelerated. The number of people on farms has
declined by 10%, from 30 to 27 million, since 1940, and the number of city
dwellers has risen 13%, to 84 million, while the suburbs have increased at
14.3% to 31 millions. Some areas, notably Florida and the District of Columbia,
have been growing more quickly than others, such as Texas. The birth rate,
which reached 21.5 per thousand in 1944, compared with 17.3 per thousand on
average during the 30s, has now risen to 26.2 in 1947. This guarantees new, “special
markets” in years to come, as well as “another boom in diaper services in 1970.”
The one concern on the horizon is inflation.
“The Ubiquitous Buick” Buick makes cars. It is down in the pack and
has relatively few dealerships, but has lively advertising, which makes it a
good subject for an entire issue about marketing. Not so much for a
correspondent assigned to detect the earliest signs of a new engineering
industry investment! An article about an advertising company called J. Walter
Thompson is even less interesting, although the next one, which is about
American advertising through the ages, has some very nice pictures of, well,
American advertising through the ages. Then there are articles about national
grocery chain, A&P, distributor Ely and Walker, Pepsi’s new president,
Walter Mack, and Bendix’s automatic clothes washer business. That’s a new
engineering product, well, not that new; but it is mainly about selling them,
and not new advances in the fields of keeping colours bright and whites white.
Some nice pictures, though. Finally, banker Paul Mazur asks whether “Distribution
Costs Enough.” If I get the gist of it, the idea is that perhaps national
distribution of mass produced goods is bad for the country. Well, guess what,
it isn’t! Instead, it helps alleviate the deficit of demand that led to the “economic
debacle of 1929—32” and its recurrence in 1937, and which will happen again.
Anyway, America is best, rah-rah-rah. Even our cakes are made in factories and
distributed nationally!
Shorts and Faces Today’s short bits
cover the Los Angeles car dealership impresario, “Madman” Muntz, who is
snapping up Kaiser-Frasier dealerships (because of course Uncle Henry. . .);
another outbreak of madness are the product giveaways on game shows. Everyone
who has an opinion thinks this is terrible, although they can’t agree on just
why. Businessmen (people) named Smith Davis, George A. Tinnerman, and Dorothy
Simpson, of Stanley Home Products, Maplewood, New Jersey, are good at sales! Einson-Freeman,
of New York, is a good advertising company. William Waters Schwab is president
of J. R. Woods, the largest wedding ring manufacturer in the country, and don’t
they have an interesting business, which I shall have to remember to mention to
my fiancé. Zareh Garabed Thomajon had an
advertisement for his haberdashery that is disguised as a column in Boston
newspapers that everyone likes because it is irreverent.
. . . And that’s it! When Fortune
writes about the engineering industry, it is the best magazine to read of
them all, because it is prettiest, and its editors tell the authors that they must
make sense. But when it decides to talk about grocery chains and washing
machine salesmen instead, what is there to say?
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I doubt anyone not in the industry cares, but does a loading dock off the street count as "automation taking our jobs?" |
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